getting started (help)

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getting started (help)

Post by snowbunny_babie »

how do you get started in the art of wicca and things in relation? im really new to this but i would like to learn at least some basic guidelines.
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Re: getting started (help)

Post by SpiritTalker »

This old Q was never replied to. So, better late than ignored IMO.

Some guidelines ...

Honor the Lady and the Lord of Nature
. The Wiccan Rede long form & Charge of the Goddess are guidelines for practice; the Legend of the Descent of the Goddess is basic history
. Holidays are the Earth’s cycles - 🎃All-Hallows, 🕯Candlemas, 🌸May Eve & 🍞Loafmas
. Nature is generally perceived as divine with two forces: The 🌙 Goddess and The 🦌God who have many names, ex., Diana and Cernunnos. Deities are viewed as representing Nature’s duality & as aspects of The Goddess & God, & as Beings all at the same time.
. Goddess titles: Primordial Star Goddess, Triple Goddess Maid-Mother-Crone, Mother Earth, Lady o/t Sea, Mother Goose.
. God titles: Horned Lord of Death & Rebirth, Forest King-the Elder, Corn King-the Younger, Green Man, Santa Claus
. The elements manifest intent - Earth 🌎solids, Water 💦liquid, Air 💨vapor & Fire🔥plasma

Honor Nature in Ritual
. Daily- Extend your subtle senses to your surroundings; greet the "Genius Loci" where you are
. On holidays & full moons, cast circle & greet the spirit of the season; share cakes & ale 🥐🍺
. Place offerings directly on the ground either during or after the rite

A Simple Rite
. Place gear inside your workspace; Start & end each pass at the north
. Sweep 🔄 to remove stagnant energy. Light some incense. Walk deosil ↩️ to project the circle.
Optional: If you call the quarters you must also dismiss; & if you welcome Deity you must also farewell
. Do what you came for - worship, meditation, divination, spells
. A simple circle dissipates by walking through it

Honor Frequencies
. Supplies represent elements: Air💨incense - Fire🕯candles &⚱️oil - Water H2O 💦,☕️,🫖 - Earth🧂salt,🪴herbs & 🪨stones
Elemental Links
  • East-Air-Incense: intellect 🟡, sage & mint, spice and citrus scents
    South-Fire-Candles: vitality, passion, strength 🔴, rosemary, hot-spicy scents
    West-Water-Cup: psychism, emotions 🔵, thyme, sweet and citrus scents
    North-Earth-Stones: health & wealth 🟢, salt, wheat, forest scents
    Center-Aether-spirituality 🟣, dandelion root, cinnamon, ginger, spice scents
Cast a Spell
. Match ingredients to purpose
. Load-draw power on the breath to the belly; aim-focus on the goal; push- 🙌🏽
. Speak incantations in positive, present-tense words, saying only what you expect results to be.
See the Post a Spell or Ritual section of EUTM for spells

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Re: getting started (help)

Post by BlackMirror »

If you have Amazon Prime they have a free Wicca and Witchcraft class. It's very basic starter and free. Just ask Alexa to search for it.
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