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Tornadofire's ( parent-proof) Book of Shadows

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 12:51 pm
by Tornadofire-Sylva
Hmm, where shall I begin......

Wishing spell

State your intention, then say the following:

Ariel begins it. Baradiel guides it. The Chalkydri sing it. Devas manifest it. Elohim wills it. The Fravashi better it. Gabriel brings it. The Hafaza watch it. The Ischim balance it. Jael guards it. Kadmiel births it. Lahabiel aids it. Michael raises it. Nebo ministers it. Ofaniel sees it. Patron angels devote it. The Queen of angels speaks it. Raphael inspires it. Sandalphon prays it. Thrones sanctify it. Uriel strengthens it. Vrevoil reveals it. Watchers protect it. Xathanael patrons it. Yahriel places the glory of the moon on it. Zodiac angels seal it. And Spirit brings it through time and space. So mote it be!

Make a sign in the air of an equal-armed cross using your dominant hand.

By Ravencry:
Spell to forgive, not forget

You will need:
1 scrap of paper
1 washable black marker (crayola or roseart)
1 jar with lid, filled with salt water
sprig of rosemary

On the piece of paper, write the persons name or the situation you wish to cope with. Say " (name) I release all negative ties that you have on me. May the negative be banished, leaving only the memories of good times."

Put the piece of paper in the jar with the water.
say "Like this paper, I remove my hardest emotional obstacle, leaving my heart open to accept all the positive i deserve"

Hold the sprig of rosemary and pluck of 13 leaves, one for each good moment that you wish to remember. Put these in the water one at a time while saying the good moment aloud.

when done, put the top on the bottle and leave it somewhere hidden until the next morning. The name should be washed off the paper. Take the water to running water, like a stream or the ocean, or just your toilet if you have nothing else.

Spell To Relieve Stress

Sea Salt
Chamomile Tea

There are several ways to utilize this spell:

1. Draw a bath and add three chamomile tea bags, a whole ginger root, three fistfuls of sugar, three fistfuls of salt, a teaspoon of cardamom seeds, and the juice of a whole lemon. Relax and soak in the tub.

2. Brew a cup of chamomile tea add a pinch of salt, cardamom, and ginger. Then add lemon and sugar to taste. Drink tea before, during or after a stressful situation.

3. This preparation is used as a massage therapy for muscle tension in the body. Brew the tea as described above, but do not add the salt. Fill an empty mayonnaise jar with sea salt and then pour the tea over it. Shake well. You now have a salt rub to use on specific areas of your body that hold tension and stress.

Tree Meditation
To feel connected with nature

you will need:
A stick of your best incense

Find a tree in a quiet place, one that calls to you. Find a good spot under neath the tree, so you can put your back against it. (Make sure that you don't sit on a trail of ants!!)

Sit with your back against the tree and relax. Feel the tree's energy. Feel your spine become the trunk of the tree, growing roots into the earth and branches into the sky. Feel the breeze rustle your leaves, feel the wind bend you, feel the water absorb into your roots. Feel this for a few minutes. Now, ask the tree for some departing wisdom. (It may take a while to recieve an answer, plants communicate and process information at a slower rate than humans). When the tree feels that it has given you all the wisdom that you need, gradaully feel yourself come back to conciousness. Thank the tree for its time and shade, light the incense as offering to the tree. Find something from around the tree, whether it be a nice stick to use as a wand, a fallen leaf, or a feather. Take this to remind you of what the tree taught you.
Draw a bath for yourself. Pour a tablespoon or so of milk into a large bowl of water and say:
'Water ripples on the breeze...'
Add several rose petals (fresh or dried) to the bowl of water and milk.
Say: 'Thistledown flies through the air...'
Stir the water, milk, and rose petals with the index finger of your right hand. Say:
'Silent as the mighty seas...'
Gently pour the mixture that you have created into the bath. Say:
'Peaceful here without a care.'
Step in. Bathe for as long as you wish.
Let the water absorb negative thoughts and worries. Allow yourself a few moments of healing peace.

You need: White candle Jasmine or Pine incense Sprig of sage
This is best performed at night, but it can be done any time of day.
Light the white candle and the incense stick.
Close your eyes and hold the sage close to your nose, and breathe in its calming scent.
Keep holding it as say:
"Calming powers of sage and pine, Add order to this life of mine. (name)
By the four corners, elements, God and Goddess too, If this gift seems fit to you,
Then please grant calmness unto him/me. So mote it be, So mote it be."

