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Re: Observantcat needs help.

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2019 2:57 pm
by Observantcat

Thank you so much for the advice. I've actually have been doing this everytime I remember. I focus on them, open them up, and use them to resonate, as if forcing the issues out, even the possible curses.

Slowly it seems as if things have lightened up a little, that could be the chakras activating, and pushing the bad out.

But as always, when one thing goes, another comes..

I apologize for any miss-spelling.

Blessing to all

Re: Observantcat needs help.

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2021 6:29 am
by SpiritTalker
I’d heard a KGRA talk radio program, Shannon, Into the Fray today featuring a man named Kyle and his frequently stonewalled struggle to finally diagnose Morgelans parasite disease. Kyle mentioned eliminating sugar, sugary drinks and foods, relieved his pain significantly. He said morgelans parasite resembles nano technology and is related to Lyme disease, aka Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Shannon mentioned bio-warfare studies that used ticks & bioengineered mosquitoes. Kyle mentioned chem trail technology possibly effecting morgelans. Possibly sharing this info can help others with their own diagnosis; as always consult a qualified specialist.