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Golden Haired; A Collection of Magics

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 1:14 am
by Twine
  • And with these things,
    I'm bound,
    Shackled to this material world,

    Break the chains,
    Let bands fall free,
    And wind carry you,
    So gracefully,
    Away. Forever more.

    Dance, cry, rejoice,
    In all that is.
    And all that has been,
    For what shall be
    Is carried in the wind,

    Those bound and shackled,
    Cannot see,
    Or be taken away,
    So gracefully,
    By the wind that is,
    And will always be,
    That which carries...
    You & Me.

Re: Golden Haired; A Collection of Magics

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 1:34 am
by Twine
Simple Tarot Love Spell
[list]A simple spell, requiring only a deck of tarot cards, intended to bring the one you love closer, thereby
strengthening the relationship you have. Results are moderate, but spell is handy and simple to do.[/list]

Cards Needed (in order):
[list][*]the World
[*]Wheel of Fortune
[*]X of Cups
[*]Card(s) representing each person involved[/list]

Card Layout:
  • 2-----------4

Lay card 1; the World down, saying:
[list]Lover, lover,
Can't you see,
That you mean,[/list]
The World to me?
Lay card 2; Strength down, saying:
[list]You give me Strength,
When I am weak,
And help me back,
Onto my feet.[/list]
Lay card 3; Wheel of Fortune down, saying:
[list]Our Destiny,
Is written here,
Let us proceed,
Without a fear,[/list]
Lay cards 4; X of cups and 5; the Lovers down, saying:
[list]Our love is true,
Our love is Fair,
Lover, lover,
We're the Perfect Pair.[/list]
Lay remaining cards down, over lapping the Lovers, then return the cards to the deck,
the last two cards laying face-to-face.

Re: Golden Haired; A Collection of Magics

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 1:49 am
by Twine
Protection Against Ill-Craft
[list]Another simple spell, intended to protect a person/thing from being 'witched.' Simply combine the following elements into a pouch, placing it on/in the person/thing's possession, or toss into an open fire, envisioning that which needs protecting and calling or it to be protected.[/list]
Herbs Needed:
[list][*]St. John's Wort

Re: Golden Haired; A Collection of Magics

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 2:28 am
by Twine
Justice Be Done
[list]When pain has been dealt, return to sender, and free your soul of the pain they've caused, allowing them to feel their own doing. This spell is to send the pain that someone has caused you back to them. Certainly not the sweetest way to deal with things, but certainly much more gratifying.[/list]
[list][*]Angelica (ground)
[*]Chili powder
[*]Coffee (ground)
[*]Garlic powder
[*]Marigold (dried and ground)
[*]Agrimony (dried and powdered)[/list]

[list][*]Combine the above powders. If not yet powdered, collect necessarily ingredients and either grind with mortar and pestle, or use a grinder (if you're feeling particularly feisty and technologically advanced) to make a very fine powder.
[*]Say (while sprinkling where the person who has caused you pain will walk, blowing it in their direction, or throwing it on their belongings/property):
[list]Shall this pain I have,
Be swept away,
And consume the fool,
Who sent it this way,

Shall the tears I've shed,
Become their own,
As they have haunted my dreams,
And poisoned my soul,
Stemming hate,
Where love once grew,

Shatter their walls,
Tear down their kingdom,
And let them witness the strength,
I have kept within,

Shall that pain,
Consume them whole,
Haunt their dreams,
And poison their soul.

Justice be spun,
My pain undone.[/list][/list]