Goodwife's Tisane Spell
for general good health

you will need:
one pale blue candle
matches or a lighter
one large freshly shopped dandelion leaf
three dried camomile flower heads, chopped
five large freshly chopped mint leaves
one teacup with saucer
boiling water

1. Cast your circle
2. Light the candle, saying:
By the sun, wind and rain
I bless this tisane
3. Place the ingredients in the cup and pour the coiling water over them, then place the saucer over the cup to keep the heat in. While the tisane is brewing, chant the following:
By the goosness in this brew
sickless slay and life renew
4. Leave it for 5 minutes, then uncover it, and when cool enough, drink it,
5. Tip the reside in the saucer.
6. The following shapes indicate associated areas to look out for in the future:
Horseshoe or cup-kidney or bladder
animal-thighs or hips
facial features-the head
lines and angles-joints or arms/hands/legs/feet
figure 8-chest or sinuses
waves-stomach or bowels
Sword spell
to protect against all types of intrusion

You will need:
one charcoal disk in a fireproof dish
matches or a lighter
nine tealights in holders
one teaspoon mugwort
one teaspoon Dittany of Crete (can be substituted with oregano)

1. Cast your circle
2. Light the charcoal
3. Sit on the floor in the center of the circle, and place the tealights at equal points in a circle around you, then light them.
4. Sprinkle the mixed mugwort and dittany of crete onto the charcoal, and breathe in the scent.
5. Close your eyes, slow your breathing, and allow yourself to drift into the darkness within. When you are ready, envision in the north of the circle a sheild; in the east a wand; in the south a sword; amd in the west a chalice. Allow the shield, wand and chalice images to merge into that of the sword. Envision the sword passing over your head to the front of you, resting point downward. Now mentally instruct the sword to guard your home, and set it spinning in a vertical arc. Mentally move this spinning sword toward the front boundary of your home.
6. To ensure that its strength is coninually renewed, envision the sword spinning in this place prior to going to sleep each night.
By Echo_of_shadows ยป
Storm Chant

Rain pour, thunder roar,
Lightening flash, wind blow,
I command you, go storm, go!
Jellybean Blessing

From a bag of jellybeans, take out one bean of every color for yourself, as a libation, and for any other participants. For each bean you will give thanks for an aspect of spring, and ask for a blessing.
Red - warmer weather - health
Pink - Easter toys/clothes - happiness
Orange - Ostara's opposite Mabon - creativity
Yellow - bright sunshine - confidence
Green - lush grass - prosperity
Blue - clear skies - luck
Purple - pretty flowers - wisdom
Black - shorter nights - protection
White - fluffy clouds - success

1) Create ritual space
2) Cast a circle
3) Call the quarters
4) Invoke a deity of Ostara
5) Empower the jellybeans asking for blessings
6) Take a bean and say out loud which aspect of spring it represents and ask for a blessing. Ex. "With this jellybean so red, I honor Spring's warmer weather and ask (invoked deity) for good health for myself and those I love."
Option: If you wish to make this an act of communion, serve fruit or vegetable juice to each participant, and as a libation
7) Thank deity and the quarters, and release the energies
8) Close the circle
9) Take the libation outside to leave the offering in a favorite spot
Prayer for Allergy Relief

I call upon earth to give me the strength to banish my allergies
I call upon air to speed my recovery
I call upon fire to bring success to this task
I call upon water to wash away unwanted energies
I am free from allergies (say this line 3x)
As I will,
So mote it be!

Even though this is a simple prayer, you can incorporate the following healing correspondences if you wish.

Colors: green, violet, brown, blue
Stones: amethyst, aventurine, bloodstone, carnelian, quartz crystal, hematite, jasper, tiger's eye
Plants: allspice, angelica, barley, bay, carnation, cedar, cinnamon, cucumber, elder, eucalyptus, fennel, gardenia, garlic, ginseng, ivy, lime, mint, myrrh, oak, olive, onion, pine, potato, rose, rosemary, rowan, sandalwood, thyme, tobacco, vervain, violet, willow
Incense: angelica, apple, carnation, ginseng, honeysuckle, myrrh, sandalwood
Oils: carnation, cinquefoil, eucalyptus, lavender, lotus, mimosa, rosemary, sandalwood, violet
Moon phase: full or waning
By NepetaLeijon

Healing Rain
This is a spell to be used when you have body aches. It can be chanted as many times as you want, and must be chanted with belief. When it rains, take a walk outside. Give it a few days to work.
Chant the following:
"Healing rain, mend with might
take away the pain, make it rain.
God's waterfall, absorb within me,
healing my wounds of lethargy, restore my energy."
Happiness Spell
Take three cords or strings of various, pleasing pastel colors perhaps pink, red, and green and braid them tightly together.

Firmly tie a knot near one end of the braid, thinking of your need for happiness.

Next, tie another knot, and another, until you have tied seven knots. Wear or carry the cord with you until you find happiness.

After that, keep the cord in a safe place, or give to one of the elements burn and scatter the ashes in the ocean or in a stream.

