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Re: Ravencry's Book of Shadows

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:03 pm
by Ravencry
The Sabbats: Yule

Yule, (pronounced EWE-elle) is when the dark half of the year relinquishes to the light half. Starting the next morning at sunrise, the sun climbs just a little higher and stays a little longer in the sky each day. Known as Solstice Night, or the longest night of the year, much celebration was to be had as the ancestors awaited the rebirth of the Oak King, the Sun King, the Giver of Life that warmed the frozen Earth and made her to bear forth from seeds protected through the fall and winter in her womb. Bonfires were lit in the fields, and crops and trees were "wassailed" with toasts of spiced cider.

Children were escorted from house to house with gifts of clove spiked apples and oranges which were laid in baskets of evergreen boughs and wheat stalks dusted with flour. The apples and oranges represented the sun, the boughs were symbolic of immortality, the wheat stalks portrayed the harvest, and the flour was accomplishment of triumph, light, and life. Holly, mistletoe, and ivy not only decorated the outside, but also the inside of homes. It was to extend invitation to Nature Sprites to come and join the celebration. A sprig of Holly was kept near the door all year long as a constant invitation for good fortune to pay visit to the residents.

The ceremonial Yule log was the highlight of the festival. In accordance to tradition, the log must either have been harvested from the householder's land, or given as a gift... it must never have been bought. Once dragged into the house and placed in the fireplace it was decorated in seasonal greenery, doused with cider or ale, and dusted with flour before set ablaze be a piece of last years log, (held onto for just this purpose). The log would burn throughout the night, then smolder for 12 days after before being ceremonially put out. Ash is the traditional wood of the Yule log. It is the sacred world tree of the Teutons, known as Yggdrasil. An herb of the Sun, Ash brings light into the hearth at the Solstice.

A different type of Yule log, and perhaps one more suitable for modern practitioners would be the type that is used as a base to hold three candles. Find a smaller branch of oak or pine, and flatten one side so it sets upright. Drill three holes in the top side to hold red, green, and white (season), green, gold, and black (the Sun God), or white, red, and black (the Great Goddess). Continue to decorate with greenery, red and gold bows, rosebuds, cloves, and dust with flour.

Deities of Yule are all Newborn Gods, Sun Gods, Mother Goddesses, and Triple Goddesses. The best known would be the Dagda, and Brighid, the daughter of the Dagda. Brighid taught the smiths the arts of fire tending and the secrets of metal work. Brighid's flame, like the flame of the new light, pierces the darkness of the spirit and mind, while the Dagda's cauldron assures that Nature will always provide for all the children.

Symbolism of Yule:
Rebirth of the Sun, The longest night of the year, The Winter Solstice, Introspect, Planning for the Future.

Symbols of Yule:
Yule log, or small Yule log with 3 candles, evergreen boughs or wreaths, holly, mistletoe hung in doorways, gold pillar candles, baskets of clove studded fruit, a simmering pot of wassail, poinsettias, christmas cactus.

Herbs of Yule:
Bayberry, blessed thistle, evergreen, frankincense holly, laurel, mistletoe, oak, pine, sage, yellow cedar.

Foods of Yule:
Cookies and caraway cakes soaked in cider, fruits, nuts, pork dishes, turkey, eggnog, ginger tea, spiced cider, wassail, or lamb's wool (ale, sugar, nutmeg, roasted apples).

Incense of Yule:
Pine, cedar, bayberry, cinnamon.

Colors of Yule:
Red, green, gold, white, silver, yellow, orange.

Stones of Yule:
Rubies, bloodstones, garnets, emeralds, diamonds.

Activities of Yule:
Caroling, wassailing the trees, burning the Yule log, decorating the Yule tree, exchanging of presents, kissing under the mistletoe, honoring Kriss Kringle the Germanic Pagan God of Yule

Spellworkings of Yule:
Peace, harmony, love, and increased happiness.

Deities of Yule:
Goddesses-Brighid, Isis, Demeter, Gaea, Diana, The Great Mother. Gods-Apollo, Ra, Odin, Lugh, The Oak King, The Horned One, The Green Man, The Divine Child, Mabon.

Re: Ravencry's Book of Shadows

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:06 pm
by Ravencry
The Sabbats: Imbolc

Imbolc, (pronounced "IM-bulk" or "EM-bowlk"), also called Oimealg, ("IM-mol'g), by the Druids, is the festival of the lactating sheep. It is derived from the Gaelic word "oimelc" which means "ewes milk". Herd animals have either given birth to the first offspring of the year or their wombs are swollen and the milk of life is flowing into their teats and udders. It is the time of Blessing of the seeds and consecration of agricultural tools. It marks the center point of the dark half of the year. It is the festival of the Maiden, for from this day to March 21st, it is her season to prepare for growth and renewal. Brighid's snake emerges from the womb of the Earth Mother to test the weather, (the origin of Ground Hog Day), and in many places the first Crocus flowers began to spring forth from the frozen earth.

The Maiden is honored, as the Bride, on this Sabbat. Straw Brideo'gas (corn dollies) are created from oat or wheat straw and placed in baskets with white flower bedding. Young girls then carry the Brideo'gas door to door, and gifts are bestowed upon the image from each household. Afterwards at the traditional feast, the older women make special acorn wands for the dollies to hold, and in the morning the ashes in the hearth are examined to see if the magic wands left marks as a good omen. Brighid's Crosses are fashioned from wheat stalks and exchanged as symbols of protection and prosperity in the coming year. Home hearth fires are put out and re-lit, and a besom is place by the front door to symbolize sweeping out the old and welcoming the new. Candles are lit and placed in each room of the house to honor the re-birth of the Sun.

Another traditional symbol of Imbolc is the plough. In some areas, this is the first day of ploughing in preparation of the first planting of crops. A decorated plough is dragged from door to door, with costumed children following asking for food, drinks, or money. Should they be refused, the household is paid back by having its front garden ploughed up. In other areas, the plough is decorated and then Whiskey, the "water of life" is poured over it. Pieces of cheese and bread are left by the plough and in the newly turned furrows as offerings to the nature spirits. It is considered taboo to cut or pick plants during this time.

Various other names for this Greater Sabbat are Imbolgc Brigantia (Caledonni), Imbolic (Celtic), Disting (Teutonic, Feb 14th), Lupercus (Strega), St. Bridget's Day (Christian), Candlemas, Candlelaria (Mexican), the Snowdrop Festival. The Festival of Lights, or the Feast of the Virgin. All Virgin and Maiden Goddesses are honored at this time.

Deities of Imbolc:
All Virgin/Maiden Goddesses, Brighid, Aradia, Athena, Inanna, Gaia, and Februa, and Gods of Love and Fertility, Aengus Og, Eros, and Februus.

Symbolism of Imbolc:
Purity, Growth and Re-Newal, The Re-Union of the Goddess and the God, Fertility, and dispensing of the old and making way for the new.

Symbols of Imbolc:
Brideo'gas, Besoms, White Flowers, Candle Wheels, Brighid's Crosses, Priapic Wands (acorn-tipped), and Ploughs.

Herbs of Imbolc:
Angelica, Basil, Bay Laurel, Blackberry, Celandine, Coltsfoot, H-e-a-t-h-e-r, Iris, Myrrh, Tansy, Violets, and all white or yellow flowers.

Foods of Imbolc:
Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds, Poppyseed Cakes, muffins, scones, and breads, all dairy products, Peppers, Onions, Garlic, Raisins, Spiced Wines and Herbal Teas.

Incense of Imbolc:
Basil, Bay, Wisteria, Cinnamon, Violet, Vanilla, Myrrh.

Colors of Imbolc:
White, Pink, Red, Yellow, lt. Green, Brown.

Stones of Imbolc:
Amethyst, Bloodstone, Garnet, Ruby, Onyx, Turquoise.

Activities of Imbolc:
Candle Lighting, Stone Gatherings, Snow Hiking and Searching for Signs of Spring, Making of Brideo'gas and Bride's Beds, Making Priapic Wands, Decorating Ploughs, Feasting, and Bon Fires maybe lit.

Re: Ravencry's Book of Shadows

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:07 pm
by Ravencry
The Sabbats: Ostara

As Spring reaches its midpoint, night and day stand in perfect balance, with light on the increase. The young Sun God now celebrates a hierogamy (sacred marriage) with the young Maiden Goddess, who conceives. In nine months, she will again become the Great Mother. It is a time of great fertility, new growth, and newborn animals.

The next full moon (a time of increased births) is called the Ostara and is sacred to Eostre the Saxon Lunar Goddess of fertility (from whence we get the word estrogen, whose two symbols were the egg and the rabbit.

The Christian religion adopted these emblems for Easter which is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the vernal equinox. The theme of the conception of the Goddess was adapted as the Feast of the Annunciation, occurring on the alternative fixed calendar date of March 25 Old Lady Day, the earlier date of the equinox. Lady Day may also refer to other goddesses (such as Venus and Aphrodite), many of whom have festivals celebrated at this time.

Traditional Foods:
Leafy green vegetables, Dairy foods, Nuts such as Pumpkin, Sunflower and Pine. Flower Dishes and Sprouts.

Herbs and Flowers:
Daffodil, Jonquils, Woodruff, Violet, Gorse, Olive, Peony, Iris, Narcissus and all spring flowers.

Jasmine, Rose, Strawberry, Floral of any type.

Sacred Gemstone:

Special Activities:
Planting seeds or starting a Magickal Herb Garden. Taking a long walk in nature with no intent other than reflecting on the Magick of nature and the Great Mother and her bounty.

Re: Ravencry's Book of Shadows

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:22 pm
by Ravencry
The Sabbats: Beltane

The holiday of Beltane is traditionally celebrated from sundown on the last night of April into the first day of May, and is sometimes called May Day or Walpurgisnacht. This holiday was so important and widespread in Europe, it has remained a significant holiday and many non-Pagans and European cities stage large celebrations and bonfires on this night.

Because it was observed from the eve of April 30th into the day of May 1st, Beltane is also called May Day. Like Samhain, this is a time when the veils between the worlds are thin and Faery Folk are thought to walk about. Some roots of these celebrations go back to the worship of the Roman goddess Flora, the goddess of flowers whose rites were marked each spring.

On the Wheel of the Year, this holiday falls opposite from Samhain, and is considered the start of the "light" half of the year. At this time of the year, spring is in full swing and in some places it's already starting to show signs of summer. Fields are planted at this time of year and many of the rituals are further celebrations of fertility and abundance. Jumping the bonfire was a rite often practiced at Beltane, seen as a symbolic purification, but most large modern rituals don't allow the practice due to safety concerns.

At this time, the Wheel is turning from spring into summer. The God who was reborn at Yule is now Jack in the Green, a young man stepping into manhood. The Goddess is now transitioning from Maiden to Mother. The King and Queen of the May are the symbolic roles of the God and Goddess at this time and most ancient Beltane rituals involved encouraging fertility. To go "A-Maying" was when young men and women would spend the night in the woods together. Some ritual contexts also included allowing couples this one night to dally with others. Beltane is often when couples declare their intentions to handfast or marry at Summer Solstice. In addition to facilitating human partnerships, these rites also supposedly insured the fertility of the fields and orchards.

Symbolism of Beltane:
The sexual partnership of the Goddess and God.

Symbols of Beltane:
Phallus, Yoni, The Maypole, acorns, sticks, cauldron, bowls, flowers, fruits, fairys

Herbs of Beltane:
All-heal, blessed thistle, broom, curry, daffodil, dogwood, coriander, dragon's blood reed, fern, fireweed, nettle, flaxseed, hawthorn, marjoram, paprika, radish, rue, snapdragon, mushroom, almond, meadowsweet, rose, woodruff, tansy, elder leaves.

Foods of Beltane:
Sweets, fruits, spicy foods, aphrodisiacs, goats and cows milk and cheese, May wine, and sexually suggestive shaped food.

Incense of Beltane:
Rose, jasmine, ylang, ylang, peach, musk, or vanilla.

Colours of Beltane:
Green, Red and White (but all colors can be used on Beltane!)

Stones of Beltane:
Malachite, garnet, rose quartz, emerald, beryl, tourmaline.

Spellworkings of Beltane:
Spells to ensure prosperity, conservation, fertility, safety, and love.

Activities of Beltane:
Jump the balefire made of these woods:oak, apple, hawthorn, birch, elder, ash, blackthorn, grape vine, mountain ash (rowan), holly, willow, cedar, yew, and hemlock. Dance the maypole, Wash your face in the dew at the sunrise of Beltane, gather the first herbs of may, Make a wish at a hawthorn tree, make love in the woods, commune with the Fey.

Re: Ravencry's Book of Shadows

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:41 pm
by Ravencry
The Sabbats: Midsummer or Litha

Although the name Litha is not well attested, it may come from Saxon tradition -- the opposite of Yule. On this longest day of the year, light and life are abundant. At mid-summer, the Sun God has reached the moment of his greatest strength. Seated on his greenwood throne, he is also lord of the forests, and his face is seen in church architecture peering from countless foliate masks.

The Christian religion converted this day of Jack-in-the-Green to the Feast of St. John the Baptist, often portraying him in rustic attire, sometimes with horns and cloven feet (like the Greek Demi-God Pan)

Midsummer Night's Eve is also special for adherents of the Faerie faith. The alternative fixed calendar date of June 25 (Old Litha) is sometimes employed by Covens. The name Beltane is sometimes incorrectly assigned to this holiday by some modern traditions of Wicca, even though Beltane is the Gaelic word for May.

Traditional Foods:
Garden fresh fruits and vegetables are made into a variety of dishes and eaten by Pagan's who choose to celebrate this day.

Herbs and Flowers:
Mugwort, Vervain, Chamomile, Rose, Honeysuckle, Lily, Oak, Lavender, Ivy, Yarrow, Fern, Elder, Wild Thyme, Daisy, Carnation.

Lemon, Myrrh, Pine, Rose, Wisteria.

Woods Burned:

Sacred Gemstone:

Special Activities:
An Ideal time to reaffirm your vows to the Lord and Lady or your dedication to following the old traditions.

Re: Ravencry's Book of Shadows

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:42 pm
by Ravencry
The Sabbats: Lughnasadh

Lughnasadh means the funeral games of Lugh (pronounced Loo), referring to Lugh, the Irish sun god. However, the funeral is not his own, but the funeral games he hosts in honor of his foster-mother Tailte. For that reason, the traditional Tailtean craft fairs and Tailtean marriages (which last for a year and a day) are celebrated at this time.

This day originally coincided with the first reapings of the harvest. It was known as the time when the plants of spring wither and drop their fruits or seeds for our use as well as to ensure future crops.

As autumn begins, the Sun God enters his old age, but is not yet dead. The God symbolically loses some of his strength as the Sun rises farther in the South each day and the nights grow longer.

The Christian religion adopted this theme and called it 'Lammas ', meaning 'loaf-mass ', a time when newly baked loaves of bread are placed on the altar. An alternative date around August 5 (Old Lammas), when the sun reaches 15 degrees Leo, is sometimes employed by Covens.

Traditional Foods:
Apples, Grains, Breads and Berries.

Herbs and Flowers:
All Grains, Grapes, H-e-a-t-h-e-r, Blackberries, Sloe, Crab Apples, Pears.

Aloes, Rose, Sandalwood.

Sacred Gemstone:

Special Activities:
As summer passes, many Pagans celebrate this time to remember its warmth and bounty in a celebrated feast shared with family or Coven members. Save and plant the seeds from the fruits consumed during the feast or ritual. If they sprout, grow the plant or tree with love and as a symbol of your connection with the Lord and Lady. Walk through the fields and orchards or spend time along springs, creeks, rivers, ponds and lakes reflecting on the bounty and love of the Lord and Lady.

Re: Ravencry's Book of Shadows

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:43 pm
by Ravencry
The Sabbats: Mabon

Mabon, (pronounced MAY-bun, MAY-bone, MAH-boon, or MAH-bawn) is the Autumn Equinox. The Autumn Equinox divides the day and night equally, and we all take a moment to pay our respects to the impending dark. We also give thanks to the waning sunlight, as we store our harvest of this year's crops. The Druids call this celebration, Mea'n Fo'mhair, and honor the The Green Man, the God of the Forest, by offering libations to trees. Offerings of ciders, wines, herbs and fertilizer are appropriate at this time. Wiccans celebrate the aging Goddess as she passes from Mother to Crone, and her consort the God as he prepares for death and re-birth.

Various other names for this Lesser Wiccan Sabbat are The Second Harvest Festival, Wine Harvest, Feast of Avalon, Equinozio di Autunno (Strega), Alben Elfed (Caledonii), or Cornucopia. The Teutonic name, Winter Finding, spans a period of time from the Sabbat to Oct. 15th, Winter's Night, which is the Norse New Year.

At this festival it is appropriate to wear all of your finery and dine and celebrate in a lavish setting. It is the drawing to and of family as we prepare for the winding down of the year at Samhain. It is a time to finish old business as we ready for a period of rest, relaxation, and reflection.

Symbolism of Mabon:
Second Harvest, the Mysteries, Equality and Balance.

Symbols of Mabon:
wine, gourds, pine cones, acorns, grains, corn, apples, pomegranates, vines such as ivy, dried seeds, and horns of plenty.

Herbs of Maybon:
Acorn, benzoin, ferns, grains, honeysuckle, marigold, milkweed, myrrh, passionflower, rose, sage, solomon's seal, tobacco, thistle, and vegetables.

Foods of Mabon:
Breads, nuts, apples, pomegranates, and vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, and onions.

Incense of Mabon:
Autumn Blend-benzoin, myrrh, and sage.

Colors of Mabon:
Red, orange, russet, maroon, brown, and gold.

Stones of Mabon:
Sapphire, lapis lazuli, and yellow agates.

Activities of Mabon:
Making wine, gathering dried herbs, plants, seeds and seed pods, walking in the woods, scattering offerings in harvested fields, offering libations to trees, adorning burial sites with leaves, acorns, and pine cones to honor those who have passed over.

Spellworkings of Mabon:
Protection, prosperity, security, and self-confidence. Also those of harmony and balance.

Deities of Mabon:
Goddesses-Modron, Morgan, Epona, Persephone, Pamona and the Muses. Gods-Mabon, Thoth, Thor, Hermes, and The Green Man.

Mabon is considered a time of the Mysteries. It is a time to honor Aging Deities and the Spirit World. Considered a time of balance, it is when we stop and relax and enjoy the fruits of our personal harvests, whether they be from toiling in our gardens, working at our jobs, raising our families, or just coping with the hussle-bussle of everyday life. May your Mabon be memorable, and your hearts and spirits be filled to overflowing!

Re: Ravencry's Book of Shadows

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:43 pm
by Ravencry
Samhain, (pronounced SOW-in, SAH-vin, or SAM-hayne) means "End of Summer", and is the third and final Harvest. The dark winter half of the year commences on this Sabbat.

It is generally celebrated on October 31st, but some traditions prefer November 1st. It is one of the two "spirit-nights" each year, the other being Beltane. It is a magical interval when the mundane laws of time and space are temporarily suspended, and the Thin Veil between the worlds is lifted. Communicating with ancestors and departed loved ones is easy at this time, for they journey through this world on their way to the Summerlands. It is a time to study the Dark Mysteries and honor the Dark Mother and the Dark Father, symbolized by the Crone and her aged Consort.

Originally the "Feast of the Dead" was celebrated in Celtic countries by leaving food offerings on altars and doorsteps for the "wandering dead". Today a lot of practitioners still carry out that tradition. Single candles were lit and left in a window to help guide the spirits of ancestors and loved ones home. Extra chairs were set to the table and around the hearth for the unseen guest. Apples were buried along roadsides and paths for spirits who were lost or had no descendants to provide for them. Turnips were hollowed out and carved to look like protective spirits, for this was a night of magic and chaos. The Wee Folke became very active, pulling pranks on unsuspecting humans. Traveling after dark was was not advised. People dressed in white (like ghosts), wore disguises made of straw, or dressed as the opposite gender in order to fool the Nature spirits.

This was the time that the cattle and other livestock were slaughtered for eating in the ensuing winter months. Any crops still in the field on Samhain were considered taboo, and left as offerings to the Nature spirits. Bonfires were built, (originally called bone-fires, for after feasting, the bones were thrown in the fire as offerings for healthy and plentiful livestock in the New Year) and stones were marked with peoples names. Then they were thrown into the fire, to be retrieved in the morning. The condition of the retrieved stone foretold of that person's fortune in the coming year. Hearth fires were also lit from the village bonfire to ensure unity, and the ashes were spread over the harvested fields to protect and bless the land.

Various other names for this Greater Sabbat are Third Harvest, Samana, Day of the Dead, Old Hallowmas (Scottish/Celtic), Vigil of Saman, Shadowfest (Strega), and Samhuinn. Also known as All Hallow's Eve, (that day actually falls on November 7th), and Martinmas (that is celebrated November 11th), Samhain is now generally considered the Witch's New Year.

Symbolism of Samhain:
Third Harvest, the Dark Mysteries, Rebirth through Death.

Symbols of Samhain:
Gourds, Apples, Black Cats, Jack-O-Lanterns, Besoms.

Herbs of Samhain:
Mugwort, Allspice, Broom, Catnip, Deadly Nightshade, Mandrake, Oak leaves, Sage and Straw.

Foods of Samhain:
Turnips, Apples, Gourds, Nuts, Mulled Wines, Beef, Pork, Poultry.

Incense of Samhain:
Heliotrope, Mint, Nutmeg.

Colors of Samhain:
Black, Orange, White, Silver, Gold.

Stones of Samhain:
All Black Stones, preferably jet or obsidian.

Re: Ravencry's Book of Shadows

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:47 pm
by Ravencry
Herbal First Aid:

Break off an aloe leaf and scrape the gel to soothe minor burns, scalds, and sunburns. Aloe has tissue regenerative properties and will help heal all wounds.
Arnica cream or oil can be used on bruises or sprains where the skin is not broken. Caution should be used with Arnica however since it can become toxic in high doses.

Calendula Cream
Homemade or storebought, this is antispetic and antifungal. If you make it, try adding comfrey to the cream; it will help speed the healing process.

Clove Oil
Clove oil is an excellent antispetic for cuts and is also useful for treating toothaches. It should be cut with a carrier oil when used on the skin since severe irritation can occur.

Keep squares of gauze or cheesecloth on hand to make compresses. Use comfrey, witch hazel, or arnica for sprains; St. John's Wort for deep cuts; comfrey or witch hazel for burns.

Crystallized Ginger
Chew for motion sickness or morning sickness.

Eucalyptus Oil
This is a good inhalant for colds, coughs, and respiratory infections.

Rescue Remedy
This combination of 5 of the Bach Flower Remedies is effective for shocks and emotional upsets, especially in children.

St. John's Wort Infused Oil
Excellent for minor burns and sunburn.

Slippery Elm
Slippery elm powder is used to make poultices for drawing out splinters and bringing boils to a head.

Tea Tree Oil
Antispetic and antifungal. Useful for cleansing wounds.

Witch Hazel Extract
Use it to treat minor burns, sunburn, and insect bites. Apply to nasal passages to stop nosebleeds. Wash cuts with it to help cleanse them.

Re: Ravencry's Book of Shadows

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:57 pm
by Ravencry
The Elements: Air

ASSOCIATIONS: Thought, communication, travel, intellect, abstract thinking, teaching, divination, freedom, joy, laughter, beginnings,
QUALITIES: hot, moist, light, active
GENDER: masculine, projective
COLORS: yellow, sky blue, pastels
ANIMALS: birds, flying insects
PLANTS: Celtic trees - Aspen, Alder, Birch. Herbs - Anise, Lavender, Lemongrass. Natives ? Mistletoe, (Ball Moss), Cedar Elm, Acacia, Mimosa
STONES: Mica, Pumice, (Fluorite)
METALS: Aluminum, Tin
MYTHOLOGICAL BEINGS: Gryphons, Gremlins, Pegasus
TAROT SUIT: Swords (Wands)
RUNES: Ansuz , Raidho Eihwaz, Tiwaz
ZODIAC SIGNS: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
PLANETS: Neptune, (Mercury)
HOUR: Dawn
DAY(S): (Wednesday)
SEASON: Spring
LIFE CYCLE: Infancy and childhood
ALCHEMICAL SYMBOL: upward pointing triangle bisected by a horizontal line
MAGICAL TOOLS: Wand, Staff, Athame, Sword, Incense, Feather, Pen, Broom, Scourge
CHAKRA(S): Heart, (Throat, 3rd Eye)
TYPES OF MAGIC: Study, visualizaton, divination, finding lost objects, astral travel, telepathy, travel, communication
POSITIVE CHARACTERISTICS: Joyful, humorous, communicative, intelligent, intuitive, diligent
NEGATIVE CHARACTERISTICS: Gossipy, boastful, spendthrift, untruthful, selfish, fickle, inattentive
OVERBALANCE: Chatterbox, shallow, or overintellectualization
UNDERBALANCE: Muddy thinking, slow, inability to communicate

The Elements: Fire

ASSOCIATIONS: Action, the will, passion, sex, anger, desire, energy, work, purification, destruction, strength, protection,
QUALITIES: hot, dry, light, active
GENDER: masculine, projective
COLORS: red, orange, gold, yellow
ANIMALS: lizards, snakes, lions
PLANTS: Celtic trees - Thorn, Holly, Oak. Herbs - Basil, Cinnamon, Garlic. Natives ? Spanish Dagger, Oaks, Juniper, Sunflower, Chiletepin
STONES: Amber, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Citrine, Diamond, Garnet, Ruby, Tiger's Eye
METALS: Brass, Gold, Steel
TAROT SUIT: Wands, (Swords)
TAROT TRUMPS: Sun, Strength, Emperor
RUNES: Thurisaz, Kenaz, Naudhiz, Sowilo, Ingwaz
ZODIAC SIGNS: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
PLANETS: Sun, Mars
HOUR: Noon
DAY(S): Sunday, Tuesday
SEASON: Summer
LIFE CYCLE: Youth and adolescence
ALCHEMICAL SYMBOL: upward pointing triangle
MAGICAL TOOLS: Athame, Sword, Wand, Staff, Candle, Flame, Scourge
CHAKRA(S): Solar Plexus
TYPES OF MAGIC: Banishing, exorcism, purification, tantra, sex, empowering, protection, success
POSITIVE CHARACTERISTICS: Energetic, enthusiastic, courageous, daring, faithful
NEGATIVE CHARACTERISTICS: Stubborn, greedy, jealous, angry, resentful
OVERBALANCE: Dominating, egotistical, violent
UNDERBALANCE: Apathy, boredom, feelings of inferiority, laziness, lack of energy

The Elements: Water

ASSOCIATIONS: Emotions, dreams, compassion, love, sadness, psychism, healing, rest, cleansing, dissolution, astral travel, death/rebirth,
QUALITIES: moist, cold, heavy, passive
GENDER: feminine, receptive
COLORS: blue, indigo, aqua, green, silver, purple
ANIMALS: fish, dolphins, all aquatic creatures
PLANTS: Celtic trees - Alder, Hazel, Willow. Herbs - Aloe, Lemon, Yarrow. Natives - American Elm, Cat Brier, Mesquite, Violet, Wax Myrtle
STONES: Aquamarine, Lapis, Limestone, Moonstone, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Shells, Sodalite
METALS: Copper, Sliver
MYTHOLOGICAL BEINGS: Merpeople, Sea Monsters
TAROT TRUMPS: Moon, Death, Lovers
RUNES: Uruz, Gebo, Hagalaz, Isa, Pethro, Ehwaz, Laguz, Dagaz
ZODIAC SIGNS: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
PLANETS: Moon, (Venus)
HOUR: Dusk
DAY(S): Monday, (Friday)
LIFE CYCLE: Adulthood, Reproductive years
ALCHEMICAL SYMBOL: downward pointing triangle
MAGICAL TOOLS: Chalice, Cup, Bowl, Cauldron, Ring, Sickle
CHAKRA(S): Navel, (Heart)
TYPES OF MAGIC: Divinations, Dreams, Psychic work, Astral Travel, Healing, Fertility
POSITIVE CHARACTERISTICS: Compassionate, loving, forgiving, sensitive, easygoing, modest, flowing
NEGATIVE CHARACTERISTICS: Overly sensitive, weepy, dependent, indifferent, lazy, insecure, frigid
OVERBALANCE: Depression, hypersensitivity
UNDERBALANCE: Cold, emotionless nature

The Elements: Earth

ASSOCIATIONS: Stability, food, wealth, crops, animals, home, mountains, strength, grounding, protecting, nature, death/rebirth,
QUALITIES: dry, cold, heavy, passive
GENDER: feminine, receptive
MAGICAL POWER: To be silent
COLORS: brown, black, green
ARCHANGEL: Uriel/Auriel
ANIMALS: most four-legged, animals that go by night
PLANTS: Celtic trees - Ash, Dwarf Elm, Hawthorn. Herbs - Patchouli, Vetiver, Wheat Natives - Bald Cypress, Inland Sea-Oats, Texas Persimmon, Elbow-bush, Indiangrass
STONES: Amazonite, Emerald, Hematite/Hematine, Jade, Jet, Lodestone, Malachite, Peridot, Serpentine, Turquoise
METALS: (Iron), Lead, Mercury
MYTHOLOGICAL BEINGS: Giants, Leprechauns, Trolls
TAROT SUIT: Pentacles/Coins/Discs
TAROT TRUMPS: Devil, Empress, Emperor, World
RUNES: Fehu, Wunjo, Jera, Berkano, Mannaz, Othala
ZODIAC SIGNS: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
PLANETS: (Jupiter, Saturn)
HOUR: Midnight
DAY(S): (Thursday, Saturday)
SEASON: Winter
ALCHEMICAL SYMBOL: downward pointing triangle bisected by horizontal line
MAGICAL TOOLS: Pentacle, Rock, Hammer, Salt, Shield, Drum
TYPES OF MAGIC: Household, Prosperity, Ancestors, Fertility, Grounding, Protection, Eco-Magic
POSITIVE CHARACTERISTICS: Reliable, punctual, stable, perservering, wise
NEGATIVE CHARACTERISTICS: Greedy, sensualist, materialistic, stodgy, narrow-minded
OVERBALANCE: Boring, tunnel-vision, materialistic
UNDERBALANCE: Unreliable, careless, tasteless

The Elements: Spirit

ASSOCIATIONS: Unification, magic, change, transformation, alchemy, divinity,
QUALITIES: infinity, timelessness, spacelessness
COLORS: white, black, purple
ANIMALS: Spiders
PLANTS: Celtic trees - Apple. Herbs - (Artemisia, Vervain). Natives - (Artemisia, Vervain)
STONES: Amethyst, Quartz
METALS: Meteorite
TAROT SUIT: Major Arcana
TAROT TRUMPS: (Magician, High Priestess, Heirophant, Hermit, Wheel, Temperance, Star,) Judgement
LIFE CYCLE: Before birth/after death
SYMBOLS: Spiral, Star of David, (Unicursal hexagram)
MAGICAL TOOLS: Cauldron, Cord
CHAKRA(S): (Crown, Shadow)
TYPES OF MAGIC: Spiritual, religious, pathwork, (time travel)
UNDERBALANCE: Lifelessness, shallowness

Re: Ravencry's Book of Shadows

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:31 pm
by Ravencry
The Deities of Pagan Worship:

Aegir: Aegir is the Scandinavian God of the sea. Sacrifices were made to appease him,
as Sailors believed that Aegir would drag men and ships down to his undersea hall.
Aegir married Ran, the Goddess of storms, and ruler of the realm of the dead.
Aegir was known for great banquets where he entertained the other Scandinavian Gods;
it was during one of these banquests that Loki killed him.

Aine na gClair: Aine na gClair, pronounced aw-ne, is identified with the Goddess Anu in Ireland.
Aine na gClair was worshipped on Midsummer's Eve in County Limerick at a hill
called Cnoc Aine. The worshippers would carry torches of hay and straw. After
invoking her they would return to their field and pastures to wave the torches
over the crops and livestock. Aine na gClair is revered among Irish herbalists and
healers and is said to be responsible for the body's life force; to this end,
no blood letting was allowed on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday before
Lughnasadh Day.

Angus Mac Og: Angus Mac Og, (aka Angus Mac Oc, Angus of the Brugh, Oengus of the Bruig)
is the Irish God of youth, love and beauty.

Amen-Re: Amen-Re is an Egyptian fusion of the Gods Amun and Re.

Amun: Amun, (aka Amon) is the Egyptian creater God of Thebes and fertility.
He is associated with rams and geese.

Anu: Anu, pronounced an-oo, (aka Anann, Dana, Dana-Ana) is the Irish Goddess of plenty
and is the maiden aspect of the Morrigu.
She is the Mother-Earth Goddess and the flowering fertility Goddess.

Anubis: Anubis is the Egyptian God of embalming. He is associated with the dog or jackal.

Aphrodite: Aphrodite is the Greek Goddess of Passion and sexual love, and womanly beauty.
Said to have been born of sea-foam; her name means "laughter loving".

Apollo: Apollo is the Roman God of light, intellect, the arts, healing and prophecy.

Apollon: Apollon is the Greek God of light, reason, inspiration, prophecy, the arts,
healing and oracles. He is identified with the sun, and his Roman counterpart
is Apollo.

Arachne: Arachne is the Greek spider Goddess, who is the weaver of fate.

Ares: Ares is the Greek God of war. He is also called 'the shield-piercer' and [the]
'sacker of towns".

Arianrhod: Arianrhod, pronounced ari-an-rod, is the Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess in Wales.
Her palace is Caer Arianrhod (the Aurora Borealis). Arianrhod is the keeper of the
circling "Silver Wheel of Stars", which is a symbol of both time and karma.
This wheel was also known as the Oar Wheel, a ship which carrried dead
warriors to the Moon-land (Emania). Arianrhod was married to Nwtvre ("Sky of Firmament"),
but is the mother of Llue Llaw Gyffes and Dylan by her brother Gwydion.
Invoke Arianrhod to promote fertility, Beauty, and reincarnation.

Artemis: Artemis, the Huntress, is the Greek Moon Goddess. She is shown often with a Deer as a
companion and carried a bow and quiver of arrows. She is also the deity of wild places,
groves and ponds

Astarte: Astarte, (aka Ashtoreth, Ashtaroth, Ashtart, Ishtar) is the general
Greek Fertility Goddess as well as the Goddess of love, war and
the planet Venus. She is usually depicted as being naked, wearing a
lapis-lazuli necklace and carrying a spear or a bow. Sometimes she is shown
with crescent-Moon horns; and sometimes she is shown walking on a lion.

Astrild: Astrild is a Scandinavian Goddess of love.

Aten: Aten is the Sun God of Egypt.

Athena: Athena (aka Athene) is the Greek Goddess of War as well as the Greek Goddess
of Wisdom. She is the daughter of the Greek God Zeus and Metis.
Athena is depicted as a strong woman in full armour. Her breast-plate symbolizes
earned wisdom, and her helment, the protection of knowledge.
Athena is the Greek patron of craftsmen and the protector of cities.

Atum: Atum is the Creater God of Heliopolis Egypt, where he was merged with Re.
His sacred animal was the Mnevis bull.

Bacchus: Bacchus, (aka Bakchos) is the Roman name for the Greek God Dionysos.
Bacchus is the orgiastic deity of the Bacchanalia. His phallic staff (Thyrsus)
is crowned by a pine cone which represents wisdom and inspiration.

Badb: Badb, (aka Badhbh, Badb, Catha, Cauth Bodva(Gaul)) is the Irish War Goddess
and wife to the War God Net. She is the Mother Aspect of
the Triple Goddess in Ireland.
Invoke Badb for life, wisdom, inspiration, and enlightenment.

Balder: Balder, (aka Baldr, Baldur) is called the "Good God" in Scandinavian mythology.
Baldur is the God of joy, light, beauty, innocence, purity, and reconciliation.
His parents are Odin and Frigg. Much loved by the Gods as well as man, Baldur was
friendly, wise and eloquent. He was not a very powerful God, but was certainly one
of the most loved. His wife is Nanna, and their son is Forseti (Fosite
in Teutonic lore), the God of justice. (Nanna's father is the giant and star-hero Ivalde)
Saxo Grammaticus wrote of Baldr as a warrior who contested with Hödhr to win Nanna.
Warned by several walkyrige, Hödhr gets a magick sword to kill Baldr, as well as an arm-ring to bring him wealth. He meets up with several forest-maidens (the walkyrige) and convinces them to let him to taste the magical food they are preparing for Baldr. This food was the source of Baldr's strength. Now being of equal strength as Baldr, he defeated and mortally wounded him. In Saxo's story, Baldr has a dream where the Goddess Proserpine promises her love to him. Odhinn uses magick and trickery to get a son by Rindr, to get revenge on Hödhr. This son was called Bous, and he killed Hödhr, even though he was but one night old.
The legends in the Edda tell us that:
Loki hated everything that Baldur stood for and plotted his death. During this time, Baldur had a dream, which he confided to his mother, Frigg.
Frigg then went around getting oaths from all things that they would not harm her son... all things, except the mistilteinn which was "too young" to give its oath; so no promise was secured from it. Once Frigga had insured her son's life, the rest of the Gods amused themselves by throwing things at Balder. Baldur was killed when Loki directed the hand of Baldur's blind (twin) brother, Hod, (Hödhr, Hother, Hoder) in throwing a mistilteinn dart (fig), which struck him in the heart. Nanna, died of a broken heart. Hod was killed by his and Baldur's half-brother, Vali, who was born to Odin and his mistress, the giant Rand, to avenge Baldur's death.
Note: The legends say mistilteinn which was "pulled from the ground", not mistletoe, which is a parasitic plant which grows on trees. Mistletoe was certainly sacred to the ancient Druids and Norsemen; and perhaps it is because of this, that the yet unidentified mistilteinn was transformed into mistletoe.

Bast: Bast, (aka Bastet) is the Egyptian Goddess of Bubastis. Her sacred animal is the cat. Bast symbolizes the moon, as a swelling womb. She is also the Egyptian Goddess of pleasure, music, dancing and joy.

Bes: Bes is the Egyptian God of luck, love, marriage and music. He is represented as being a bandy legged, pot bellied dwarf.

Blodeuwedd: Blodeuwedd, pronounced blod-oo-eeth, (aka Blodwin, Blancheflor ("White Flower")) is the Welsh maiden form of the Triple Goddess. Blodeuwedd was created by Math & Gwydion to be a wife for Lleu. after plotting Lleu's death and committing adultry, she was changed into an owl. Invoke Blodeuwedd for wisdom, lunar mysteries, initiations and to cause your flowers to bloom.

Bóand: Bóand, (Boann, Boannan, Boyne) is the Irish Goddess of the river Boyne, (in County Meath), and the mother of Angus Mac Og by the Dagda. She was the wife of Nechtán. Invoke Bóand for poetic inspiration and healing.

Bragi: Bragi Boddason was a Scandinavian poet in the 9th century; but in later centuries, was made a 'God' by other poets. He is called the God of eloquence and poetry, and is the patron God of poets (skalds). Bragi has come to be thought of as a son of Odin and Frigg. He is married to the Scandinavian Goddess of eternal youth, Idun (Iduna).
Bragi's tongue had Runes carved on it and he is said to inspire poets by letting them drink of the mead of poetry. Oaths are sworn over the 'Bragarfull' ("Cup of Bragi"), and toasts are drunk from it in honour of dead kings.

Branwen: Branwen is a Manx and Welsh Goddess of love and beauty. She is the sister of Bran the Blessed and wife of the Irish King Matholwchh.

Brigit: Brigit, ("High One"), pronounced breet, (aka Brid, Brig, Brigid, Brighid, Bree, Bres) is an aspect of Danu, the Irish Great Goddess. There are three sister Goddesses named Brigit in Ireland. As a Goddess of fire, Brigit is associated with Imbolc. She is also a fertility Goddess and the keeper of the Cauldron, chalice or bowl. Brigit is the matron of augury, and healing as well as a teacher all feminine arts and crafts, as well as the arts of smithing, forging, poetry, speaking, agriculture, inspiration, learning, divination, prophecy, love, witchcraft, occult knowledge and herbs. Brigit had an exclusive female priesthood in County Kildare and a sacred, eternal flame. Brigit had nineteen priestesses, as this represented the nineteen year cycle of the Celtic "Great Year". Her kelles were purported to be sacred prostitutes and her soldiers brigands.

Buto: Buto is the chief Egyptian Goddess of the Delta. She is associated with the snake.

Caillech: Caillech, called the Veiled One, is the Celtic Great Goddess in her Destroyer aspect. She is invoked for disease, plague, cursing, and wheat.

Ceres: Ceres is the Roman Goddess of agriculture and fertility. Her Greek counterpart is Demeter.

Cerridwen: Cerridwen, (aka Caridwen, Ceridwen) is the Welsh Moon, Grain and Nature Goddess; she is also the Welsh Great Mother. Cerridwen is married to the giant Tegid and is the mother of a beautiful girl, Creirwy and an ugly boy Avagdu. In her magickal cauldron, she made a potion called greal; this potion was made from six plants for inspiration and knowledge, and the Bard Taliesin is said to have drank of it. Cerridwen's symbol is a white sow. Invoke Cerridwen for rituals concerning death, fertility, regeneration, inspiration, magick, astrology, herbs, science, poetry, spells, and knowledge.

Changó: Changó, (aka Shangó, Inquices: Nsasi, Insasi, Nkita, Nkitán Kitán, Kanbaranguanje,Insancio, Mukiamamuilo, Zaze, Kibuco Kirbrico, Kiassubangango, Nzage, Kambaranguanje ) is the Santería (Macumba, and Kongo) Orisha of Courage, Truth and intelligence; as well as being the Lord of fire, thunder, lightening, rain and (male) fertility. Changó is identified with St. Barbara and St. Gerome of the Catholic faith. He is wedded to Oya and they have nine children. His mother is Yemayah. He is thought of being shrewd, smooth-talking, kingly, and a con-artist; he is stimulated by challenge and he always wins against all odds. Shangó is depicted in a double-headed dance wand headress, called the oshe Sangó, and carries a double-headed axe which symbolizes his preparedness, and courage. He also carries the phallic mortar, or odo, in his right hand, and his totem animals are the black cat, quail and tortoise. He embodies the value of truth, and demands a young rooster as sacrifice.

Creiddylad: Creiddylad, (aka Cordelia, Creudylad)is the Welsh Goddess of summer flowers, and love. She is the daughter of the sea God Llyr, and is connected with Beltane and is often called the May Queen.

Cybele: Cybele (aka Kybele, Rhea) is the Greek Great Mother of the Gods. She is the leading deity of the Greek mystery religions. Her Consort is Attis, whom is also her grandson.

Cupid: Cupid is the Roman God of love, attraction, and the son of Venus. His Greek counterpart is Eros.

