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Candles and Spells

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 1:45 pm
by .xAlyssa.
I just wanted to know... What do the colours of the candles mean? Can we just use any candles when doing a spell? When lighting a candle for a spell, do we have to wait for it to go out or finish before it can actually work? I know its a lot of questions but im just curious... Thanks. :]

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:19 pm
by .xAlyssa.
Okay thanks a lot! :] It really helped.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:54 pm
by WitchyLady506
This question has been asked a few times, so look around a little bit, especially in the witch school area to find more info.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 3:51 pm
by shadowx
I will go against Earth wolf.

The candles act only as a point of focus, allowing your mind to concentrate on the silence and peace, allowing you to focus on the energy you need to raise rather than the knocks from downstairs, or the car outside etc....

They carry no power, they are merely string encased in wax infused with petroleum or some other flammable liquid. The flame is nothing more than a gas made of carbon atoms glowing orange hot from an exothermic reaction whereby oxygen is fused with carbon and hydrogen atoms.

Nothing more.

The power comes from you.

The colours also have no affect or power. All they do is tune your mind in. You see pink and red you think love and passion. you THINK it, hence you FEEL it, and what you feel goes into your magick, thus you would raise loving, passionate energy. Black feels secretive, dark, possibly with negative feelings. Hence using a black candle you would raise energy pertaining to negativity, protection, removal etc...

The key here is that the colour does naff all, it is your mind that does it all. The colour just tells your mind what to do, if you can get that feeling of protection without the candle then you can quite easily raise the same protective energy as someone using candles.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 4:27 pm
by Peregrine
Heh. I was about to say it but shadowx beat me to it, I see. I recall asking a few times about color and candles in the past. Similar answers had been given to me here as shadowx said... it's all personal.

Some people have said that they use black candles for invisibility spells. Others have said they use green candles for love, luck, money, and fertility spells in addition to healing spells as already mentioned. I like yellow to promote happiness and cheer along with healing (happy spirit, happy body). Orange works for me along these lines too, but also for courage and resilience if there are major changes going on in my life.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 6:23 pm
by WitchyLady506
I personally tend to only use black candles. I feel black and things like night are very comforting and since black is the combination of every colour than it can represent everything, especially power and more than anything, it's not the candle with power, for me it's the flame. It helps me to concentrate and focus, which is also the only reason I use candles, is to help me focus.

Like I said, this has been discussed a few times, with pretty much the same answers. But yeah, do what you feel makes sense to you. There is no right/wrong way.

Re: Candles and Spells

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2019 8:12 pm
by SpiritTalker
Old topic

Colors have various uses in magic because the colors trigger mental associations.There’s no single meaning, only associations to the task. Color lists vary by associations based on 5 elements, 7 chakras, 7 planetary vibrations, deities, seasons ... so candle color is flexible.

Elemental colors: Favored for simple magic
Air-intellect-yellow, 🟡
Fire-vitality-red, 🔴
Water-emotions-blue, 🔵
Earth-prosperity-green, 🟢
Aether-spirituality-purple 🟣

Chakras - favored by “light-workers” & healers
Crown: White - Devine truth, spirit contact ⚪️
3rd Eye: Purple - spirituality, higher-self 🟣
Throat: Blue - truth, fidelity, communication, focusing in meditation 🔵
Heart: Green - health, fertility, over-all well-being 🟢; self-confidence, peace - Pink
Solar Plexus: Yellow - intellect, knowledge, intuition, psychism 🟡
Belly Button: Orange - energy, tenacity, strength, courage 🟠
Sex Organs: Red, Magenta - power, passion, vitality, sex 🔴
Base of spine: Black - grounding, protection ⚫️

Planets: For standard magic
Sun-Sunday-healing-yellow, 🟡
Moon-Mon-psychism-white, ⚪️
Mercury-Wed-communication-turquoise, 🔷
Jupiter-Thur-finance-blue, 🔵
Venus-Fri-love-green, 🟢
Saturn-Sat-banish-black ⚫️

You can also use candle colors related to deity when making appeals or on altars
Goddess - primordial mother-black⬛️; maiden-white◻️, mother-red 🟥, crone-black⬛️; Moon-silver🔘
God - primordial light bearer-white◽️; Lord of forest-green🟩; Sun-gold🟨

Basic candle spell

Select a candle of the size that gives the desired burn-time - tea lights, tapers & votives are all popular. One spell per candle is preferred & a candle should be allowed to burn completely. It’s OK to snuff a flame and relight at a later time and if timed burns run over a few days on the same candle. Dispose of candle stubs in the trash.

Dressing the candle: Etch signs, names, dates before applying oil. Then dab & spread oil along the taper candle or
dab :-: on top of a tea light or votive. The oil holds the energy of the intention to the candle. Stand the candle in it's holder & place your hands around it or hold it in your hands; pull power on the breath from earth & sky to your belly; then focus on the goal, exhale to push the focused intent into the candle & state intention or repeat your incantation. If you add herbs or any stones they should be similarly charged & placed with the candle. Light the wick.

The spell: Sit quietly while focussing your gaze on the flame for a few minutes until you are aware only of the flame; know in your gut that the spell is already fulfilled upon the Ethers. This is the heart of the spell & uses the witch-power "to know" a thing is so. (Knowing is like a hunch). You don't need to visualize when you know.
