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..:: Moonie's Book Of Shadows ::..

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 6:11 pm
by valerian moon
This is my new and improved BOS. I have a physical one, but I would prefer to have a backup where nothing is ever lost... The internet!
More later!

Re: ..:: Moonie's Book Of Shadows ::..

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 6:14 pm
by valerian moon
I checked out a book from the library called teen spellbook or something to that effect, I will make something out of it later

Re: ..:: Moonie's Book Of Shadows ::..

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:50 pm
by valerian moon
When nothing is sure, everything is possible.
~Margaret Drabble
(that's the quote that came on the inside cover of my physical book of shadows)
earth-based religions predate christianity, judaism, buddhism.
nature worship dates back >35,000 yrs
male god of the hunt, female goddess of fertility, creation, birthgiver.
divinity = spirit, combo of balance of goddess and god


Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:55 pm
by valerian moon
Gardnerian - founded by gerald gardner, 1950s, coven-based, honor of god of forest and goddess of fertility, creation, rebirth
Dianic - focuses on feminist, humanist issues, honor goddess diana, encourage female power, stronger emphasis on triple goddess (maiden, mother, crone), self-awareness, kinship w/ nature, sensitivity to universe, founded by ann forfreedom.
Celtic - originated in british isles (no one leader), focuses on lunar and solar changes, balance between goddess and god, attunement w nature, practice meditation, divination, magickal herbalism, emphasis placed on celtic pantheon, history, traditions, food, music.

Wiccan Holidays - Sabbats

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:00 pm
by valerian moon
Samhain - Halloween, final harvest, Oct 31st. symbols include apples/pumpkins, pictures of deceased loved ones, autumn leaves, summer's end, world of living and dead intertwined, give thanks for deceased loved ones, celebrate life cycle, new beginnings.
winter solstice - yule, dec 21, evergreens, pinecones, wreaths, mistletoe, holly candles, berries, sun, celebrate birth of sun on this day. time of quiet reflection, celebrate sun's growth.
candlemas - imbolc, brigid celebrated, feb 1-2. symbols include candles, incense, seeds, nuts, herbal teas, water. first seeds of light and inspiration planted. brigid, goddess of fire, inspiration.
spring equinox - ostara, march 21, night and day equally long, symbols include, spring and life, fertility, rebirth and growth
beltane - may day (may 1) rejoice in nature's creations, symbols include, flowers, faeries, may poles, ribbons, oak leaves, branches
summer solstice - midsummer, litha, sumbols include herbs for healing, flowers, sun, fire, add anything to altar that you are willing to give up (june 20-22) fire festival, aspects of god, longest day of the year, joy, self empowerment.
lammas - lugh (aug 1-2) symbols are breads, corn, berries, grain, harvested fruit and veg, hopes and fears. first harvest, rewards of hard work
autumnal equinox - mabon (sept 20-22) coming of fall, symbols include autumn fruit, veg, plants, this is a time for self evaluation, giving thanks for harvest, night and day in balance, honor cycle of life, death, rebirth, wiccan thanksgiving

wiccan tools

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:14 pm
by valerian moon
Athame - (ritual knife, i just use a branch i found at the river walk)
Book of Shadows - here is mine. Actually, my physical one is just a notebook I bought at the bookstore ($5 for so many pages!!!)
Boline (knife for cutting herbs)
Besom (broom)
Candles (I have over 30! for a 17 year old that's a big deal, collecting anything is a big deal for teens)
Cauldron (i use a pyrex bowl I bought at a yard sale)
Chalice i use a ceramic coffee mug)
Crystals and gems (i currently don't have any, but when i come into some money, I will purchase a few.)
Incense (i also have a lot of this, and a purple censer!)
Jewelry (should be jewelry worn specifically for the purpose of practicing or ritual spell work)
Pentacles (I'm going to paint a big glob of green baked homemade clay and put a pentagram on it, it will hold my cauldron)
Statues (clay recipe to come soon)
Tarot cards (I got some that a friend gave to me and I bought a major arcana deck at the flea market. totally worth $20!)

cleansing and dedicating tools

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:17 pm
by valerian moon
spring water, sea salt in cauldron, mixed together.

Sprinkle salt water over tools and say
"By the elements of water and earth, I cleanse this __________ with my pure intent. By my will, so mote it be."

Light incense, wave smoke over tools, say
"By the elements of air and fire, I cleanse this __________ with my pure intent. By my will, so mote it be."

Place tools in light of full moon and leave them overnight.

wheel of the year

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 11:33 am
by valerian moon

Back to basics - 13 goals

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 9:00 am
by valerian moon
1) know yourself
2) know your craft
3) learn
4) apply knowledge
5) achieve balance
6) keep your words in good order
7) keep your thoughts in good order
8) celebrate life
9) attune with the earth's cycles
10) breathe and eat correctly
11) exercise your body
12) meditate
13) honor the god and goddess

now let's break these down a bit.
1) know yourself - i take this to mean that i should look within to find myself, and finding yourself is always a journey, perhaps a lifelong one, so you can never truly know yourself. but work at it every day, through meditation, time in nature (if possible)
2) know your craft - i take this one to mean research before doing anything. write your own spells rather than using someone else's. learn all you can.
3) learn - pretty self explanatory.
4) apply knowledge - meaning follow your inner instinct, because it is the knowledge of the ancestors before you.
5) achieve balance - i take this to mean that you should balance your inner gender. honor your masculinity and femininity and everything in between, and honor it in nature too.
6) keep your words in good order - don't be a jerk
7) keep your thoughts in good order - don't even think about being a jerk
8) celebrate life - honor everything the god and goddess have made, honor everything around you, celebrate life.
9) attune with the earth's cycles - know what phase the moon is in. i'm guilty of not knowing what phase the moon is in, or even which way is north, even though i've taken a compass app to my room plenty of times XD
10) breathe and eat correctly - don't over eat, don't under eat, don't eat meat, and no smoking. i smoke. i reeeeeaaaaally need to quit though.
11) exercise body - i do ballet.
12) meditate
13) honor the god and goddess - honor them in everything you do. meditate on their power, look into nature and think of how beautiful it all is, and that these two deities made everything you see.

Back To Basics - Moon Phases and Element Correspondences

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 9:05 am
by valerian moon
New moon - new beginnings. the perfect time to do your spells for finding a new lover.
waxing moon - growth. the perfect time to do your money spells
full - what your heart desires (IDK what this means, honestly, so i gotta look more into the full moon)
waning moon - taking away. the perfect time for healing spells and smoking cessation spells (taking away an illness, taking away tobacco)
dark - rest
blue - wishes

element magick - and ways to connect with the elements
air - intellect, reason (feel the wind on your body, light incense)
fire - passion, energy (feel the sun, light a candle)
water - emotions (stand by a lake, run your hands through a bowl of water)
earth - provider (stand with your feet buried in the sand, rub a shell, stone, rock, crystal, etc.)
spirit - magick (meditate)

Back To Basics - Color Correspondences

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 9:07 am
by valerian moon
red - passion, sex, courage
pink - love, femininity
yellow - intellect, concentration, studying
orange - energy, power, attraction
green - prosperity, money
blue - healing, emotions, emotional healing, masculinity
purple - meditation, divination
brown - earth, animals
white - purity, peace, spirit
black - protection
gold - sun, god
silver - stability, meditation, goddess, moon

an herbal grimoire

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 9:09 am
by valerian moon

love strengthening spell

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 4:08 pm
by valerian moon
(source: diviningdusk.tumblr (EDIT= page not found)

A Spell to Strengthen Love

This spell is to help strengthen love that is already present. It’s very helpful for long distance relationships.

You will need:

- An herbal mixture of lavender, ground cinnamon, and chili pepper (I also have a Lover’s Herb mixture available in my shop that would work perfect for this spell)

- Two cinnamon sticks

- Three red candles

- Red or white ribbon

- A rose quartz (big or small, doesn’t matter)

- Rose incense (if you can’t find rose, lavender, or lover’s incense will also do)

- If you have a deck of tarot cards, pulling out The Lovers card can help. Place it on your work area as you do this spell to help give it an extra little boost.


Light the incense and take in the scent. Relax your mind and body. Mix the herbs together, concentrating on strengthening the bond between you and your partner. Mix them with your finger, athame, or wand in a clockwise motion. Mix the herbs in this circular motion six times. Hold the rose quartz in front of you, whisper your partner’s name to the stone and then lightly kiss the stone. Place the stone in the herbal mixture the strengthen the herbs.

Reflect on your partner and all it is that you love about them. As you do this, light the three red candles. Visualize your partner, see them in your mind as clearly as you can. Think about their smile, laugh, embrace. Hold a cinnamon stick in each hand as you do this, one stick represents you, the other your partner. Focus on your intent and slowly bring the cinnamon sticks together. With either your saliva, a bit of your blood, or some rose or lavender oil, dampen the joined sticks (you can also use a combination of all three liquids if you want). Lay them in the herbal mixture.

