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Re: In need of guidance

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 8:20 am
by SpiritTalker
This Old post wasn't responded to when it was asked. Folks are still browsing it so here's a better late than never reply:

Read Thea Sabin’s Wicca for Beginners ... 188&sr=1-3
. EUTM topics. Keep a journal of your thoughts, questions, ideas. Ask specific questions.

Consider that
. the Lady 🗽 and horned Lord 🦌 represent Nature‘s duality
. the holidays represent Nature’s cycles - 🎃Samhain, 🕯Imbolc, 🌻Beltane & 🍞Lughnasa and 🌕 full moon
. the elements 💦 Water 🌎 Earth 💨 Air 🔥 Fire are the matter that manifests intentions
. altars are tools we use to direct our thoughts; we use gear to symbolize divinity and the elements
. the texts Charge of the Goddess and full Wiccan Rede are guidelines for practice

. Improve your concentration by candle gazing, observing the flame’s hypnotic dance and don’t let your mind wander.
. Practice psi balls between your hands with open palms facing but not touching. Pull power on the breath to the belly. Focus between your hands, think it & push power from the belly to your hands. Notice subtle pushback. Shake your hands to clear them.
. Place your gear inside your planned working space
. Broom-sweep a circular area walking ↪️widdershins to clear stagnation, then go deosil↩️, fume with incense, 👆🏽point & cast the circle

. Use a table, night stand or spread a cloth on the floor
. Supplies - 🍸water, 🧂salt, incense💨, oil ⚱️, candle 🕯, & pentacle ⭐️
🍸 🧂. . 💨⚱️
⭐️ Tips -
. Print out a picture of a pentacle 🌟 or draw one for your altar
. The all-purpose utility candles are sold at grocery stores
. If you can’t find incense you can substitute scented aerosol sprays
. Ritual tools can be expensive & are not recommended until after doing a year’s study


Re: In need of guidance

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:31 pm
by Panthera
Good evening, Zalindara. Personally before answering to someone I appreciate to have at least one presentation of the person, it allows to advise him/her according to his/her background, ideas, desires.