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Re: I WANT TO KILL MYSELF! Can you help me?

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 5:28 am
by SpiritTalker
Storm, you are allowed to cry, just as other people are allowed to express their pain, sorrow & frustrations as well. When you put your arms around someone else who is suffering you are also putting your arms around yourself. Let their pain, sorrow & frustrations flow through you & out instead of trying to contain it or hold it back from the sufferer. This action is the greatest love anyone can give another.

Re: I WANT TO KILL MYSELF! Can you help me?

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 11:43 am
by Xiao Rong
Well said, Spirit.

Re: I WANT TO KILL MYSELF! Can you help me?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:41 pm
by stormofwind
Thank for listening :D it took about 2 days to feel better.
I did cleansing in house with white sage incense and lavender
for about 40 minutes white candles in each room..

Re: I WANT TO KILL MYSELF! Can you help me?

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 10:12 am
by greycat
I don't try to die anymore, I have learned it doesn't help. But neither do I try to live, when your time is up then you die not before, no matter how hard you want it to be otherwise. People call me reckless, but still I am here

Re: I WANT TO KILL MYSELF! Can you help me?

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 10:50 am
by barker
Suicide has a negative thought about the species. In that way, the mind and heart don't work. It can be overcome with dutiful self-nurture. I see cigarettes and alcohol as things that I would dearly miss if I were to die. So I hold on in grim moments to the fact that, after all, it is a great thinker - Earth - and that's not a hard thing to appreciate.

Re: I WANT TO KILL MYSELF! Can you help me?

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 5:46 am
by Corbin
Kinda late to this discussion but I do have something to add, from experience.

Consider the tarot 'death' card and its recognised meaning - transition. Change.

Peel away thanatos; the death drive, and you will find a desire for change behind and beyond the desire for simply ending the current state. There are no endings.

Sometimes we lack the courage, the vision, the mindset or the energy to create change (yes we do; there is no shame in this) because we have become a sum of our ego, rather then realising its just another thought=form; it doesn't actually 'live'. It's a shadow. It's an echo. We live, as a point of awareness. We can move beyond the shadow of death and reinvent ourselves.

It is our hand that stirs the Cerridwen cauldron and ourselves which benefit from it. We are the catalyst of change.

Re: I WANT TO KILL MYSELF! Can you help me?

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 4:32 pm
by Firebird
The impact on the ones left behind is devastating.
Please think of them even if you feel you are saving them from taking care of a cripple. In the cases of those who are looking at a terminal outcome, PLEASE, at least have a conversation with loved ones about what the options might be.
Shooting yourself is a mess no one wants to clean up, and now you have traumatized your loved ones as well.

Lost my new uncle over the weekend to a self inflicted gunshot, my Aunt and him were just married in 2016.
There are no words, just a horrible pit in the stomach. :cry: