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Anime Tarot Cards

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 8:12 pm
by Binglian
Hey, I bought a set of Anime Tarot Cards (Card capture Sakura). Would it works as well as the other Tarot Card? I didn't really choose it specifically, it's just a set of mass produced cards in a shop. Would it be as accurate as other cards?

Re: Anime Tarot Cards

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 7:46 pm
by Tanya.Yer
Cleans them and give them a try. There was a reason why you picked this deck.

Re: Anime Tarot Cards

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 8:36 am
by BabyBear
my opinion is that since you like the anime and was drawn enough to actually buy them that they speak to you on some level. All cards are accurate, even the ones you think are silly or mass produced, its just a matter of if they are accurate FOR YOU.
Like Tanya said, clean them consecrate them and attune them to yourself and see what happens *shrugs* you never know.

Re: Anime Tarot Cards

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 2:44 pm
by Binglian
Hi you guys, thanks for the advice! I will definitely clean them and see how it works. I bought them a few years ago and used a few times, then I haven't touched them since. I feel the Tarot card is pretty useful when I use it for other people, but then again, I'm really bad at analysing them, and notice that even when I changed cards, the meaning would still match the future results... I think it's just my ability to read them is not sufficient.

But there is one incident where I asked the same answer twice in a role, and got the same card!