The Dagda: The Dagda (aka "The Rude Man Of Cerne") is the All-Powerful God of Ireland. The Dagda is a god of immense strength and appetites. He was depicted wearing a servant's garment, and carried a huge club. His phallus is erect. The Dagda had a magick cauldron which rejuvenated all who petitioned it; it was inexhaustible! At Samhain, The Dagda coupled with the Morrigan invoking her fertility to bless the tribe in the new year. The "Rude Man of Cerne" is a 220 foot carving into the chalk sub-surface in Cerne Abbas, England. Women who wish to conceive claim that by spending the night, lying within the chalk outline of his erect phallus will help them, and their mate conceive a child.

Danu: Danu (aka Danann, Dana) is the major Irish Mother Goddess; Moon Goddess, as well as an aspect of the Morrigu. She is the patroness of wizards, rivers, water, wells, prosperity, magick, and wisdom;and is said to be the ancestress of the Tuatha De Danann. Probably the same Goddess as Anu.

Demeter: Demeter is the Greek Earth-Mother Archtype, she is the Goddess of agriculture, crops and all produce. She is invoked to insure an abundant harvest and also during birthing.

Diana: Diana is the Roman Goddess of the hunt, moon, beasts and wild-areas. Her Greek counterpart is Artemis.

Diana Of Ephesus: Diana Of Ephesus is the Amazon's multi-breasted Goddess of Heaven.

Dionysos: Dionysos (aka Dionysus) is the Greek God of ecstasy, wine and fertility.

Dis Pater: Dis Pater is the Roman God of death and the underworld. His Greek counterparts are Hades and Plouton.

Don: Don, (aka Domnu, Donn) is the Welsh Queen of the Heavens and Goddess of sea and air, and is the equivalent of the Irish Goddess Danu, and ruled over the Land of the Dead. Invoke Don for eloquence and control of the elements.

Druantia: Druantia, meaning "Queen of the Druids", is the Celtic Fir Goddess and Mother of the tree calender. Invoke Druantia for protection, knowledge, creativity, fertility, passion, sexual activities, and trees.

Eir: Eir, meaning "mercy", is a Scandinavian Goddess of healing with herbs. Eir taught the use of healing herbs only to women, and was a handmaiden to Frigg.

Elaine: Elaine is the Welsh and ancient Briton's maiden aspect of the Goddess.

Ellegguá: Ellegguá (aka Elegua, Eleggùa Inquices: Tata Elegua, Tata Tata Elegua, Tata Elegwa, Nkuyu Nfinda,Tata Nkuyu, Tata Nfinda, Aluvaiá, Exu Pavena, Pombo-ngira, Pambunguera, Pomba-gira, Bonbonjira, Tonã, Cubango Elegwa, Nkuyu Nfinda, Tata Nkuyu, Tata Nfinda, Aluvaiá, Exu Pavena, Pombo-ngira, Pambunguera, Pomba-gira, Bonbonjira, Tonã, Cubango) is a major warrior Orisha of Santería (Macumba). He must be paid homage before any other Santería (Macumba) Orisha, or he will cause great trouble to the Santero. He is identified with St. Anthony of the Catholic faith, and the voodoo god Legba. The sacrifice to Ellegguá is a small chicken.

Elli: Elli is the Scandinavian Goddess of old age. She bested Thor in a wrestling match.

Epona: Epona is the Celtic Goddess of horses, fertility, maternity, protective of horses, horse breeding, prosperity, dogs, healing, springs, crops.

Erzulie Dantor: Erzulie Dantor is the Voodoo (Vodun, Vodou) protectress of abused women, as well as the protector of newly consecrated Houngans and Mambos. She is identified with the "Black St. Barbara".

Erzulie Freda: Erzulie Freda is the Voodoo (Vodun, Vodou) lwa (aka loa or god/dess) of the moon and love. She can be compared to Venus.

Esus: Esus, (aka Cu Chulainn) is the horned and leaping Celtic guardian of cattle and beasts.

Faunus: Faunus is the Roman God of woodlands. His Greek counterpart is Pan.

Freya: Freya, (aka Freyja, Friia ) is called the most beautiful of the Scandinavian Goddesses. She is a Goddess of love, sensuality, and fertility. She is also the patron Goddess of crops and birth. Her father is Njörd; her brother, Freyr. She married the God Od, (whom is thought to be another form of Odin.) When Od disappeared, Freya's tears turned to gold. She has a human lover, named Ottar, who goes in disguise as Hildesvini ("battle boar").
Freya is also the Queen of the Valkyeries. Her palace is Folkvang ("field of folk") and her hall is Sessrumnir. Freya takes half of the slain warriors and all women. Freya's magickal items are: the necklace of the Brisings ("Brisingamen"), the falcon cloak (a magickal cloak of bird feathers, which causes its wearer to change into a falcon), a chariot pulled by two cats, and cat-skin gloves. Freya is invoked for love, war and witchcraft. The boar is symbolic of prosperity, vitality and ceremonial feasting for both the Norse and Celts.

Freyr: Freyr, (aka Frey (Norse), Frea (Anglo-Saxon), Froh (German), Frodi (Danish), Yngvi) is called the "God of the World". He is the Scandinavian God of sun and rain, peace and war, and the patron of a bountiful harvest. He is the son of Njörd, and the brother of Freya. He married the beautiful giantess Gerd. Freyr rides in a chariot which is pulled by the golden boar Gullinbursti. He also owns the ship Skidbladnir ("wooden-bladed"), and owns a magick, phallic sword which unsheathes itself and wreaks havoc on the field of battle.
Freyr is called "beautiful", and will be the first to die at Ragnarok. Freyr is invoked for peace and prosperity as well as the releasing of fetters.

Frigg: Frigg, (aka Frig, Frigga) is the wife of Odin and the mother of Baldur, Hod, Hermod and (honourarily) Bragi.
She is the Scandinavian Goddess of love and fertility and is the patron Goddess of marriage and motherhood. It is believed that she knows; but will not reveal, the destiny of everyone.
Frigg's magickal item is the distaff and she is invoked for maritalfidelity and childbirth.

Gaia: Gaia, (pronounced guy-uh) is the deified earth. Although Gaia is thought of as a New Age goddess, the person who created the concept in 1973 never intended for that to happen.

Geb: Geb is the Egyptian God of the Earth in Heliopolis.

Gefion: Gefion, (aka Gefjon) is an ancient Scandinavian vegetation and fertility Goddess. Gefion is the patron Goddess of virgins and a bringer of good luck and prosperity. She is married to King Skjold. In legend, she is the ancestress of the Swedish kings. It is said that any maiden which dies a virgin, will become her servant. Gefion's symbol is the plough.

Gerd: Gerd, (aka Gerda) is a Scandinavian earth Goddess. She reluctantly married Freyr, the Scandinavian God of sun and rain.

Gran Met: Gran Met is the Voodoo (Vodun, Vodou) all knowing, all powerful, if remote "Great God".

Hades: Hades is the Greek God of the underworld and death. He is a brother of Zeus, but did not live on Olympos.

Hapi: Hapi is the Egyptian personification of the river Nile. He is shown with a crown of water plants, such as the lotus or the papyrus.

Harpokrates: Harpokrates is the child portrayal of the Egyptian God Horus.

Hathor: Hathor is the cow-eared Goddess of joy and love in Egypt. Her mate is Horus.

Hecate: Hecate, (aka Hekate) is the original representation of the holy trinity. The Christian tradition demonized her as the queen of witches; and created an evil image of her to obscure her importance to the agrarian societies of medieval Europe as a source of healing magic. She is the crone aspect of the moon. Invoke Hecate for wisdom, healing, and women's mysteries.

Heimdall: Heimdall, (aka Heimdallr (Old Norse), Heimdal, Gullintani ("gold tooth"), Rígr (Rig) (Edda; meaning "ruler"), Heimdallr (Old Norse)) is the Scandinavian God of light, the guardian of the rainbow bridge; and was born at the end of the world to nine mothers (daughters of the giant, Geirrendour ). His hall is Himinbjorg, "the Cliffs of Heaven", and his horse is Gulltop. Heimdall's magickal horn is the Gjallarhorn (Gjall). Heimdall has acute hearing and is said to be able to even hear grass growing. It is Heimdall who will kill Loki at Ragnarok; but he himself will die of his wounds. As Rig, Heimdall created the three races of mankind. Heimdall is invoked for protection and teaching.

Hel: Hel is the Scandinavian Goddess who ruled the realm of the dead in the north. (Eljudnir is her hall in Helheim, where she distributes those dead who were wicked or died of sickness or old age.) Her parents are Loki and his mistress the giantess Angrboda.

Hera: Hera is the Greek Goddess of marriage and all phases of a woman's life. She is both sister and wife to Zeus.

Hermes: Hermes is the Greek God of commerce and the herald and messenger to the Greek Gods. He often escorted the dead to the underworld. He is principally a god of boundaries, hence his designation as God of travelers (who cross boundaries), thieves (who transgress boundaries) and psychopomp. Erect phallus statues called "herms" guarded the boundaries of the ancient Greek's home, and piles of rocks called "hermes" delineated land boundaries. Hermes is an androgynous trickster God, often housed in the same body as Aphrodite. Hermes can be compared to the Roman Mercury, as well as to the Teutonic Gods, Teutatis and Woden.

Hestia: Hestia, (aka Vesta) is a Greek Mother Goddess, her name means "Hearth". She is also the Goddess of Household Harmony. Invoke Hestia for abundance in the home, conception and general well-being. Hestia's consort is Pales; an ass-god, and a symbol of fertility throughout the ancient world.

Hödr: Hödr, (Höd, Hödhr, Hother, Hoder) was the Scandinavian God of darkness and winter, and the blind twin brother of Baldur. Loki guided his hand in throwing the mistilteinn dart, which killed Baldur. Hod was killed by his half-brother Vali; whom who was born for revenge.
Saxo Grammaticus wrote of Baldr as a warrior who contested with Hödhr to win Nanna. Warned by several walkyrige, Hödhr gets a magick sword to kill Baldr, as well as an arm-ring to bring him wealth. He meets up with several forest-maidens (the walkyrige) and convinces them to let him to taste the magical food they are preparing for Baldr. This food was the source of Baldr's strength. Now being of equal strength as Baldr, he defeated and mortally wounded him. In Saxo's story, Baldr has a dream where the Goddess Proserpine promises her love to him. Odhinn uses magick and trickery to get a son by Rindr, to get revenge on Hödhr. This son was called Bous, and he killed Hödhr, even though he was but one night old.
Legend states that Hödr will be reborn after Ragnarok.

Horus: Horus is the Egyptian God whom is identified with the ruler of Egypt. His parents are Osiris and Isis and his sacred animal is the falcon.

Idun: Idun, (aka Idun, Iduna), is the Scandinavian Goddess of eternal youth and the keeper of the golden apples (of youth). She is also a Goddess of youth, fertility, and death. Her father is the giant and star-hero Ivalde, and her brother is Orvandil who was married to Sif.
Idun is always shown as a sweet and naive maiden.
She was once rescued by Loki, when she was kidnapped by the storm giant Thiazi. (Loki changed her into a nut, and carried her back to her hall.)
Idun is married to the mortal turned Scandinavian God, Bragi. Idun's magickal items are apples, and she is invoked for longevity of life.

Imhotep: Imhotep is the Egyptian God of healing. He was originally a real man, whom, was elevated as a God. When alive, he was the builder of the step pyramid at Sakkara.

Isis: Isis is the Egyptian Mother Goddess. She is a Protectress of the home. Her mate is Osiris. Isis is considered to be the ideal woman, wife and mother. Invoke her for matters relating to the home and family.

Janus: Janus is the Roman "two-faced" God of doorways and gates; entrances and exits. Because of this, he is depicted as looking both forward and back at the same time.

Jupiter: Jupiter is the Roman God of the sky, and is the father of gods and men, in Roman mythology. His Greek counterpart is Zeus.

Juno: Juno is the Roman Goddess of women and motherhood. She is wedded to Jupiter and her Greek counterpart is Hera.

Kernunnos: Kernunnos, (aka Cernunnos, Cernowain, Cernenus, Herne, Belatucadros, Vitiris, Hu Gadarn) is the Celtic horned God of animals, woodlands, nature and the underworld. He is a God of fertility. this ultra-male God is invoked for virility, lust, reincarnation, crossroads, wealth, warriors and commerce.

Khepera: Khepera (aka Khepri) is the rising sun in Egyptian myth. He is associated with the scarab beetle.

Khnum: Khnum, called the potter, is the creater-god of Elephantine in Egypt. He created mankind on his potter's wheel. Khnum is associated with the ram.

Khons: Khons (aka Khonsu, Khensu) is the Egyptian Moon God of Thebes. In later times, he is known as a God of healing.

Kore: Kore, (aka Persephone) is the Greek queen of the underworld. Her father is Zeus and her mother is Demeter, Zeus' sister.

Legba: Legba is the Voodoo (Vodun, Vodou) lwa (aka loa or god/dess) of the sun and is the chief god of the pantheon. Legba is also a lwa of communication, and can be compared to Mercury or Hermes.

Liber: Liber is the Roman God of wild nature, fertility, ecstasy and wine. His Greek counterparts are Dionysos, and Bakchos.

Loki: Loki,(aka Logi ("wildfire"), Loge (German)) is the trickster of the Scandinavian pantheon.
Scholars consider him a psychological aspect of Odin, but mythology records him as a son of the giant Farbauti and one of his wives, the giantess Laufey.
(He is also foster-brother to Odin.) He was married to the faithful Sigyn.
To call Loki a trickster is to malign the word. He is a malicious God who is pleasant to look upon, but dangerous to meet up with.
Loki was the father (with his mistress, Angrboda) of Hel, the Goddess who ruled the realm of the dead in the north; as well as the Midgard Serpent, (Jormungand) and the huge wolf Fenrir. Loki is the mother of Odin's eight-legged charger, Sleipnir. (Loki had turned himself into a mare.) Loki caused the death of the God Baldur (Balder) as well as the God Aegir. For causing the death of Baldur; Loki was chained across three boulders; and a poisonous snake was placed above his head. Loki's faithful wife, Sigyn, holds a bowl over his face (to catch the dripping venom). When she has to leave to empty the bowl; the venom falls on Loki's face making him twist in pain. Scandinavian legend says that it is Loki writhing in pain which causes earthquakes.
Legend also states that at the beginning of Ragnarok, Loki's chains will break and he will lead the giants into battle against the Gods. Loki is invoked for trickery and destruction.