Re: Tornadofire's ( parent-proof) Book of Shadows

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:02 pm
by Tornadofire-Sylva
Starwitch wrote:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Color Correspondences for Spellwork (<--link)

Signifies: Strength, health, vigor, lust, danger.
Holiday: Yule
Planet: Mars
Day: Tuesday
Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Signifies: Encouragement, adaptability, stimulation, attraction, plenty, kindness.
Holiday: Candlemas
Deities: Brigid
Planets: Sun, Mars, Mercury
Days: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Astrological Sign: Leo, Sagittarius

Signifies: Knowledge, learning, concentration, persuasion, charm, confidence, jealousy, joy, comfort.
Planet: Mercury
Day: Wednesday
Astrological Sign: Gemini, Leo

Signifies: Finances, fertility, luck, success energy, charity, growth rejuvenation, ambition, counteract greed and jealousy, plants kingdom including herbal healing.
Planets: Venus, Mercury
Days: Friday, Wednesday
Holidays: Spring Equinox, Beltane
Astrological Sign: Taurus

Signifies: Tranquility, understanding, patience, health, truth, devotion, sincerity, honor, loyalty, peace, wisdom, protection during sleep, astral projection.
Planets: Moon, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter
Days: Monday, Friday, Saturday, Thursday
Astrological Sign: Libra, Sagittarius

Signifies: Power, piety, sanctity, sentimentality, tension, sadness amplification of other energies, wisdom, high ideals, spiritual protection and healing, psychic ability, protective energy.
Planet: Jupiter
Day: Thursday
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Signifies: Negation without reflecting, unlocking when stuck, banishing evil or negativity.
Holiday- Samhain
Planet- Saturn
Day - Saturday
Deities- The Crone
Astrological Sign: Scorpio & Capricorn

Signifies: Purity, consecration, meditation, divination, exorcism, the full moon, healing, peace, spiritual strength.
(May be substituted for any other color.)
Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Astrological Sign: Cancer

Signifies: Balance, neutrality, used in erasing, canceling, neutralizing, and return to the universe without repercussion destructive energies.
Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Deity: Athena
Astrological Sign: Virgo

Signifies: Healing, familial or emotional love (rather than sexual), friendship, affections, unselfish emotions, spiritual healing, banishing hatred.
Gem: Rose quartz
Planet: Venus
Day: Friday

Signifies: The Earth, grounding, trees, concentration, telepathy, spells to locate lost objects, protection of the familiars, pets, and animals.
Planets: Moon (tan browns), Venus (all), Saturn (dark browns)
Days: Monday, Friday, Saturday
Deity: Gaia
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Holiday: Mabon

Signifies: Purity, the moon, treasure, values, female energy, the unconscious mind.
Day: Monday
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Deity: Artemis and other Moon Goddesses

Signifies: The sun, male energy, wealth, financial wisdom, conscious mind, attracting happiness, activity, intelligence.
Planet: Sun
Day: Sunday
Astrological Sign: Leo
Deity: Apollo and other Sun Gods

Color energies are useful in many ways. One of the most basic ways to use color symbolism in magick is to select candles of the color appropriate to your purpose. The power of color may be added at any point in rituals and spells to enhance the symbolism, and thus the power of the spell.

Examples include:
  • Candles
  • Altar Cloth & Flowers
  • Fabric and components for Amulets, Talismans, Dream Pillows, etc.
  • Food coloring choices in Bath Salts.
  • Label/Container choices for brews, teas, essential oils etc.
  • Meditations on colors for reaching specific chakras, or areas for psychic development.
  • Garments for ceremonies or simply on days when you wish to attract (or deflect) certain energies.
  • Colored papers and inks for written spell work.
  • Awareness of colors you select in your decor and environment.
As with most things magickal, how you feel about the color and your aims is the most important guide. If a color feels right to use for a purpose, even if it is not listed here, use it! As shown in the varying and sometimes overlapping associations above, the power and meaning of colors varies somewhat form person to person.

From ... itches.htm

Re: Tornadofire's ( parent-proof) Book of Shadows

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:43 pm
by Tornadofire-Sylva
Prayer for Allergy Relief

I call upon earth to give me the strength to banish my allergies I call upon air to speed my recovery I call upon fire to bring success to this task I call upon water to wash away unwanted energies I am free from allergies (say this line 3x) As I will, So mote it be!

Even though this is a simple prayer, you can incorporate the following healing correspondences if you wish.

Colors: green, violet, brown, blue Stones: amethyst, aventurine, bloodstone, carnelian, quartz crystal, hematite, jasper, tiger's eye Plants: allspice, angelica, barley, bay, carnation, cedar, cinnamon, cucumber, elder, eucalyptus, fennel, gardenia, garlic, ginseng, ivy, lime, mint, myrrh, oak, olive, onion, pine, potato, rose, rosemary, rowan, sandalwood, thyme, tobacco, vervain, violet, willow Incense: angelica, apple, carnation, ginseng, honeysuckle, myrrh, sandalwood Oils: carnation, cinquefoil, eucalyptus, lavender, lotus, mimosa, rosemary, sandalwood, violet Moon phase: full or waning
-From the viewtopic.php?t=22427

Re: Tornadofire's ( parent-proof) Book of Shadows

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 4:24 pm
by Tornadofire-Sylva
Bump! I can't believe how long I've been on the forum!