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Re: The Bell

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 7:56 pm
by corvidus
Curious. Not sure if James Merrell wrote the Changing Light at Sandover in a loose variation of this form, but it has a similar tone and rhythm.

It could just be how the sentences run from line to line. Very nicely done.

Re: The Bell

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 8:52 pm
by Wricker Dreadtemper
Merrill sometimes wrote in iambic pentameter (including segments from the work you mentioned), both with and without rhyme. If memory serves, the metered rhyme from The Changing Light at Sandover was supposedly a channeling of Auden. Lol.

Thanks again.

The Other Side

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 10:44 am
by Wricker Dreadtemper
The Other Side

The Chariot of Helios
would balk before this maze
of chasms built too wide to cross
o'r channeled waterways!

And yet across a bridge of sighs
we struggle to and fro
beneath the ever-threatening skies
above the Threat below.

We mustn't fear to pay that price
to reach 'the other side',
in honor of the Sacrifice
of those who've tried and died.

-Wricker (5/8/2017)

Song of the Serial

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 7:56 am
by Wricker Dreadtemper
Song of the Serial

Seductively its rhythmic tones compel
the listener enchanted by its spell
to stay the course, despite the lyrics sung
both from the heart and from the depths of Hell.

Insanity impregnates words among
the ones bespoken by the devil's tongue,
encapsulating those 'with ears to hear'
the deeper message wisely left unsung.

The audible hallucinations clear
the non-existent conscience of the sheer
and unadulterated psychopath
who holds the note, the blade and unshed tear,

...bereft of empathy to feel the wrath
the song calls down upon his lonely path.

-Wricker (5/8/2017)

Author's Note: this poem was inspired by a song prompt suggested by H.S.

Re: Song of the Serial

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 10:17 pm
by nightshroud
That's beautiful.
Bravo, bravo!
*throws roses*

Re: Song of the Serial

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 6:37 am
by Wricker Dreadtemper
nightshroud wrote:...*throws roses*

Re: Song of the Serial

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 8:51 am
by Lord_of_Nightmares
Wow! This is... Really, really good.

Developing the Will of Humanity

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 9:43 am
by Wricker Dreadtemper
Developing the Will of Humanity

Dilated pupils, pull the darkroom blind.
Allow no foreign light's exposing rays
To bleed on or in any way to faze
The panoramic snapshots of the mind.
Develop, so as not to be outshined,
Like meteors across the predawn haze
Of all the fallacies of bygone days
Bathed in the black and white we left behind.

And as our modern film holds colorfast,
Hold on to every moment meant to last,
For life allows so few to fit that bill,
And fewer still with every one that 's passed.
The goal is not the album we all fill,
But that it's filled to our collective Will.


(5/11/2017, reformatted 5/20/2017)

Re: Song of the Serial

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 11:42 am
by Wricker Dreadtemper
Thanks, you two. B^)>

Re: Song of the Serial

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 9:46 pm
by planewalker
Calls out to the darkness in us all. A clarion call with trumpets and drums and cymbals.

Re: Song of the Serial

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 3:27 pm
by Wricker Dreadtemper
planewalker wrote:Calls out to the darkness in us all. A clarion call with trumpets and drums and cymbals.
As does the song on which it's based.

Lunar Limerence

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 10:53 am
by Wricker Dreadtemper
Lunar Limerence

The marbled iridescence of
your liquid blues and fertile greens
with swirling grey and white above
has taught to me what beauty means.

We dance around a common space
that's well within your radius;
I'm more attracted by your face
than you by one so craterous.

I pull the evanescent tides
that drench your shores and then recede,
to ply your coastal mountainsides
with cliffs of unrequited need.

I move in phases through your sky,
always internally aflame;
I wax and wane, and wonder why
you never seem to feel the same.

—Wricker (6/16/2017)

Re: Lunar Limerence

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 12:53 pm
by SnowCat
Very nice. I needed to read something calming today. Thank you.

Re: Lunar Limerence

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 5:39 pm
by Wricker Dreadtemper
SnowCat wrote:Very nice. I needed to read something calming today. Thank you.
Glad you enjoyed it, SC. In terms of poetic devices, personification is a bit of a departure for me.

Plaid #3

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 4:37 pm
by Firebird
Wricker words 2017