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Re: Begginer with witchcraft and Tarot card readings

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:54 am
by Becks
Hi Crybaby....don't be sad and go head over to the introductions section to introduce yourself so we can say 'hi'. :)

Re: Begginer with witchcraft and Tarot card readings

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 4:17 am
by manshin
Crybaby... based off Melanie Martinez's song by chance? :')

Some tips:

- don't be afraid to start practicing. None of that research does you any good if you don't get up and do the (spell)work!

- identify what you're drawn to, and start from there to find a path. Are you more interested in cooking? Kitchen/cottage witchcraft! Are you more interested in forestry and herbology? Green witchcraft! Are you more interested in spiritwork, animism and astral travel? Hedgewitchcraft! Are you more interested in the ocean? Sea witchcraft! Are you more focused on the city? Urban witchcraft! Do you find yourself being drawn to using primarily "human made" things in your work? Techno witchcraft! Are you more interested in using spells from Harry Potter? Pop Culture Witchcraft!

As for tarot, look at the images. Try not to look up any definitive meanings for the cards, as it can inhibit your intuition. Ask yourself some questions about the images you see. What's going on in the scene? How does this card's character seem to be reacting to the next card's character? What else is going on in the background of the images?

Re: Begginer with witchcraft and Tarot card readings

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 4:21 am
by TwilightDancer
There are many many different facets of witchcraft and many different ways to practice it. My first tip would be to read. Read a lot. There are a few good book list on the forum and many of those books can be found online for free. There is also a great deal of information to sift through on the forum as well.

My second tip would be to reflect. Read a little and actually sit and reflect on it. Meditate and discover your own truths. You don't have to agree with everything you read. Apply it to your life in a way that resonates with you.

Also, to understand your tarot cards is to spend time with them. Meditation is key here. You want to form a bond with your cards.

Re: Begginer with witchcraft and Tarot card readings

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 10:29 am
by Jenny Crow
Hello Crybaby,
Yes, read, read, research then read some more. Learn about the Sabbats, the tides of the earth, the phases of the moon and how they fit into things. Another good thing to do is to get started on meditation. You're at the beginning of your journey and you have a long way to go - but as has been said - it's not the destination it's the journey that's important and the different paths you can take.

As for Tarot I think it is important to learn the meaning of the cards, the symbols on the cards have certain esoteric meanings. You don't have to memorize each of the 78 cards, learn what the different suits represent first (for example the Pentacles are representative of Earth and are connected to your money, property, stability, work, business etc so the Ace would represent a new start in one of those areas) or learn the Major Arcana first, whichever you prefer. The Major Arcana itself is a journey through life with all its pleasures, pain and success. As you learn the meanings you gain confidence and can then relax with the cards. Actually knowing the meanings can open you up to having your intuition kick in, too.

Re: Beginner with witchcraft and Tarot card readings

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 12:12 pm
by SpiritTalker
FAQ beginner tips

. Are you comfortable doing spells within your current faith or spirituality?
. As a Solitary there’s no requirement to renounce former beliefs
. Spell Crafting - Know your goal - to attract, to repel, to hold in place
. Use a pendulum to confirm

Supplies that let you get going
Air ☁️: incense 🥢(or aerosol mist) scent sets mood
Fire 🔥: 🕯candles+holders, matches; oil to transfer & hold a psychic charge
Water 💦: 🍷potion cup or bowls
Earth 🪨: 🧂Salt for purifying, 🪴herbs add energy, 🪨 palm stone for stroking

Formal ritual tools are not needed to get started, but if you have ‘em, learn to use ‘em. The 🍷 is the Lady’s🪆symbol that holds and shapes fluid energies, the 🗡 is the Lord’s 🦌 symbol that directs and divides energy. A 🪄 moves energy both ↔️ ways. The🌟 represents the 5 elements, charges spells and protects.

🪨Useful stones - all purpose quartz - any stone will hold a psychic charge

🌿Useful herbs
. Basil - protection in spirit-travel; aids psychism, prosperity, romance
. Sage - use as incense to clear cross-currents & banish spirits
. Rosemary- all purposes, 🫖 aids memory
. Thyme - 🫖 aids Fae "Sight"; Ancient temple incense dispels harm & honors deceased

⚽️Practice Psi Balls
1st ground yourself - think it to send your energy down the spine to root into the earth; draw power on the breath into the solar plexus to power-up; push energy from the belly & thru your hands; with palms facing 👏🏽 move hands back & forth. You’ll feel a spongy pushback. Shake your hands like shaking off water to clear the energy.

Easy Sacred Space
. Before setting up gear, meditate in your space to fill the area with good vibes
. Cleanse the table, incense it, dab & spread oil to hold a charge & magnetize it 🙌🏽 the 1st time it’s used. Thereafter:
1. Place gear inside your planned work space. Start & end each pass at north.
2. ↪️ spritz 🧂💦 salt-water; lite🥢incense; load-aim-&-push 👉🏼 to cast circle ↩️
3. Air-draw an invoking pentagram👇🏽 ↙️⭐️ to begin the rite
4. Reflect on the seasons or meditate, honor Divinity, do divinations & up to 3 spells
5. End the rite with a banishing pentagram 👆🏽 ↗️⭐️ sign

Simple Daily Practices
. do spells only when there’s a true need and with proper timing
. greet Sun☀️ Moon🌛, Earth🌎-“Hail to Sol, Selene, Gaia” and 4-winds NESW “Hail to Boreas, Eurus, Notos, Zephyrus.”
. walk barefoot 🦶 in Nature, breathe deeply, feel Mother Earth 🌎 beneath your feet
. practice psi-balls between palms🙏🏼, load-aim-push from gut👏🏽; move hands back & forth
. deep breathe/candle gaze to park the mind/meditate (follow the breath) 10-30 min
. use your empathic sense to greet the Genius Loci & make friendship offerings 💦🍞🍓
. grow & dry your own 🪴 herbs
. light a gratitude candle🕯
. hold conversations with your higher-self, Guardian, Lady ‘n Lord

Re: Beginner with witchcraft and Tarot card readings

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 9:14 am
by Coven