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Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 4:42 pm
by Bluerose31
planewalker wrote:Be of good faith. Your Goddess is helping you day by day. What was done to you was horrible and long term. Had it been a badly broken leg Hecate would be putting the cast on on Yule and would still be giving it great care in the spring. Hurt and pain such as was given you takes time to be inflicted and takes as long or longer to heal straight and true. Take the time to heal straight and true. I don't think Hecate is impatient.
Thank you for your words Planewalker. I will give myself the time it takes to heal straight and true. I agree that Hecate is patient.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 8:14 am
by planewalker
I'm glad your back. I see you growing in confidence and peace within your spirit. It is not all Hecate's doing. Remember, you are the largest part of your own healing. You have had to make yourself ready for what Hecate supplies. It wouldn't work if either of you were absent. It is the combination of the individual and the divine that makes the magic.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 12:11 pm
by Bluerose31
planewalker wrote:I'm glad your back. I see you growing in confidence and peace within your spirit. It is not all Hecate's doing. Remember, you are the largest part of your own healing. You have had to make yourself ready for what Hecate supplies. It wouldn't work if either of you were absent. It is the combination of the individual and the divine that makes the magic.
I love what you said, that it is the combination of the individual and the divine that makes the magic. I fully agree.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 3:59 am
by planewalker
I am happy beyond words to see you healing straight and strong and true. Hecate gifted you with understanding of yourself along with healing this Yule. I can feel it. It even glows right from your words.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:14 pm
by Bluerose31
planewalker wrote:I am happy beyond words to see you healing straight and strong and true. Hecate gifted you with understanding of yourself along with healing this Yule. I can feel it. It even glows right from your words.
Thank you so much Planewalker, Hecate has been good to me. I love what you said, that she gifted me with understanding of myself along with healing this Yule. I believe it now :) I pray she continues to be with me.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:39 pm
by Bluerose31
Today it is beautiful outside. It is cold and lovely. I like cold weather and the chill in the air. I am bundled up in my room, on the computer. I am thinking about Hecate and her kindness toward me. I am thinking about how she says she will get me through this difficult time and that she is bringing me healing even if I don't sense it.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 3:13 pm
by planewalker
Heal straight and true in your own time and way. Take the time to understand the power within yourself. Let Hecate show you your strength. There is a calling awaiting you. It is just forming now. As you grow it shall increase. Sometimes my "voice" tells me things that I have always found true. It is speaking to me now and has a feminine echo that carries another voice that is in concert. I don't usually do this but it is a pressing need to write it that all may see that have eyes for it. I have to put it here that you will believe as well and that has an importance I don't understand, but is from the voice singing in concert but it's own song at the same time. Take the time to get to know your self better and you will open your true potential and be who you want to, and know you can, be. You already carry the answers you seek. Let your Goddess have the time to show you what you are looking for. Don't worry about the past. Build a future.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 1:09 pm
by Bluerose31
planewalker wrote:Heal straight and true in your own time and way. Take the time to understand the power within yourself. Let Hecate show you your strength. There is a calling awaiting you. It is just forming now. As you grow it shall increase. Sometimes my "voice" tells me things that I have always found true. It is speaking to me now and has a feminine echo that carries another voice that is in concert. I don't usually do this but it is a pressing need to write it that all may see that have eyes for it. I have to put it here that you will believe as well and that has an importance I don't understand, but is from the voice singing in concert but it's own song at the same time. Take the time to get to know your self better and you will open your true potential and be who you want to, and know you can, be. You already carry the answers you seek. Let your Goddess have the time to show you what you are looking for. Don't worry about the past. Build a future.
Thank you for these words Planewalker :) I feel my Goddess will help me build a future for myself. I will also try and trust my "voice" and let Hecate show me my strength.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 4:59 pm
by Bluerose31
Today it snowed. I was comforted by the quiet snow. It is beautiful outside. I am reminded of Hecate's seasons, winter and fall. I feel enveloped by her love in winter and fall. I know she loves me. I pray that Hecate protects my faith, which has experienced a lot of persecution. I pray that I will always have Hecate no matter what path I might take, that I may always be able to pray to her too.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 2:08 am
by planewalker
I think that Hecate is all wrapped up in the Isis - Ishtar - Hecate being aspects of the original Mother Goddesses and we in our human imperfection haven't been able to get our brains around the amazing totality of deity. I think she'll be here a very long time. She has been pronounced banished or dead by civilizations we hardly remember the name of and Hecate is still guiding people, as She always has.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 11:58 am
by Bluerose31
planewalker wrote:I think that Hecate is all wrapped up in the Isis - Ishtar - Hecate being aspects of the original Mother Goddesses and we in our human imperfection haven't been able to get our brains around the amazing totality of deity. I think she'll be here a very long time. She has been pronounced banished or dead by civilizations we hardly remember the name of and Hecate is still guiding people, as She always has.
Well said Planewalker :) I do think Hecate will be guiding people for a long time to come. I agree she is like Isis and Ishtar. Both beautiful Goddesses. I think in the future people will feel more comfort with the Goddess and other religions will recognize Her more.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:12 pm
by planewalker
A result to be hoped for. Religion could do with a little less macho and a lot more understanding and common decency.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:15 pm
by Bluerose31
planewalker wrote:A result to be hoped for. Religion could do with a little less macho and a lot more understanding and common decency.
I agree fully. I think one day the religions will merge with paganism. I think Christianity will one day merge with paganism.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 12:38 am
by planewalker
Thank you for the vote of confidence about the poetry. I've only been at it about 2 years. Two years ago to the day I was on the pshycic ward to save myself. 2 yrs Monday I found out I was also there to save a professional poet who was having some issues. Story of that's in Palatised Planewalker FBF put a bunch of my stuff together. She likes my stuff enough she wanted it one place. I think she was pushing me to do some new stuff too.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 1:38 pm
by Bluerose31
planewalker wrote:Thank you for the vote of confidence about the poetry. I've only been at it about 2 years. Two years ago to the day I was on the pshycic ward to save myself. 2 yrs Monday I found out I was also there to save a professional poet who was having some issues. Story of that's in Palatised Planewalker FBF put a bunch of my stuff together. She likes my stuff enough she wanted it one place. I think she was pushing me to do some new stuff too.
Your poem was lovely. I loved how you included the winter theme within it. I am glad that you healed from your time in the ward and learned that you had an interest in writing poetry. Poetry can be very healing.