Turn the sticks over in the herbal mixture until the herbs stick pretty well to it. As you do this chant the following six times:

“Our love is ever strong

By distance short or long

We find home in each other’s hearts

Souls tied together from the start”

After the chant, use the ribbon to tie the sticks together. Wrap them tightly together, thinking about how precious and important your love is. You can tie the ends of the ribbon together, seal them with wax from the candles, or both.

Keep the tied sticks at the heart of your home or bedroom.

Note: If you find later that the relationship is not going well later on or if it is best to cut ties with your partner, simply disassemble the sticks and scatter the pieces to the four cardinal directions.

A Simple Spell to Break Negativity

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 6:40 pm
by valerian moon
(source: here)

Put a birthday candle in a cup of dirt, light it, put it out, and break it. Throw the burned half away. Relight the remaining candle and say:

"All negativity around me is broken.
I am filled with the loving light of the universe."

When the candle has finished burning, throw out the dirt.
another banishing negativity spell

Repelling Negativity

Black Candle
White Candle
Cinnamon, Frankincense, Gardenia or Sandalwood Incense
Find a large mirror, one you can position so that you are able to sit before it. Burn the candles in front of the mirror and meditate there for a while,focusing on purifying your energy. Repeat this each night for three nights in a row. Once you are done each night SNUFF the candles out. After the third and final night, bury the wax remaining from the candles.

Here's a quickie spell for anyone needing some defence. This spell has been used to reflect harmful energies back to individuals who send them your way. It works like a charm and is very simple.Get a small mirror (feel free to dissect a compact) and generate all of your energy into the mirror, while holding it with the reflective side away from you, and repeat:

"Circle of Reflection,
Circle of Protection,
May the Sender of All Harm,
Feel the Power of this charm."

Place the charged mirror in a window, preferably facing towards the abode of this nasty person! The important thing is to not look into the mirror once it's been charged. Good Luck! It is done.

banishing herbs

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 6:47 pm
by valerian moon
(Source: witch gang)

Banishing negative energies/spirits comes in three steps. The initial banishing, then purification of the space to clear it of anything that resides and lastly protection is put in place to prevent negative energies returning.

Here is a masterpost of herbs you can use for this process in your home and how you use them.


St.Johns Wort - Burn, spreading the smoke throughout your living space to remove negative forces/energies.
Cloves - Burn, spreading the smoke throughout your living space to remove negative forces/energies.
Dragon’s blood - Burn, spreading the smoke throughout your living space to remove negative forces/energies.
Black pepper - Scatter around your home to banish evil spirits.
Thyme - Burn, spreading the smoke throughout your living space, can also be hung for purification.
Basil - Keep in sachets to drive off hostile spirits.
Bloodroot - Place in windows and doorways to banish evil spirits and curses.
Chrysanthemum - Growing chrysanthemum in your front garden is supposed to banish evil spirits.
Clover - Sprinkle around the home to remove negative spirits.
Hawthorn - Keep sachet in your home to repel ghosts and evil spirits.
Vertivert - Burn, spreading the smoke throughout your living space to remove negative forces/energies.


Rosemary water (can add salt and garlic for added potency) - Ensure you spray thresholds, spray in rooms as you see fit. Also good for purification baths.
Angelica - Scatter in home to purify the space.
Benzoin - Smoulder, spreading the smoke to purify the space.
Cloves - Burn to purify the space.
Dragon’s blood - Sprinkle around your home for purification.
Fennel seed - Hang at doors and windows to purify and ward off evil.
Hyssop - Add to baths to cleanse yourself. Hang sachets or hang in home to purify it.
Mimosa - Scatter around for purification.
Oak leaves - Burn for purification.
Parsley - Add to bath for personal purification.
Peppermint - Burn to clear negative energies.


Salt - Sprinkle over thresholds to repel spirits and negative energies.
Angelica - Sprinkle outside the home for protection.
Basil - Sprinkle in every room within home for protection.
Bay leaf - Place in corner of each room to protect all that live there.
Calendula - Scatter under the bed for protection.
Cinquefoil - Fill an empty egg shell with it and keep it in the home for power protection.
Cypress - Hang in the home for protection.
Frankincense - Burn for protection
Juniper - Burn for protection
Marigold - Scatter under the bed for protection while sleeping
Mint - Scatter in home for protection.
Peony - Hang in home for protection.
St Johns Wort - Keep in a jar near a window or burn in a fireplace for protection.
Valerian - Used in baths for protection.
Vervain - Use in sachets, dream pillows and baths for protection of home and people in it.
Willow - Keep a piece in the home to protect against evil.