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Trollabundin (or, Just Joyking Around)

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:56 pm
by Kassandra
Like my mama used to always say back in the day, nothing, and I mean nothing, raises a witch's energy for spellwork like doing a little Nordic joyking with a hand drum. Good 'ol mama. So, here's to all the witches out there dealing with their own trollabundin issues like me (damned trolls, always bundin folks)...this joyk's for you! smiley_dance

Re: Trollabundin (or, Just Joyking Around)

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 11:28 pm
by Firebird
Love this version, her voice (while indeed amplified) echos down the fjords. And what a cool statue in the background! I looked for where this may be and as close as I can figure it's somewhere in Iceland.
This tune feels real primal and is a bit of a tear jerker (joyker? :P ) for me.
I wonder if she heats her drum?, mine gets all strange down by the ocean.
I found another really good version but can you stand more than 2 versions of the same song?
Bb, Firebird
Ps, you got a wise mama there Kass! :fairy:

Re: Trollabundin (or, Just Joyking Around)

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:53 pm
by Kassandra
firebirdflys wrote:Ps, you got a wise mama there Kass! :fairy:
I was jk on that, lol. I was in a rather cheeky mood when I wrote that, as the Brits say (hope I used cheeky correctly, haha).

Nice vid, FF. This is another nice one, makes me want to run around some trees at night, lol: