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"Thank You" spells?

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 12:19 pm
by BlackWolf
I consider spells and prayer to be quite similar in purpose. Unfortunately, I've noticed another similarity - most spells, like most people's prayers, always seem to be asking for something. When I used to pray, in a more traditionally religious way, I always tried to say "thank you" and "sorry" (for "disturbances" like resisting my role in the overall scheme of things) more than "please".

While there are spells that I need to do, to bring about certain improvements I seek, I would REALLY like to learn some that did not ask for anything but rather just expressed gratitude to the divine for the many blessing I enjoy AND state that I both acknowledge and accept my role in this story.

Any good rituals/spells along these lines?

Thanks :-)

Re: "Thank You" spells?

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 6:27 pm
by barker
Gardening for silent thanks.
Singing for to rejoice.

Re: "Thank You" spells?

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:23 am
by SpiritTalker
Real-life sharing of one's blessings in little, every-day ways is a customary method of expressing thanks. IMO taking time & opportunity within ritual to more deeply commune with the source of all bounty is best when it springs from the heart. Adding an extra gratitude chant to ritual expresses the feeling.

A ritual sets the stage to express gratitude for the abundance of nature. A spell sets an intention to fulfill a goal. A half-way combo method could use your altar layout as a spell in itself to express the joy that is felt when considering the graces received. So - design your own eclectic-intuitive layout to express what you feel. Altars are tools to shape energy.

Re: "Thank You" spells?

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 12:39 am
by BlackWolf
Makes sense. Thank you, both :-)