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Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 5:59 pm
by Nyx_Follower
I'm Bisexual. I am engaged to a man, but that fact still doesn't change I like both genders. Just like being Bisexual doesn't instantly make you not loyal or trustworthy. :flyingwitch:

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:34 pm
by dualhands
I am more attracted to women by far. The female body is just so beautiful.

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 9:22 pm
by Naudia Threng
I'm changing my previous answer to Transgender and confused-as-all-heck-sexual.

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:48 am
by Cats and Tea
I'm bisexual. Very few people know that. I don't care much for the term pansexual. I see the difference between pansexuality and bisexuality as pedantic and frankly, irrelevant. But I understand if that opinion is a little harsh.

It took me a long time to accept the label 'bisexual'. I assured myself that I was normal. That everybody had feelings towards both sexes, but I realized that my feelings towards both sexes was a bit more intense than most other people. I love men and I love women.

I've come across the term "androphilia" and I wonder if that term suits me more because I definitely appreciate masculinity in men and I am more often attracted to women who are tomboys rather than feminine. This doesn't mean that I don't find feminine women attractive; I'm just find tomboyish women to be more compelling.

Anyway, that's what I have to contribute.


Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:20 pm
by Silversong
I identify as heteroromantic, heterosexual. And yes, romantic orientation and sexual orientation are two different things.

However, I've begun to wonder in the last year if I'm technically defined as aromantic, or if I've just got rotten luck with the guys in my (tiny) town. I've never had anything I would describe as a "crush" on anyone, even celebrity crushes or crushes on fictional characters. I've never been attracted to anyone, and I can't even seriously describe guys as "cute" or "hot" or anything. I can identify what makes a female physically beautiful, but I truly don't believe I'm lesbian or bi - there's no physical attraction, I can just identify what makes a female considered physically beautiful (possibly because I'm female myself so I have more experience with it firsthand) whereas I can't even wrap my head around the concept of a male being called "cute" or "hot" or even "handsome" within my own head.

I know what makes a guy unattractive to me, but nothing really attracts me to a guy (or a girl, for that matter) physically. I guess it also ties into how you define "aromantic" - I've seen it defined as "not feeling romantic love," or as "not needing romantic love." If it's the latter, then I definitely would not object to being called aromantic. I've been in exactly one romantic relationship, and I did feel some degree of romantic love toward him, and yes, it filled a spot in my heart and made me happier than I'd ever been. But when it was gone, there was no empty spot. I suppose it's there, but I just don't notice it. It's like I know it's there when it's full, and I notice it, but when it's empty, I just skip over it and there's no sense of emptiness or loss.

When we broke up, it was because he'd become interested in another girl (to his credit, he was honest about it and didn't take the coward's way out and ask her before breaking up with me, and then didn't immediately come back and beg me to take him back), and I cried, but as I finished crying I breathed and did meditation to stop crying and untangle my feelings, and then ran inventory on my emotions, flipping through them carefully, every one. I said to myself, "He broke up with me." No real emotional reaction - kind of an "okay, I guess I'm a little sad, but whatever" from my heart. Then I said, "She's going to hurt him," and I started crying again. I realized I was crying because I was scared he was going to get hurt, not because I was upset over us breaking up. (For the record, she refused him and came to me immediately when she realized why we'd broken up and basically apologized profusely and begged me not to hate her.

I think I literally laughed in her face - not meanly, it was just amusing to me. I told her to calm down and relax, I wasn't going to blame her for his actions because it's not like she was leading him on, that if I was going to hate anyone and be mad at anyone, it was him, and I wasn't mad at him. She was incredibly grateful. I still smile in amusement thinking about it.)

Anyway... point being, even in the minutes after we broke up, I wasn't apparently all that upset about it, when I actually untangled my emotions enough to take inventory on them. So... I'm not really sure whether or not I should define myself as aromantic, asexual, or both, but current definition stands as heteroromantic, heterosexual.

What orientation are you?

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:59 pm
by brighluff
Pansexual panromantic agender :D

I'm dating a genderfluid male whom I love VERY much. NOTE: dating a male doesn't make me any less pansexual. :) I'm super happy in my relationship and it's been a long ride getting here. It's always hard figuring out who you are, but it just takes time. Always go with how YOU feel.

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 3:36 am
by raewood
I am bisexual and I married a man.
That being said I am still very much bi, and I am faithful to my marriage.
My husband and I agree... boobs rock.
Also I have seriously dated women, before I met my husband.

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:57 am
by hailmary
I am demisexual, though sometimes I look into asexual. It is kind of hard to decided when you are chaste. I do occasionally get attracted to random photos of men, but /in real life/ I am not really attractive to anyone until I get to know them. I have been attracted to both men and women in the past but the feelings are usually short and die off fast.

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:56 am
by evil ed
I started out heterosexual, but as I get older, I'm becoming age-induced neuter! :shock:
Don't really care- I love my wife, and she loves me! smiley_dance

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 5:27 pm
by SnowCat
evil ed wrote:I started out heterosexual, but as I get older, I'm becoming age-induced neuter! :shock:
Don't really care- I love my wife, and she loves me! smiley_dance
I can relate to that!


Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 2:38 am
by EtherealMoonRose
Straight and happily married to a wonderful man :) but also a supporter of the LGBT community.

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:18 pm
by Kangee
I'm gay, I realised I was gay when I was 15 before that I didn't find anyone attractive. I went out with a girl during college but only to hide my sexuallity.

I came out when I was 18 to all my family and they were mostly very accepting even my grandparents were supportive.

I have only had 2 serious relationships and many non serious ones. My current relationship is going very strong been with my partner for nearly 4 years now.

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 1:38 pm
by Moonshine
Am I getting old or why don't I know all these labels you are using for yourself? :anxious: :D

I cannot tell you what I am.
When I was younger I had relationships with other girls, but I found out
for myself that this was more sexual attraction than love. To me, a special kind of female body
is more attractive than any male body could be, but the male body doesn't really attract me anyway.
And to make it even more complicated, I am faithfully married to a man, who I love from head to toe.
Don't know how you would label that. :D

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 2:41 pm
by Newbiewitch94
Im a gay man and I've known I was since I was 13 I've been in one serious relationship which ended up with me getting abused physically mentally and emotionally. I've been in several non serious ones too

Re: What orientation are you?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 10:48 pm
by Mickey P
Lesbian. Never been romantically interested in men.