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External Locus Witch

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:18 pm
by HopefulChild
This just popped in my head and I would like to hear opinions.

Can you be an External Locus Focused Witch?

So if you don't know, simply External Locus Focus means you believe all things in your life happens TO YOU.
Internal Locus Focus means you believe that all things in your life happen BECAUSE OF YOU.

Have any of you ever met a practicing witch with an External focus of Locus?

What must their practice be like if everything is outside their control? That must be frustrating?
How does that affect their ability to see how they are connected to everything else?

Aw, now I feel bad imagining someone stuck in a void like that where they feel like the world is "on them" instead of them being "in" the world.

Re: External Locus Witch

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 8:33 am
by SpiritTalker
I think there are many people who project & are external locus. They usually aren't witches though, or if they are they haven't started to ask "what is this teaching me?"

Re: External Locus Witch

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:30 am
by Firebird
Maybe some believe it is a variety of things,
like some stuff is random some is planned and some you have control over. If the whole of existence is planned, then I gotta get off now. :lol: Even if one didn't believe in magic, to feel like you were just a pawn in some giant cosmic board game would be a depressing thought. Random things might fall in the planned category if you felt everything was happening to you, but chance meetings for instance where one has a great connection and then gone forever, maybe because of that last split-second thought to turn left instead of going home the normal route brought you to a chance encounter, I don't know how a "planned" paradigm could possible know what one has in their brain at any given moment.
Having life just happen to you would be frustrating and a bit like groundhog-day. No, I think we have way more control than we can accept sometimes and maybe sometimes we sit back and just let it unfold as it will, planned or random, A lazier take on life perhaps, because it is a lot harder to do the work yourself. The work of the witch is never ending, and way more rewarding as well.
bb, Firebird