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Cats showing up around where I live?

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:14 pm
by RainChild
Ever since I can remember I have had stray cats randomly show up around my house. I didn't think anything of it until my neighbor said something about a lot of stray cats coming into our trailer park a few weeks after I moved in. I have only seen 2 cats since I have been here but my neighbor said there is a lot of them around now. I have tried asking friends and googling but have yet to find any answer as to why they keep doing this. It has gotten so bad in the past that we started taking care of random stray cats as our own. But since we have moved here I have my own cat in the house (I got her about a week ago) and all of these stray cats are hanging out too.

Re: Cats showing up around where I live?

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 5:20 pm
by Shekinah
Cats are an excellent judge of character. Your bio-field is to their liking and they honor you.

Re: Cats showing up around where I live?

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 5:34 pm
by RainChild
Thank you. I never even thought about my bio field.

Re: Cats showing up around where I live?

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 7:40 pm
by SpiritTalker
Neighborhoods with a high rate of turn over generate strays that get abandoned when their people move. I'm in a metro inner city neighborhood where most houses are rentals. On my block there are only 5 houses that are owner-occupied. It's also near 2 colleges so there's a high student rental population fluctuation at term-end. Every other house has a dog or a couple cats in residence, not to mention Bernard the pot-bellied pig. I don't know what criteria cat's go by. Maybe it's pheromones?

If you feed them, they will come. Many of these cat's are wanderers, being here today and traveling tomorrow. Some vets sponsor catch-neuter-release reduced rates. The area vet says they travel a circuit and recycle through a neighborhood. That's because if they are adopted they stake their territory and chase off "visitors". My cat's are adopted strays who know a good thing when they've got it. Some years ago after a neighbor up the way, across the alley was jailed for who knows what, his cat turned up on my door step. When I opened the back door she entered, tail high, like she belonged. Hmm. I had a cat already. They sniffed & rubbed noses in the kitchen & that was settled. I'd been accepted as suitable.

Mr Piss Whiskers just deleted a paragraph by laying on the iPad. Hmm. Guess Im done & my thumbs are needed to open a can. :D

Re: Cats showing up around where I live?

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:05 pm
by RainChild
I live in a smaller town that is about 18,000 people. Most people here don't really ever move. It is like the whole town is related somehow. We unknowingly moved into a mennonite town from out of the state. I have not been feeding the ones here. Last time I fed stray cats that kind of got me into trouble as my husband had been mugged by random cats coming home. In our trailer park I know of at least 2 neighbors that have dogs (one house has 4 dogs). We just had Paco (my dog) until I got Moon (my cat) on tuesday.

Re: Cats showing up around where I live?

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:52 pm
by SpiritTalker
Maybe your hubby has a "field" as well and you are double-whammy-ing the neighborhood?

Is it only cats? Or are other animals wandering towards you as well? Small animals always nesting near by? Or if you approach a pasture do the horses & cows get curious too? These would surely indicate a "field" of some magnitude. Ducks on a pond - not so much 'cuz they will make a bee line for a bread-wrapper :) & speaking of bees, they are very intuitive critters and you might find them humming around you. Please don't swat at them if they do. Just tell them to go & they will.

Re: Cats showing up around where I live?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 12:33 pm
by RainChild
Normally it is cats, dogs, wasps, bees and flies that are always hanging around. I have even tried to get things they hate to help get them to go away and they wont.