Lugh: Lugh, pronounced loo or loog, (aka Luga, Lamhfada, Llew Llaw Gyffes, Lleu, Lugos) is the Irish and Welsh God, and hero, of war. In Ireland he is associated with ravens; in Wales, with a white stag. He is the son of Cian and Ethniu. Lugh has a magick spear, rod-sling, and magickal hounds. Lugh is a carpenter, mason, harper, smith, poet, Druid, and physician. Invoke him in rituals for reincarnation, prophecy, healing and revenge. Lugh's holiday is Lughnassadh.

Ma'at: Ma'at is the Egyptian Goddess of truth, justice and the order of the universe. Her symbol is the feather.

Maeve: It is Maeve (aka Medb) whom endows the Celtic sovereign with his powers. She is also a Goddess of Earth fertility. Maeve rides in a wheeled chariot, always in a sunwise direction. Maeve is also a Celtic War Goddess. Her lover is Fergus.

Mars: Mars is the Roman God of war. His Greek counterpart is Ares.

Mercury: Mercury is the Roman God of trade and communications. He was the Roman messenger to the gods. His Greek counterpart is Hermes.

Meshkent: Meshkent is the Egyptian Goddess of birth. She will be present at the great day of Judgement.

Metis: Metis, meaning "thought" is the Greek daughter of the Titan Okeanos. With Zeus, she is the parent of the Goddess Athena.

Min: Minis is an Egyptian God of fertility, and protector of roads and travellers. He is shown with an erect phallus and is often identified with Horus.

Minerva: Minerva is the Roman Goddess of crafts and wisdom. Her Greek counterpart is Athena.

Nehellenia: Nehellenia is associated, in Holland, with vegetation, dogs and the sea. She is always portrayed with a basket of apples. (Apples being symbolic of life and fertility; dogs with death.) Nehellenia was worshipped on the Dutch Frisian island, Walcheren, (now a part of the provence of Zealand). Nehellenia was invoked by sailors before they attempted to cross the North Sea to England.

Neptune: Neptune is the Roman God of the sea. His Greek counterpart is Poseidon.

Njörd: Njörd, (aka Njöror (old Norse)) is the Scandinavian God of winds, sea and fire, as well as the patron of "all riches". One of the functions of Njörd is to reconcile people. Njörd carried a magickal Axe.
Unlike Aegir, Njörd brought good fortune to sailors as well as for those in the hunt. He was married to the giantess Skadi. His children are Freya and Freyr, whom he fathered by Nerthus who was reputed to be his sister. Njörd had a large following in Uppsala, Sweden. Njörd is invoked for prosperity.

Nut: Nut is the Egyptian Goddess of the sky.

Obatalá: Obatalá (aka Obtala) is identified with the Virgin Mary as "Our Lady of Mercy", in Santería. In the Ifá Creation myth, Obatala came down from Heaven to the Earth with a sea-shell, guinea hen, sand and ikin. Obatalá poured the sand on the waters, and dropped the hen on the earth. The hen scratched the sand and created earth's first land mass. Obatalá embodies the value of ethics and symbolizes reason.

Ochosi: Ochosi is a Santería (Macumba) hunter Orisha. During any Santería (Macumba) sacrifice to other Orishas; Ellegguá, Osún,and Ochosi must be sacrificed to also. He requires a sacrifice of two pigeons.

Odin: Odin is the Scandinavian "Father of the Gods", as well as the God of death, poetry, wisdom, magick and war. His parents are the primordial pair of giants, Bor and Bestla. With his brothers, Ve and Vili; he created heaven, earth, and the twelve realms from the slain body of the primeval being Ymir. In Scandinavian mythology, they also created the first human beings, Ask and Embla.
Odin is the father of Balder, Hod, and Hermod, (by Frigg), and Thor (by the Goddess Jord).
Odin hung for nine days, on the world tree Yggdrasil; speared by his own spear, ("Gungnir"), and where he learned nine songs, and eighteen runes.
Odin is represented as having one eye. (He traded his other for a drink from the Well of Wisdom, which is how he gained incredible knowledge.)
Odin's magickal items are his spear "Gungnir", a wand and an arm-ring. Odin is invoked for wisdom, occult knowledge and power, war, invisibility, guile, curses, revenge and healing.

Oggún: Oggún (aka Ogún, Ogu, Oggzn Inquices: Pungo Dibudi,Zumbarandá, Roxo Mucumbe, Inôssi Mucumbe, Ncôsse) is the Santería (Macumba) warrior Orisha of ironworking. (In west Africa, blacksmithing is a sacred vocation.) During any Santería (Macumba) sacrifice to other Orishas; Ellegguá, Osún,and Ochosi must be sacrificed to also. The sacrifice to Oggún is a small chicken. Oggún is identified with St. Peter, and symbolizes human will. An article on Oggún can be found here.

Ogma: Ogma is the Celtic God of eloquence, inspiration and language. He is the inventor of the Ogham druidic alphabet. He is portrayed as an old man with gold chains running from his tongue to those around him.

Olodumare: Olodumare (aka Inquices: Nsambi, Sambia, Sambi, Nzambi, Insambi, Sambia Mpungu, Mpungu Sambia, Asambia,Zumbá, Zambi,Zambiampongo) is the God of Heavens in the Yoruba and Kongo pantheons.

Orisha: Orisha (aka Orisa) is a word to denote the named aspects of God in the Yoruba pantheon. Each Orisha has its own personality and myth; and may or may not be equivalent in the other forms of the religion. Orisha also represent ancestors, and values and are identified with Saints or others of the Catholic religion. Each Orisha also represents a particular law, such as Oshun's law to "Love yourself", or Shangó's "Use your head". For a clearer understanding of the Orisha, read the article hyper-linked here.

Orùnmila: Orùnmila, (aka Orula) is identified with St. Francis of Assisi in Santería.

Osiris: Osiris is the Egyptian God of re-birth, the moon, corn and other vegetation and the dead. Osiris brings vegetative growth, and is anually resurrected by his wife, Isis.

Osún: Osún (aka Ikolé, Oshún, Ochun, Inquices: Chola Wengue, Choya Wengue, Mama Chola, Shola, Chola Anguenge, Mpungu Mama Wánga, Kissimbé, Samba) is the Santería (Macumba) Orisha of Love and Sensuality as well as the patroness of the blood-stream and of rivers. As Ikolé, she the messenger to Olodumare, the God of the heavens. She is depicted as an old woman whom is wise but sad at her loss of beauty. Alternately she may be shown as tall, light brown-skinned woman who has the sensuality of a prostitute. Osún wears seven brass bracelets, and wears a mirror at her belt to admire herself. Her companions are a peacock and a cricket. Osún is identified with the Virgin Mary as "Our Lady of Charity" and symbolizes human self-esteem. She carries river water in her pot. This is an Orisha of opposites, and powerful spells are worked in Santería (Macumba) through her. Osún embodies the value of connectiveness. The sacrifice to Osún is a small chicken. A story about her can be read here.

Oya: Oya is the female Warrior Orisha of the Wind, to the Santería (Macumba). She is wedded to Shangó and has nine children. She is often depicted kneeling and suckling a child. Tall and regal, Oya is invoked for power, action and life. Oya embodies the value of change.

Pan: Pan is the ancient Greek God of sacrificial fertility, and is the quintessential woodland god. The Christian church demonized Pan to diminish his powerful influence. Pan is depicted as a goat-hooved and lusty trickster.

Pashupati: Pashupati is the most ancient of the "horned gods".

Poseidon: Poseidon, meaning "earth-shaker", is the Greek God of both earthquakes and the sea.

Ptah: Ptah is the Egyptian creater-God of Memphis. He is incarnate in the Apis bull. Sekhmet is his wife.

Ran: Ran is the Scandinavian Goddess of storms, and ruler of the realm of the dead. She married Aegir, and mothered nine daughters, which are the waves.
It was believed that Ran sunk ships and drowned sailors so that she could tenderly care for them in her hall under the ocean.

Re: Re (aka Ra) is the Egyptian Sun-God. Myth has it that man and animals were created from his tears.

Renenet: Renenet is the Egyptian Goddess whom protects children.

Rhiannon: Rhiannon, pronounced hri-an-non, is the Welsh Great Mother Goddess; goddess of horses, enchantments, fertility, horses, birds and the underworld. Invoke her as you would Epona.

Saga: Saga is a daughter of the Scandinavian God Odin and is invoked for a good memory as well as to recall past events.

Saturn: Saturn (aka Cronus, Kronos)is a Roman God of agriculture and the ruler of the golden age. He is usually shown as an old man in a robe, carrying a sickle. He is referred to as "The Sower". His counterpart in Greece is Kronos.

Seaxneat: Seaxneat (aka Saxnot, aka Tîwaz) was the Saxon God that is said to be the founder of the Saxon dynasty of Kings in Essex. It is thought that he was originally known by this name in Essex; later to be changed to Tîwaz, Tiw, and Tig. He is believed to have been a war God; and he could have originally been known as Sahsginot, 'sword companion'. When the Saxons were forced to be baptised, Seaxneat, as Tîwaz, was one of the three specific Gods they were forced to renounce.

Sebek: Sebek is the Egyptian crocodile-God who was worshipped at Shedet and at Ombos in upper Egypt.

Sekhmet: Sekhmet is the Egyptian Goddess of war and an aspect of Hathor. She is wife to Ptah. Sekhmet is associated with the lioness and the heat of the desert.

Selene: Selene is the Greek Moon Goddess and teacher to Magickans, and sorcerers. she is shown as a beautiful, pale woman in a chariot drawn by either two white horses or a mule.

Sequana: Sequana is a Celtic River Goddess. She has a duck prowed boat and wears a diadem.

Serapis: Serapis is an Egyptian God of healing and the after-life. He was the chief state god in the Ptolemaic period of Egyptian history; and is a fusion of Osiris and Apis.

Seth: Seth (aka Set)is regarded as the Egyptian God of evil. He is both the enemy and brother of the God Osiris. He is considered the personification of the desert, barrenness and darkness, in ancient Egypt. He is portrayed as a man with the head of an ass or as a piglike creature with an erect tail.

Shangó: (aka Changó, Inquices: Nsasi, Insasi, Nkita, Nkitán Kitán, Kanbaranguanje,Insancio, Mukiamamuilo, Zaze, Kibuco Kirbrico, Kiassubangango, Nzage, Kambaranguanje ) is the Santería (Macumba, and Kongo) Orisha of Courage, Truth and intelligence; as well as being the Lord of fire, thunder, lightening, rain and (male) fertility. Changó is identified with St. Barbara and St. Gerome of the Catholic faith. He is wedded to Oya and they have nine children. His mother is Yemayah. He is thought of being shrewd, smooth-talking, kingly, and a con-artist; he is stimulated by challenge and he always wins against all odds. Shangó is depicted in a double-headed dance wand headress, called the oshe Sangó, and carries a double-headed axe which symbolizes his preparedness, and courage. He also carries the phallic mortar, or odo, in his right hand, and his totem animals are the black cat, quail and tortoise. He embodies the value of truth, and demands a young rooster as sacrifice.

Shai: Shai is the Egyptian God of destiny. He is always present at births and on the day of judgement.

Shu: Shu is the Egyptian God of the air in Heliopolis.

Sif: Sif is the second wife of Thor and the mother of Uller, by her first husband Orvandil, a star-hero. Sif has long corn-gold hair and is the Scandinavian Goddess of summer fertility and corn. Loki cut Sif's hair and that act is interpreted as a corn-field fire. (In ancient Scandinavia, a married woman who slept with another, had her hair cropped, as punishment. Loki claimed in "Lokasenna" to have slept with Sif and for this, cropped her hair. He then had dwarves forge hair of gold for her.) Invoke Sif for conjugal fidelity, peace, friendship, fertility and a happy family life.

Skadi: Skadi, ("shadow"), is a local Scandinavian Goddess of winter. Her father is the giant Thiazi. She is always portrayed wearing ice skates. Her hall is Thrymheim. It is Skadi who fastened the poison snake over Loki's head. Skadi married Uller after divorcing Njörd.

Syn: Syn is invoked by Scandinavian defendants on trial

Tauert: Tauert is the Egyptian Goddess of child-birth; she is represented as a hippopotamus. Invoke her to ease the pain of child-birth and to insure a safe delivery.

Tefnut: Tefnut is the Egyptian Goddess of rain, moisture and dew, in Heliopolis.

Thor: Thor, (aka Thunor (Anglo-Saxon), Thunar (Teutonic), Donar (Dutch), Donner (German)) is the Scandinavian God of thunder and fighter of giants; was one of the most powerful Gods in the Scandinavian pantheon. His parents were Odin and Jord. Thor married the golden-haired Sif, a fertility Goddess, and their daughter Thrudhr meaning "strength". (aka Thrud) Thor's sons, Magni and Modi, are by his mistress, the giantess Jarnsaxa, who's name means "iron-cutlass", or "Iron-Sax".
Thunar is the Teutonic version of Thor. His father was Wodan, his mother; the earth. Thunar represents the spirit of the law. Thunar is portrayed as a red-headed and bearded burly man, often with a flint in his forehead, but always carrying his hammer. Oaks are sacred to him. The Lap's version of Thunar was married to Ravdna, meaning "Rowan". Invoke Thunar to still storms at sea, bring travelers ans seamen to safety and to protect outlaws. Thor's magical items are the hammer; Mjollnir, the belt; "Megingjardhr", gloves, chariot, thunderbolts and oath-ring. He is invoked for defense, strength, good weather, and agricultural fertility.

Thoth: Thoth, (aka Thot, Tehuti, Djehuti) is the Egyptian God of wisdom, arts and sciences, as well as magick, in Heliopolis. He is also the Egyptian God of the calendar, chronology, and writing. Thoth is often depicted as dog-headed-ape wearing the combined lunar disk and crescent above his head. Thoth is also seen as an Ibis headed man, holding a writing stylus and an ankh. Thoth is the scribe of the gods and is associated with the ibis as well as the ape.

Tîwaz: Tîwaz, (aka Tyr (Scandinavia), Tiw (Saxon), Seaxneat, Saxnot (Saxons in Essex), Tig, Zio (Dutch), Ziu (German)) was the Teutonic war and "Sky God".
Great sacrifices were made to this God whom loved both law and justice.
As Tyr, he was the original Scandinavian God of war as well as the patron God of justice. Tyr represents the letter of the law. The Vikings demoted Tyr, making Odin the God of war. (Interestingly, Tyr was then regarded as Odin's son.)
He inspired courage and heroism, and was the giver of victories in battle.
Tyr's right hand was bitten off by Loki's son, the monstrous wolf Fenrir, when he bound the wolf. Tyr is always represented with one hand.
Tiw, the Saxon form of Tîwaz, was the original "great God", whom separated heaven and earth. In "Lokasenna", Loki boasts of cuckolding Tiw, without restitution. The name of Tiw's wife is not recorded.
Tîwaz's magical items are a shield, helmet and sword. He is invoked for battle glory, justice, oaths and arbitration.

Uller: Uller, (aka Wulder (Saxon), Wuldor (Teutonic), Ull (ancient Norse)) is an ancient Scandinavian God whos name meant "the brilliant one". He is a step-son of Thor and his mother is Sif. (Uller's father was the star hero Orvandil.)
Uller is invoked for oaths, duels and hunting. He was considered to be the winter ruler of Asgard; and at one time was as important to the Norsemen as Odin. Uller is associated with the Aurora Borealis.
In ancient Norse myth, Ull, meaning "glory", is the God of justice and dueling, as well as the patron God of agriculture. He resides in his hall, Ydalir ("yew dales"). Uller married Skadi, after she divorced Njörd.
According to Saxo Grammaticus, Wuldor ruled in Wodan's place for ten years whilst the latter was expelled in disgrace. (Wodan had disguised himself as a woman in order to begat the avenger of Baldr's death, Bous.)
After Wodan was reinstated, Wuldor fled to Sweden.
Magickal items belonging to Uller are a bow, wuldortanas (glory-twigs), and an oath-ring.

Var: Var was a handmaiden to Frigg and a Scandinavian Goddess of contracts and marriage agreements. She hates oath-breakers and will avenge the wronged party in one. Interestingly, Var cognates with the German word wahr, (meaning "true") and survives in English in the words "beware" and "aware". Invoke Var to witness oaths and to avenge broken ones, especially in marriages. It is said that nothing can be kept hidden from Var.

Venus: Venus is the Roman Goddess of love and beauty. Her Greek counterpart is Aphrodite.

Vidar: Vidar, (aka Vídharr) is the Scandinavian God of silence and revenge. His parents are Odin and the giantess Gridr. His hall in Asgard is Vidi. When the monsterous wolf Fenrir swallows Odin at Ragnarok, Vidar will kill the wolf by tearing it apart. Vidar is the second strongest God in the Scandinavian pantheon.

Wodan: Wodan (aka Wotan (German), Woden (Saxon),Wodanaz (early German), Odhinn, Wodann) was the Teutonic version of the Scandinavian Odin, God of war; albeit much gentler.
The Heruli were worshippers of Wodan and practiced a ritual of stabbing and burning in honour of this God. It was said by Procopius in the sixth century, that these worshippers sacrificed by laying old, or dying men; or men taken in battle, upon a funeral pyre and stabbing them to death, just prior to torching the pyre. According to Saxo Grammaticus, Wuldor ruled in Wodan's place for ten years whilst the latter was expelled in disgrace. (Wodan had disguised himself as a woman in order to begat the avenger of Baldr's death, Bous.)
After Wodan was reinstated, Wuldor fled to Sweden.
Other names for Odin/Wodan are: Balefire-Eyed, Cargo-God, Drighten of Draugs, Drighten of the Spear, Gautr, Hel-Blind, Hoar-Beard, Lord of the Gallows, Sig-Father, Vidhur, Wal-Father, Yggr, and etc.

Yemayah: Yemayah, (aka Yemalia, Yemalla, Yemayà, Yemonja, Baluandé, Balaúnde,Bamba di Ngola,Mboma, Mamá Kalunga, Pungo Kasimba, Mamá Umba,Mbúmba Mamba, Nkita Kiamasa, Nkita Kuna Mamba, Muana Lango,Mameto-Caitumbá,Dandalunda, Maie Danda, Pandá) is the Santería (Macumba) Orisha of the Ocean, fish, and Motherhood. Yemayah embodies the value of nurturance. She is long-breasted, and wears an insignia of alternating crystal and blue beads. She has a strong, nurturing, and life-giving, but very destructive nature. In Santería (Macumba), she is considered to be the Great Witch, and the ultimate manifestation of feminine power. Yemayah is identified with the Virgin Mary as "Our Lady of Regla" and "Our Lady of Lourdes". Yemalla symbolizes human compassion. Yemalla is the Palo version.

Zeus: Zeus, (aka Xenios, Herkios, Gamelios) is chief God of the Greek pantheon. He is God of the sky, storms, lightning and thunder. He also has a tremendous influence in other matters. As Zeus Cthonos he is God of the earth and fertility. As Zeus Soter, he is the father and saviour of humanity. As Xenios, he is the protector of the rules of hospitality. As Herkios, he was protector of the house; as Kleisos, he is the guardian of property. As Gamelios, he is the God of Marriage. Zeus is usually depicted as a powerful, regal and bearded man. Sometimes he is shown carrying a thunderbolt; at other times, he is shown with the sceptre of authority.

Zurvan: Zurvan is the Persian God of time and infinate space. He is also the lord of the four elements. Zurvan is depicted as having four faces; procreation, birth, aging and the return to the infinite.

Re: Ravencry's Book of Shadows

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:37 pm
by Ravencry
Altar decorations for the Sabbats:

With the promise of spring and rebirth in the air, you may want to include a statue of the Goddess on your altar. Red, pink and brown, or yellow and gold candles are appropriate. Use a small set of lights to brighten your altar and acknowledge the fire festival. You can include a small bowl of seeds and sprouts as a symbol of fertility and rebirth.

You can decorate your altar in fresh spring flowers, adding a heavenly fragrance. Also a nest which you might have found, or any hand made nest would be nice to put your dyed eggs into. Pastel colors are nice, also green, yellow and gold, to honor the Goddess of fertility.

This is a time for flowers, lots of them, picked by you or bought, any flowers will do. Beltane is a great fire festival, so a group of candles on your altar bunched together in warm colors such as red, green or pink would be nice to substitute for a small fire. You might also want to include images of the sex organs, this doesn't have to be graphic, it can be a phallic rock and a creviced stone, or flowers, or a yin-yang symbol.

Sun images made by your children or by yourself. Some sort of fire on your altar is important, use candles or votives. Use fresh fruits as a reminder of the earth's bounty. Use flowers of gold, orange and yellow, roses are traditional also. A symbol or picture of Earth on your altar is a gentle reminder to honor Her.

To celebrate the harvest, a loaf of bread hand made by the entire family is a nice centerpiece on the altar, surrounded by harvest figures. Add a wooden bowl filled with fruits and vegetables to show a bountiful harvest.

The Samhain altar becomes a shrine to our beloved who have passed on. You may want to drape your altar in black cloth. To honor those who've passed on, you may want to place their pictures or mementos on your altar. You also may want to place candy on your altar as offering to all of the children who have passed on. Symbols of the season such as pumpkins and autumn leaves, apples and nuts. You might also want to put a bowl of water on your altar for scrying.

Most of us enjoy this time of year for the beauty of the fall colors and the energy felt in the cool air, which seems to put an added perk in our steps. It can be great fun hunting for just the right harvest symbols. Your altar is a great place for fruits such as squash and apples set in an old wooden bowl, you will also want to add pomegranate, in association with Persephone. Decorate your altar with orange, brown and yellow, using candles, fruits, corns, etc. Also you might want to add a bowl of water, since Autumn is associated with water, emotion and relationship. Keep in mind that this same bowl of water can be used for scrying on Samhain.

Candles are crucial to this festival, since it is a celebration of light. Use red, green and white candles. Draping evergreens of all kinds can be used and you'll love the fragrances. Holly with its beautiful red berries is also a wonderful addition to your decoration. Use a Sun symbol as a reminder of the Sun's return. The Druids revered the white berries of the Mistletoe as the semen of the God, and this can also be placed on your altar, or hung in doorways for the traditional kissing beneath it. (chances are our ancestors did a bit more than kiss under this symbol of fertility) **remember that the berries of the mistletoe are highly poisonous, so be sure to keep them away from children and animals** Acorns, nuts, apples, cinnamon sticks and pomegranates are also appropriate for decorating your Yule altar.

Re: Ravencry's Book of Shadows

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:39 pm
by Ravencry
Native American Animal Symbolization:

Zuni Bear-good health
Hopi Hand-life, creative, healing
Cactus-nature's reservior
Steer Skull-silent testimony
Kokopelli-fertility, joy, music
Thunderbird-caller of rain
Scorpion-defense, self-protection
Buffalo Skull-sacredness, reverence for life
Thistle-Scottish symbol
Shamrock-Irish symbol
Star of David-union, heart, love
Heart-love, fondness
Cross-redemption, salvation
Angels-guardians of hope and wonder
Yin & Yang-balance, harmony
Celtic Knot-long life, eternity
Unicorn-redemption, salvation
Dragon-wisdom, nobility
Pegasus-carrier of lightning
Dove-love, peace, gentleness
4 Leaf Clover-good luck
Bull-strength, warning
Cow-patience, stoicism
Pig-intelligence, hunger
Goat-stubborn, omnivorous
Dog-loyalty, protection
Cat-independence, grace, healing
Rhino-durability, strength
Elephant-long life, self-preservation
Zebra-family-oriebted, alert
Polar Bear-fearlessness, power
Giraffe-watchfulness, mobility
Gorilla-brute strength, adaptibility
Hippo-linking water and earth, survival
Lion-power, strength, respect
Monkey-playfulness, agility
Bobcat-fierce, loner intensity
Penguin-playful, loving
Panda-playful, kindness
Orca-focus, power
Manatee-peaceable, unassuming
Water Buffalo-enormus strength, hard working
Camel-weary, enduring
Kangaroo-feisty, funloving
Ostrich-fickle, fast moving
Pelican-ever watchful, grace
Alligator-aggression, survival, adaptability
Ant-team player, worker
Armadillo-active, nocturnal, protection
Bat-guardian of the night, cleaner
Bear-power, adaptability
Bear Paw-strength, mobility
Beaver-builder, gather
Buffalo-sacredness, life builder
Butterfly-metamorphisis, carefree, transformer
Cougar-leadership, courage
Coyote-prankster, insight, playful
Crane-solitude, independence
Deer-love, gentleness, kindness
Dolphin-kindness, play, bridge man to ocean
Dragonfly-flighty, carefree
Eagle-divine spirit, connection to creator
Elk-strength, agility, freedom
Fox-cunning, provider, intelligence
Frog-connection with water element
Goose-faithful, communicative, traveler
Grizzly Bear-hunter, nature's pharmacist
Hawk-messenger, stopper of time
Horse-stamina, mobility, strength
Hummingbird-messenger, stopper of time
Lizard-conservation, agility
Loon-solitude, song, romance
Moose-headstrong, unstoppable, longevity
Mouse-timid, secretive, sneaky
Otter-laughter, curiosity, truth, patience
Owl-wisdom, perseverance
Pheasant-confidence, attrsction, perseverance
Quail-sacred spiral, ceremonial, Holy
Rabbit-alertness, resourceful
Raccoon-bandit, shy, determination
Ram-new beginning, teacher, hoarder
Raven-trickster, mischievous
Road Runner-speed, agility, cleverness
Salmon-instinct, persistence, determination
Seahorse-confidence, grace
Shark-hunter, survival
Skunk-wary, conspicious, intense
Snake-shrewdness, transformation
Spider-creative, pattern of life
Squirrel-trusting, innocence
Swan-grace, balance, festive
Turkey-smart, elusive
Turtle-self-contained creative source
Whale-wisdom, power, cleanser
Wolf-loyalty, success, perseverance
Wolf Paw-freedom, success, guidance

Re: Ravencry's Book of Shadows

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:15 pm
by Ravencry
Crystal correspondences:

Agate: Appearance: Multi banded stone. Opaque to transparent, primarily
peach-orange to grey.
This stone serves as a third eye. Binds energies for physical endurance.
Animals, courage, protection, balance, build energy, fatigue, physical
Banded Agate:
Relieves spastic discomfort
Blue Lace Agate:
Depression, despair, stubbornness, and bad emotions, Anger, communication,
confidence, creativity, fever, heart, infection, influenza, insomnia, job
interviews, larynx, nervous system, self expression, soothing, sore throat,
thyroid, wisdom
Botswana Agate:
Physical strength and stamina, addiction recovery, calming, clear toxins
from body, concentration
Crazy Lace Agate:
Fire Agate:
Circulation, focus, nervous system
Lace Agate:
Moss Agate:
Cleanses stress, old patterns, skin disorders
Tree Agate:
Soothes emotions
Brings emotional balance, cancer, pancreas, psychic protection,
regeneration, spleen
This stone improves Confidence, both directed towards oneself and towards
others. Enriches skeletal, calcium metabolism, balance, astral travel,
Male/Female balance, communication, creativity, death, nervous system,
soothing nerves, self esteem, self love
Beauty, Purification, releasing fluids from the body, digestive track, clear
toxins from environment, depression, Endocrine system, grounding, heart,
joy, karmic issues, past lives, spleen, stability, transformation, uplifting
Amethyst: This stone is related to the Throat Chakra, and the Purple Colour
Love, friendship, peace, sleep, dreams, psychic ability, spiritual
upliftment, effective communication, stomach problems. Alleviates mental
stress, courage, arthritis, bloodstream, cleanse blood, calming mind,
Purification, aligns emotions, Endocrine system, eyes, immune system,
meditation, mental health, nightmares, pain, protection, relaxing, spirit
guides, spiritual development, stress
Helps with headaches, depression, stress, transformation
Anger, bones, communication, nervous system, protection, self expression,
soothing, sore throat, thyroid, wellbeing
Apache Tears:
Brings emotional security and peace, protects from toxins, release emotions
Communication, Inter-dimensional communication, extraterrestrial contact,
Blue Apatite:
Creativity, eyes, pituitary gland, sore throat
Green Apatite:
Astral travel, clarity, higher self, inter-dimensional, pituitary gland
Yellow Apatite:
Astral travel, clarity, inter-dimensional, pituitary gland
Adrenals, Grounding during OBE, brain, calming mind, spiritual grounding,
heart, inter-dimensional, old patterns, spleen
Clear Apophyllite:
Clarity, spirit guides
Green Apophyllite:
Clarity, muscles, spirit guides, uplifting
Aquamarine: Appearance: Light Blue.
Enhance communication skills, stabilise body fluids, luck charm for marine
travel, Psychic ability, purification, peace
Works like a tranquilliser, courage, balance, clarity, protects from toxins,
eyes, glands, insomnia, kidneys, larynx, liver, soothing, spleen, thyroid
Brain, calming, intellectual clarity, communication, balance emotions,
heart, intuition, insight, intellect, nervous system
Aventurine: Appearance: All shades of green. Solar Plexus Chakra, bearer of
the green colour ray.
Strong physical healing, a luck stone for an adventurer, emotional
stability, fear, fever
Blue Aventurine:
Decisions, old patterns, problem solving, relationships, self esteem, self
Green Aventurine:
Transformation of a physical condition, anxiety, bloodstream, soothes
emotions, ligaments, love, muscles, regeneration, strength, wellbeing
Peach Aventurine:
Childbirth, decisions, muscles, regeneration
Azurite: Appearance: Deep rich blue.
Reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, healing on all planes, success.
Divination, dreams, change, intuition, insight, meditation, pain, psychic
protection, purification, transformation
Unblocking energy, calcium deficiency, aligns emotions, balance emotions,
release emotions, past lives
Brown Barite:
Anger, appendix, bladder
Green Barite:
Bloodstone: Appearance: Dark green with red and/or yellow spots and swirls.
Strength and energy. Courage, money, business success. Headaches,
haemorrhage, bloodshot eyes, kidneys, heart attack, and high blood pressure,
Purification, Goddess, Inner guidance, physical healing, regeneration,
stamina, stress
Boji Stone:
Balance, bloodstream, circulation, energising, unblocking energy, entities,
immune system, influenza, pain, regeneration
Purification, creativity, releasing stress or guilt, centering, balance
emotions, joy, protection, psychic protection, spiritual development,
stress, studying, wellbeing
Blue Calcite:
Change, express emotions, energising
Green Calcite:
Chemical allergies, arthritis, broken bones, calming, change, protects from
toxins, express emotions, ligaments, love, soothing nerves, old patterns,
rheumatism, shock, stomach, clear toxins
Gold Calcite:
Clarity, mental function
Honey Calcite:
Build energy, energising
Peach Calcite:
Ease Trauma, energising
Pink Calcite:
Build energy, ease trauma, energising, love
Red Calcite:
Express emotions
Carnelian: Bearer of the Orange Colour ray. Related to the Sex/navel Chakra.
Balances creativity and mental processes. Increases appetite and energy,
courage, eloquence, abuse recovery, sexual/emotional abuse, Sexual energy
balance, cancer, Purification, concentration, focus, gall bladder, joy,
kidneys, liver, physical manifestation, optimism, overeating, past lives,
regeneration, sexuality, sexual organs, soothing, spontaneity, trauma
Aura clearing, build energy, energising, grounding, hormones, hysterectomy,
menopause, physical healing, reproductive system, sports, wounds
Cat's Eye:
Helps tension and spasms in the head and neck area, beauty
Astral travel, calming, higher self, insomnia, inter-dimensional, spirit
guides, spiritual development, stress, thyroid
Anxiety, calming mind, headache, migraine, nervous system, sleep, stress
Blue Chalcedony:
Anger, communication, confidence, creativity, fever, heart, infection,
influenza, insomnia, job interviews, larynx, nervous system, self
expression, soothing, sore throat, thyroid, wisdom
White Chalcedony:
Anger, balance, balance emotions, express emotions, energising, mental
Grey Chalcedony:
Anger, asthma, bronchitis, change, eyes, fear, headache, migraine, heart,
kidneys, nervous system, pain, pituitary gland, respiratory system, self
esteem, self love, spiritual development, recovery from surgery,
Death, intuition, insight
Nervous system, friendship, anxiety, balance, Male/Female balance,
communication, focus, self esteem, self love
Emotional heartache, arthritis, Childbirth, communication, creativity,
digestive system, fear of expression, intuition, insight, menstruation,
pain, stomach, ulcers
Citrine: Bearer of the Yellow ray. Related to the Root Chakra.
Upliftment, back problems, Elimination of toxins from the body, Abundance,
prosperity, anorexia, aura clearing, back pain, bulimia, clarity, clear
toxins from environment, colon, communication, depression, detoxifier,
digestive system, gall bladder, greed, heart, joy, kidneys, liver, physical
manifestation, optimism, personal power, prosperity, regeneration, self
esteem, self love, thymus gland, thyroid
Coral: Appearance: Red to pink.
Protects and strengthens emotional foundation. Protects from all evil
Red Coral:
Clarity, digestive system, fear, indigestion, nature
White Coral:
Soothes emotions, intuition, insight, self esteem, self love
Digestive system, aligns emotions, balance emotions, forgiveness, sexual
abuse recovery, karmic issues, mental health, past lives, reproductive
system, stomach
Subtle bodies balance, bloodstream, bones, brain, build energy, central
nervous system, energising, unblocking energy, entities, grounding, heart,
immune system
Brain, cardiovascular system, clear toxins, extraterrestrial contact, gall
bladder, psychic protection, protects from toxins
Golden Danburite:
Diamond: All of the Chakra colours when you see its rainbow sparkles in
bright light.
Purifying for the whole body, and places your center of faith in the
spiritual realm, magnifier for other crystals, courage, balance, honesty,
prosperity, spiritual development, stability
Herkimer Diamond:
Balances polarities, remembering dreams, insomnia, meditation, nightmares,
past lives, psychic protection, sleep
Black star Diopside:
Grounding during OBE, Unblocking energy, decisions, entities, feet, sexual
abuse recovery, nature, past lives, scrying
Green Diopside:
Childhood, soothes emotions, entities, heart, sexual abuse recovery
High blood pressure and pain, headache, migraine, psychic protection,
regeneration, self esteem, self love, spiritual development, emotional
stability, telepathy
Emerald: Appearance: Bright Green
Encourages truth. Eye diseases, speech impediments, Abundance, prosperity,
calming, dreams, soothes emotions, heart, immune system, liver, meditation,
prosperity, uplifting
Balance, clearing atmosphere, nature, spiritual development, stress
Unblocking energy, release emotions, higher self, self esteem, self love,
spiritual development
Fluorite: Appearance: Blue to violet green.
Aids in learning and meditation. Mental disorder, nervous system, balance,
mind balance, bloodstream, bones, Inter-dimensional communication,
extraterrestrial contact, focus, intuition, insight, release, mental health,
helps nutrient absorption, protection, psychic protection, scrying, spleen,
studying, teeth, understanding
Green Fluorite:
This stone is for Hormone balance, clarity, nature, relationships, and
spiritual development
Purple Fluorite:
Calming mind, clarity, concentration, psychic protection, relaxing, studying
Yellow Fluorite:
Balance, calming, focus, memory, mental function, stability, studying
Change, higher self, karmic issues, past lives, spiritual development
Garnet: Appearance: Deep red to purple red.
Determination and strength. Balances thyroid disorders, increases sex drive,
balance, bloodstream, calming, stability in change, compassion, imagination,
Kundalini stimulation, love
Green Garnet:
Cooperation, fertility
Gold Calcite:
Mental clarity
Intellectually calming and refreshing
Hawk's Eye:
Etheric body
Haematite: Appearance: Silver black outside. Rusty red inside.
Dedication and achievement, anti-inflammation, divination, grounding,
Abundance, prosperity, balance, bloodstream, cleanse blood, broken bones,
build energy, circulation, energising, Goddess, joy, meditation, nervous
system, prosperity
Broken bones, remembering dreams, heart, insomnia, memory, nightmares, pain,
sleep, stress, teeth
Iolite: The Water Sapphire. Appearance: Violet-blue.
Inspires wisdom and psychic energy, aura clearing, Male/Female balance
Relaxation. Healing, love, money, creativity. Eases stomach and digestive
disorders, balance, emotional detachment, heart, immune system, kidneys,
Nephrite Jade:
Decisions, insomnia, spiritual development, recovery from surgery
Jasper: Appearance: Found in many different colours, most commonly red.
Always opaque.
Strengthens stamina. Beauty. Protection, reduces fear/insecurities, fatigue,
optimism, physical healing, protection, wellbeing, wounds
Brown Jasper:
Green Jasper:
Digestive system, unblocking energy, heart, lungs
Leopardskin Jasper:
Helps bring what one needs, which may not be what one wants. A supportive
Picture Jasper:
Decisions, problem solving, visualisation
Poppy Jasper:
Positive outlook
Red Jasper:
Liver and bile ducts, sense of smell, bladder, bloodstream, menstruation,
PMT, prostate, reproductive system, sexual organs
Yellow Jasper:
Digestive system, emotional blocks, indigestion, optimism, stomach, ulcers
Jet: Appearance: Coal.
Protects against bad luck. Divination
Receptivity and balance, grounding, addiction recovery, sexual/emotional
abuse, cardiovascular system, balance emotions, extraterrestrial contact,
intuition, insight, intellect, love, manic depression
Astral travel, clarity, remembering dreams, extraterrestrial contact, higher
self, relaxing, sleep
Brain, Kundalini stimulation, lymphatics, pituitary gland, psychic
protection, scrying, spiritual development, telepathy
Lapis Lazuli:
Understanding, Mental clarity & emotional healing, courage, Male/Female
balance, bones, Purification, depression, Goddess, past lives, psychic
protection, stress, thyroid
Confidence, depression, Goddess, lymphatics, muscles, nervous system, sore
throat, spleen, thyroid
Addiction recovery, sexual/emotional abuse, depression, manic depression,
Change, Purification, ease trauma, pain, protection, stress
Business success, stress, Weight reduction, arthritis, Goddess, pain,
pancreas, psychic protection, regeneration, spleen
Grounding during OBE, brain, circulation, eyes, heart, immune system, job
Safety in travel, divination, appetite suppression, build energy,
energising, intellect, overeating
Astral travel, change, Inter-dimensional communication, extraterrestrial
contact, intuition, insight, inter-dimensional, meditation, spirit guides
Moonstone: Appearance: Peach, white, grey or clear.
Protects the soul. Sleep, dreams, psychic ability, love. Relieves discomfort
of cramps and helps in hormonal balance, dieting, divination, grounding,
abortion, Childbirth, release emotions, menstruation, PMT, reproductive
system, sexual organs, stress, vulnerability, womb
Blue Moonstone:
Grey Moonstone:
Peach Moonstone:
Colon, confidence, fertility, spleen
Depression, ease trauma, hysteria
Mother-of-pearl: Appearance: Soft white with pearl like patterns within.
Endurance. Asthma and allergies
Emotional security and peace, divination, joy
Black Obsidian: This is a very potent stone.
Grounding excess energy, insight to a problem, Emotional Security & Peace,
release emotions, past lives, clear toxins, protects from toxins
Green Obsidian:
Inner guidance
Mahogany Obsidian:
Snowflake Obsidian:
Balance, Male/Female balance
Change bad habits. Grounding. Protection from negativity, defence, Emotional
balance, bone marrow, creativity
Black Onyx: Appearance: Deep Black.
Absorbs evil.
Opal: This is an extremely strong stone. Appearance: White, green or black.
Often sparkling rainbows are often seen within.
Meditation, helps to see possibilities. Intensifies a mood, beauty,
creativity, energising, eyes, higher self, intuition, insight
Tourmalated Opal
Astral Projection
Change, emotional blocks, unblocking energy, inter-dimensional, past lives,
release, spirit guides
Peacock Ore:
Brain, calming mind, concentration, meditation, pituitary gland
Helps to accept love, improve self-love and the ability to love.
Cleanses hurt feelings and bruised egos, confidence, heart, joy, kidneys,
pancreas, regeneration, spleen, stress
Abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, reproductive system, sexuality
Broken bones, brain, cardiovascular system, nervous system, relationships
Strengthens circulatory system, bloodstream, brain, concentration, eyes,
joy, memory, studying
Quartz: Appearance: Sometimes clear but often cloudy white in parts.
Adds luck to magic users. Protection, purification, courage, strength,
healing, balance. Dreams, good health, and aura. Astral Projection, higher
self, inter-dimensional, physical manifestation, meditation, physical
healing, spirit guides, stamina, travel, wellbeing
Rose Quartz:
Emotional balance, Friendship, releasing jealousy. Love, abuse recovery,
Anger, anorexia, aura clearing, bulimia, circulation, diabetes, fear,
fertility, forgiveness, greed, sexual abuse recovery, kidneys, relaxing,
soothing, stress
Red Quartz:
Energising, jealousy, joy, negativity
Rutilated Quartz:
Detoxification, cleansing arteries, build energy, depression, energising,
fatigue, higher self, immune system, negativity, regeneration, stamina
Smoky Quartz:
Sexual energy balance, concentration, fatigue, feet, fertility, influenza,
kidneys, sexuality, stamina, suicidal
Strawberry Quartz:
Subtle bodies balance, past lives, relationships, and spiritual development
Tourmalinated Quartz:
Smoky Quartz:
Fatigue and depression, Adrenals, depression, dreams, pancreas, sprains
Change, emotional blocks, unblocking energy, inter-dimensional, past lives,
release, spirit guides
Emotional pains, poor eyesight, Subtle bodies balance, circulation, balance
emotions, heart, jealousy, kidneys, spleen
Emotional support, Restores physical energy, allergies, calming, confidence,
ease trauma, energising, feet, immune system, jealousy, love, memory,
nervous system, RSI, pituitary gland, thyroid
Ruby: Bearer of the red colour ray. Associated with the heart Chakra.
Love, helps one to open one's heart. Sex drive, blood purifier, and physical
energy, balance, bloodstream, build energy, circulation, energising, immune
system, influenza
{As red and green are negative/positive colours. When you are feeling
especially anxious in love, a ruby or garnet worn with green stones will
balance your passion with your true loving nature. This is true for all
positive-negative colours... they'll balance each other to make the effect
more harmonious}
Purification, protection, grounding
Sapphire: Appearance: Many shades, but most commonly Blue, yellow, green,
grey or black.
Mental clarity, Concentration. Wisdom and prophecy. Nervous and mental
disorders, throat and asthma, defence, clarity, creativity, kidneys, psychic
protection, spirit guides
Binding energies, childbirth, courage
Brain, death, ease trauma, emotional blocks, lungs, physical manifestation,
muscles, pain, past lives
Transformation and rejuvenation
Aura clearing, clarity, Purification, clearing atmosphere, concentration,
higher self, protection, psychic protection
Bloodstream, dreams, soothes emotions, metabolism, reproductive system,
sexuality, sexual organs, stress, wounds
Sodalite: Bearer of the Indigo ray. Related to the Crown Chakra. Appearance:
Navy blue to indigo with white or grey streaks
Sodalite is good for guarding against harmful negative forces, Repels fear
and aids in regeneration. Mental metabolism, removing toxins, mind balance,
clear toxins, protects from toxins, creativity, fear, metabolism, pancreas,
and psychic protection
Mind, astral projection, Adrenals, balance, Purification, heart, pituitary
gland, and stress
Clear thoughts, meditation, and dreams, Unblocking energy, spiritual
Astral travel, diabetes, energising, extraterrestrial contact, grounding,
karmic issues
Tiger eye:
Courage, energy, money. Strength and self-confidence, divination, anorexia,
bulimia, colon, spiritual creativity, digestive system, flexibility, joy,
pancreas, personal power, spiritual development, spleen, stubbornness
Tiger Iron:
Bloodstream, circulation, herpes, flexibility, cold sores, immune system,
infection, motivation, wounds
Topaz: Appearance: Many shades. Most popular are rosy gold, deep yellow,
golden brown, and aqua blue.
Stimulates intelligence and controls anger, regeneration, studying,
Blue Topaz:
Mental clarity and emotional healing, throat chakra and all forms of
communication, fever, glands, insomnia, soothing
Orange and Brown Topaz:
Work to ease negative emotions and helps to transform them into a more
positive energy.
Pale Yellow Topaz:
Works very well with the emotions and Physically with an upset stomach.
Pink Topaz:
Helps to open the heart chakra in a gentle and peaceful way that lets love
in and out with elegance. Headaches, spasms, mental disorders, and obesity
Smoky Topaz:
Grounding during OBE, grounding
White Topaz:
Has the same properties as clear quartz and diamonds.
Negativity, protection
Green tourmaline:
Balances love and passion. Heart or blood pressure, business success, ease
trauma, heart, larynx, lungs, nervous system, sore throat, thyroid
Black Tourmaline:
Protective shield, strengthener for all emotional work, grounding, stability
in change, grounding, honesty, memory, negativity, past lives, protection,
release, stability, travel, truth
Blue Tourmaline:
Throat, thyroid, speech, larynx, nervous system
Pink Tourmaline:
Matters of the heart, friendship, circulation, Endocrine system, energising,
fear, guilt, heart, immune system, intuition, insight
Red Tourmaline:
Watermelon Tourmaline: Appearance: blends from a beautiful green into a red
or pink.
Alters cellular structure, prevents cancer. Balancing your heart Chakra
(red) to your root Chakra (green.), balance, Male/Female balance, protection
Turquoise: Appearance: Jade green to sky blue.
Often an amulet of travel and good luck. Healing, lungs and respiratory
system, courage, friendship, circulation, balance emotions, lungs,
protection, regeneration, respiratory system, self expression, sinus,
Unakite: Appearance: Salmon pink, light olive or sage green.
Adds to charisma, Emotional balance, confidence, nature, personal power,
self esteem, self love, transformation
Brown Zircon:
Orange Zircon:
Yellow Zircon:
Business success

Re: Ravencry's Book of Shadows

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:16 pm
by Ravencry
Food correspondences:
Masculine, planet is Mercury, element is Air.
USES: Money, Prosperity and Wisdom. The leaves, wood and fruit is
great to use in money and prosperity spells and rituals. It
is often used to make wands for it's element is air, and wands
are associated with air. Eating of the Almond will help in the
cure of fevers, and also bring wisdom to the well eater.
Placing almonds in your pocket will lead you to a source of
money or treasure.
Feminine, Planet is Venus, element is Water, powers of love healing
and prosperity.
USES: Samhain is often called the "Feast of Apples" and is used
on the altar during this time, apples are considered the
fruit of the dead, and are also burried so that the souls
that will be reborn in the Spring will have something to eat
during the long Winter months. The Apple is the symbol of
immortality and a branch carried with the fruit, buds or
flowers will gain you access into the land of the Gods.
The buds are used in poppets, sachets and incenses to gain
and bring love. Put the juice in pink wax to make candles,
burn the candles to attract love. Unicorns are known to
reside near apple trees. Cutting an apple in half and giving
the other half to a loved one to eat insures that the two of
you will stay happy. Cutting the apple in 3 pieces and
rubbing on ailing parts of your body, near the place if inside
your body, and buring the three pieces when finished will help
aid in the healing of the ailment.
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Water, power of Love.
USES: The juice of the apricot is used in rituals and love potions.
You can carry the pits to attract love and drinking of the
juice will soften your personality.
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Water, Powers of beauty
love and lust.
USES: Eating of the avocado will bring lust, carring the pit with you
will cause an aura of beauty to surround you.
Masculine, powers of protection, hex breaking, luck and wishes.
USES: Carve a pentagram on the bamboo tree and plant outside of your
home for protection. Placing bamboo over your doorway will
give luck. If under a hex or spell, burn the powder from a
grinded bamboo plant. It was used a divination tool in Chinese
Temples, the bamboo is cut into pieces and the story told from
How the pieces fall. It was also used as a charm against evil
Feminine, planet is Venus, Element is Water, powers of fertility,
potency and prosperity.
USES: In Voodoo the banana is often used to represent the God. If
a couple is married beneath the banana tree, the bride will
have luck in the marriage. The banana is used to increase
fertility and cure impotency. You can use any parts of the
banana tree in money and prosperity spells. To Cut a banana
is considered very bad luck, they should only be broken open.
Masculine, planet is Mercury, element is Air, Powers of protection,
Exorcism, Reconsiliations, portency, love and wort charming.
USES: Used to charm away the evil in a person. In Ancient Rome, they
were given to people at funerals to help bless the dead. Beans
are carried to ward off negative energy and evil. Used in
rattles to scare off spirits, very potent when ridding evil
spirits that have taken a living form hostage. To cure worts,
rub dried beans on them while saying, "As this bean decays, So
wart, fall away."
Feminine, planet is Saturn, element is Earth, Power of Love.
USES: Beet juice can be used as a replacement for blood in spells
of old, also in Love magic. It is said that if a couple eat of
the same beet, then they will fall in love forever.
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Water, powers of healing,
love and protection.
USES: Blackberry pies are baked for Lughnasadh for the blackberry is
seen as a symbol of the death of the God. Use blackberry vines
in wreaths to serve in protection of your home, and the plant
vine and berry can be used for prosperity and money spells. To
heal burns and scalds, dip 9 leaves of the blackberry in spring
water, lay them gently on the wound while saying this chant
three times to every leaf "Three ladies came from the east,
one with fire and two with frost.
out with the fire, in with the frost"
Power of protection.
USES: Place under the home or under matts at doorway for protection
and to ward off evil. Eat blueberries while under psychic
attack in tarts and pies to increase the strength of the berry
and decrease the effects of the attack.
Masculine, planet is Mercury, element is Air, power of Love.
USES: Carry as a talismen to attract love and bring luck in matters
of the heart.
Masculine, planet is Mars, element is Fire, powers of feritility and
USES: Carrots are eaten to cause lust. If the seeds are eaten it
will help a woman become more fertile, if a man is impotent
eating carrots will solve this problem.
Masculine, planet is the Sun, element is Fire, Power of Money.
USES: The cashew can be carried to help find a job, and also used
in money and prosperity jobs.
Masculine, planet is Mercury, element is Fire, powers of lust,
mental and psychic powers.
USES: The stalk and seeds will induce lust upon consumption. Chewing
on the seeds will help center yourself and help along in
consentration. The seed can be used in spell pillows to induce
sleep. To increase psychic powers, burn with orris root.
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Water, Powers of divination
and love.
USES: In Japenese lore it is said to tie a strand of hair on the
blossom of a cherry tree will attract love. Cherry juice can
also be used as a replacement for blood in spells of old.
Masculine, planet is the Sun, element is Fire, powers of the psychic
and healing.
USES: To increase psychic powers eat of the citron. Can be used in
most healing spells and in incense to aid in healing.
Feminine, planet is the Moon, element is Water, powers of chasity
protection and purification.
USES: To protect your property, cut the coconut in half, fill with
protective herbs, seal shut again and bury somewhere on your
property. Hang a whole coconut in your home for protection.
Is used in chasity and protection spells.
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Earth, powers of protection
divination and luck.
USES: The Corn Mother is a Goddess that has been worshipped through
time by East and North America. She is the deity of fertility
and plenty, the corn either whole or ground is used to bless
and scattered for ritual. Make a necklace of whole kernels to
prevent nose bleeds. Cornstalks hung over the mirror brings
good luck to the household. Red corncobs were burned in the
mountains of North America on the homes doorstep or under the
bed to aid in childbirth. Pollen from corn was used in rain
making rituals by Meso-Americans. Placing an ear of corn with
a sleeping infant will keep out negative energy.
Feminine, Planet is the Moon, element is Water, powers of chasity
fertility and healing.
USES: The peels of the cucumber placed on the forehead will help aid
in the cure of a headache. Eating of the seeds will help with
fertility, and when the cucumber it's self is eaten it hinders
lust. Sliced thinly and placed on the eyes it cures dry and
swollen eyes.
Masculine, planet is Jupiter, element is Fire, powers of love,
divination and fertility.
USES: If eaten fresh, the fig will help aid in conception and
and impotence. Small phallic images carved in the wood and
carried will do the same role. In the home, if the fig is grown
in the bedroom it helps bring sleep, in the kitchen it aids
with the knowing the family will never go hungry, anywhere else
it will bring luck and protection. If placed on the doorstep
before leaving it will ensure you will arrive home safely.
To charm a man or woman, give them a fresh fig grown by you,
they will be bound to you for as long as they like figs.
Feminine, planet is Moon, element is Water, powers of mental power
fertility, money and garden magick.
USES: In ancient Rome they painted pictures of grapes on the garden
walls to ensure fertility. Eaten grapes increase mental power
and help aid in fertility. When doing a money spell, grapes are
very valuable on the altar.
Masculine, planet is the Sun, element is Air, powers of protection,
luck, wishes and fertility.
USES: Hazel wood is great for the wand. The twigs of hazel placed in
the window will gaurd against lightning. When the nuts are
eaten it increases wisdom, fertility and aids in divination.
Crowns maid from hazel will help aid in invisability. The
branches are naturally forked and are great for dowsing. Also
when wore in a crown and a wish made, it is said the wish will
come true.
Feminine, planet is the Moon, element is Water, powers of love,
purification, friendship and longitivity.
USES: Lemon juice and water can be used to concencrate magickal tools
and items when added to the water during the full Moon. The
dried flowers and peel are used in love sachets and concoctions.
The leaves can be used in tea to induce lust. place a slice
of lemon under a visitors chair to ensure a long, honost
friendship. If made in a pie and given to your spouse it will
ensure that he stays faithfull. Poking colored pins into the
lemon (no black ones) and hung in the home brings luck to all
that reside in the home.
USES: All nuts are used to promote fertility and are often carried
for this reason. They bring luck and prosperty so are used
in rituals for this reason. Heart shaped nuts are carried to
attract love and double nuts are considered lucky talismens.
Masculine, planet is the Sun, element is Fire, Powers of healing
peace, lust, potency, protection and fertility.
USES: When eaten olives promote lust and fertility in men. The leaves
spread through a room will cause peacefull vibrations. Athenian
brides wore a crown of olive leaves to insure fertlity. The
branch on the chiminy will ward off lightning. The oil used in
anointing oils helps aid in healing. The leaf imprinted with
Athena's name and placed on the head or body will aid headache
to go away.
Masculine, planet is Mars, element is Fire, powers of protection,
healing, dreams, money and lust.
USES: Dry the flowers and place around the home as a gaurd for
protection. Rub a cup piece of onion over ailing parts of the
body and bury or destroy the onion to give healing. Tie a red
onion to the bed post to protect the sleepers from sickness.
Cut onions into quarters and place around the home to absorb
negative energy and rid the home of sickness. Onions promote
lust when eaten.
Masculine, planet is the Sun, element is fire, powers of luck, money
divination and love.
USES: When added to a sachet and given to the bride it insures
happiness in the marriage, the peels and seeds are best.
Add dried blossoms to the bath water to aid in beauty.
Orange juice can be a replacement for wine in rituals. Water
distilled with orange blossoms aid in love and lust potions.
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Earth, powers of love and money
USES: Use the dried peas on rituals and spells for money. Hand
shelling of peas bring money and fortune. If an unmarried
woman finds exactly 9 peas in a pod and hangs it from the door
the next single man to walk through the door will be her future
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Water, powers of love, wishes,
and fertility.
USES: The fruit is eaten to induce love and gain wisdom. Wearing the
pit from your neck will ward off evil. Carring a piece of wood
from a peach tree will help you live a longer life. The wood
is often used for wands and for divination.
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Water, powers of lust and love.
USES: It is eaten to induce sexual arousal. The fruit is used in
in rituals of love. Pear wood is good for magickal wands.
Masculine, planet is Mercury, element is Air, powers of money and
USES: Pecans should be added to all money, prosperity and job related
rituals. To ensure your job is kept, shell and eat some pecans
while envisioning yourself at the work place happy and content,
take the shells and wrap them in a bag, leave them in the job
place where they will neither be found nor tampered with.
Masculine, planet is the Sun, element is Fire, powers of luck money
and chasity.
USES: Dried pineapples placed in a bag and added to bath water will
bring luck. The juice hinders lust when drunken, dried peel
is great in money spells and mixtures.
Masculine, planet is mercury, element is Air, power of breaking love
USES: When dyed red and given to the undead, it eases the soul into
restfull death. When the nut is eaten it will break a love
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Water, powers of love and
USES: Eat of the fruit to induce love, place a branch of the plum tree
over the door to keep out negative energy and evil.
Masculine, planet is Mercury, element is Fire, powers of divination,
wishes, luck, wealth and fertility.
USES: The seed should be eaten to increase fertility, and the rind
carried for this same reason. Always make a wish before eating
the fruit, for your wish will come true. The juice of the
pomegranate can be used as a blood substitute.
Feminine, planet is the Moon, element is Earth powers of healing and
image magick.
USES: Many use the potato as poppets, and the eyes used as eyes for
other kinds of poppets. Carry a potato in the pocket to cure
toothache, this also wards agains rhumatism, warts and gout.
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Water, powers of love and
USES: The brambles are hung at doors when a person in the house
has died so that the spirit wont enter the home again. The
leaves are carried by pregnant woman to help with the pains
of childbirth and pregnacy itself. Rasberries often served
to induce love. Strawberry leaves also help with childbirth
and the leaves are also carried for luck.
Feminine, planet is Venus, element is Water powers of prosperity,
protection and love.
USES: Place a new tomoto on the mantle every three days to bring
prosperity. When eaten it inspires love and grown in the
garden as an aid to ward off evil.