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Shielding Exercise for Empaths

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 3:17 pm
by Traumwandlerin
My guide just gave me this one and it went really well. Thought I would share it with you.

I visualized my shield. Saw it, felt it, heared it, so on.

For me, it was out of glas. It felt like soap in water and it sounded like tin. Also light pressure, like under water.

I sat in front of things, I am not good at shielding them out. Like pictures, music, everything that sends out a special feeling. Of course you could take other persons, but I didn't have one right know ;)

See how your shield shuts this out. The feeling won't reach you. They'll glide around you. You can look at their information, but it's not more (if this is to hard, see how even the information won't reach you). Change objects. Change directions.

Move with your shield. See how the feelings flow but won't reach you even if you are moving. What happens, when you are dancing?

Your shield works, but what happens inside? What feelings are inside, take a closer look. Then just lead all the feelings to the ground. What feeling is there, when all feelings are gone?

With me it's a positive emptiness and calmness. White powder light.

Then summon other positive feelings out of the ground. Bgin with something easy, probably happiness or silliness or love, whatever comes naturally to you.

See how this feelings wont leave your shield. Your shield works both ways. Enjoy your feeling while sitting in front of an object with another energy feeling.

Lead your feeling to the ground. Feel your emtinessfeeling, summon a different feeling and so on.

Move with a feeling. What happens if yo talk to people?

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:39 am
by Traumwandlerin
Today I've done this exercise while walking in the nature. There are mostly positive emotions but they were a hard to shield. Than the occasional person on my way..

I guess I just never was really disconnected and this shield let me feel this way. But I think it's important and also a way to heal. And the basis for any further and healthy empathy.

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:09 am
by TheBlackDahlia
I'm definitely going to try this today, thank you for sharing!

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:32 am
by Traumwandlerin
This afternoon I sat on the playground. After a while it worked perfectly :)

I need to train more, but I see how it works nicely with more experience :)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:55 pm
by reikihealer83
Thank you for sharing this will work well!

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 8:38 am
by Traumwandlerin
Thanks both of you :)