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Locations for spells

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 8:23 pm
by loona wynd
I thought that this would be an interesting topic to discuss. In my studies and reading of various types of folk magic I have found that location can play a key role in working spells effectively. This can be where the spell is cast or where items are gathered from, or even possibly places to dispose of spells and ritual items when they are no longer being used. Locations include cross roads, rivers, businesses, houses, types of trees, and much more. So what are your thoughts on working with the energetic forces of locations for spells?

Re: Locations for spells

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:19 am
by YanaKhan
In folk magick, crossroads and rivers have special place for disposing of spells. I, myself never pick a coin that lays on a crossroad as it could be a bad luck with money disposed by someone else for someone to find it.
There is this ritual where young girls gather and put willow wreaths into a cauldron filled with water and chant for while. Then they throw them in the river. Whose wreath goes ahead, she is to get married first.
I know of a method of knowing if you have a hex made on you with water and egg. After finding out if there is one, you are supposed to dispose of the water and egg throwing it to the river.
Springs play a role too. In many folk spells I know you are supposed to gather "silent" water directly from the spring. (Silent means you are not to talk on your way to the spring and back home).
It all makes sense to me as certain locations have certain energies and you can feel it. It is said that my country is on a crossroad leading to Europe and that's why many wars have been fought here. I can also understand why the river is supposed to clear the energies - you can never step in the same water that runs in the river. It washes away the bad and carries the good. The water from the spring is supposedly the clearest one there is.
Fertility spells for crops are often buried in the field. For example on Easter we clash with eggs and the strongest egg is buried in the field so the crops can be as strong. (There's an example of Christianity incorporating pagan traditions :D ).
In folk traditions, rituals and spells are usually made out in the open so the Gods hear your plea or see your sacrifice.

Re: Locations for spells

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:37 pm
by loona wynd
Elcida you just gave several wonderful examples of location based folk magic spells. Thank you. I'm going to quote the individual specifics and comment on them to show the separate points and to have discussions on them.
Elcida wrote:In folk magick, crossroads and rivers have special place for disposing of spells. I, myself never pick a coin that lays on a crossroad as it could be a bad luck with money disposed by someone else for someone to find it.
I've heard that one good reason for disposing of spell components at cross roads is that it will disperse the energy out in all directions that way and it is away from your back yard or home. This allows the energy to be recycled and used in any way possible. I bet there is a similar reason for performing some rituals and spells at cross roads as well.
Elcida wrote: There is this ritual where young girls gather and put willow wreaths into a cauldron filled with water and chant for while. Then they throw them in the river. Whose wreath goes ahead, she is to get married first.
Thats interesting. Seems more like folk divination, but folk magic and folk divination are often tied together.
Elcida wrote: I know of a method of knowing if you have a hex made on you with water and egg. After finding out if there is one, you are supposed to dispose of the water and egg throwing it to the river.
I've heard of a similar one using the egg yolk in a bowl to see if you have the evil eye (a specific curse) cast upon you. I've also see eggs used as powerful uncrossing spells. Eggs it seems are a very popular component in folk magic.
Elcida wrote: Springs play a role too. In many folk spells I know you are supposed to gather "silent" water directly from the spring. (Silent means you are not to talk on your way to the spring and back home).
Do those springs have any specific associations with them or just any spring? I've read a few interesting spells to be done on or near springs for different results and I've read about using running water in spells to both remove something and bring something in your life. I think in that case the direction the river is flowing in is key to if its manifesting something new coming into your life or manifesting something leaving or being removed from your life.
Elcida wrote: It all makes sense to me as certain locations have certain energies and you can feel it.
I would agree with that myself.
Elcida wrote:It is said that my country is on a crossroad leading to Europe and that's why many wars have been fought here.
Can you feel that energy there?
Elcida wrote:I can also understand why the river is supposed to clear the energies - you can never step in the same water that runs in the river. It washes away the bad and carries the good. The water from the spring is supposedly the clearest one there is.
That reminds me of a quote from a Pocahontas Song (Disney movie) where she says "You can never step in the same river twice. The rivers always changing always flowing". The song is called "Just around the River Bend".
Elcida wrote:
Fertility spells for crops are often buried in the field. For example on Easter we clash with eggs and the strongest egg is buried in the field so the crops can be as strong. (There's an example of Christianity incorporating pagan traditions :D ).
Thats very interesting. I've always seen a connection between eggs and fertility, but that spell is nice and simple. Thats why I like it so much.
Elcida wrote: In folk traditions, rituals and spells are usually made out in the open so the Gods hear your plea or see your sacrifice.
I don't know if that applies to all folk traditions.

Re: Locations for spells

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:21 am
by YanaKhan
loona wynd wrote: Do those springs have any specific associations with them or just any spring? I've read a few interesting spells to be done on or near springs for different results and I've read about using running water in spells to both remove something and bring something in your life. I think in that case the direction the river is flowing in is key to if its manifesting something new coming into your life or manifesting something leaving or being removed from your life.
Elcida wrote: The ones I've heard don't say it should be any special location, just any spring.
Elcida wrote:It is said that my country is on a crossroad leading to Europe and that's why many wars have been fought here.
Can you feel that energy there?
I can feel energy in certain locations that used to be sanctuaries. One is near my home and once I get there, I can feel I am adjusting (can't really explain it) to the energy of the place. It's a dead volcano and there was a sanctuary there once. I have felt this same energy and adjusting in other places. But to speak of the whole country, I don't really know. Maybe if someone comes here from a different place can tell. I live here and even if the energy is different, I couldn't possibly tell. I lived in England for a year, but then I wasn't really aware of my own energy, let alone the countries :)

Re: Locations for spells

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:25 pm
by Fjäll1291
In Swedish folk magic, "crossways", water running North, cemetery, a house that has been moved three times, fireplace and the doorway are the best places for spells.

Re: Locations for spells

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:39 am
by Seraphin
In Hoodoo you could get something in this following places or dispose the materials to make your spells more potent and powerful: Hospital, to heal someone or to cause injury; city boundaries, to make someone leave your town; crossroads, to seal or fix a magick trick; forests, to conceal to the spell; court house, to make someone win or lose a court case; a jail, to get someone arrested; running rivers, to purify or remove jinxes; the office or workplace, to get the job you want or make someone get fired; or a graveyard, to... yes I know you get the idea.

Re: Locations for spells

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:10 am
by mrsdavid1975
I use dirt from my grandfather's grave sometimes.

Once I went to visit him at the cemetery. I had my kids with me. It was like the second time I'd ever been. He never got to meet my sons because he died of Alzheimer's when I was 16. (His own son drowned when he was 12 . I know he would love his grandsons. )

When I was little I would hang out with papa on his farm and every time we'd go , I'd pick up Quartz from the ground. So to this day Quartz reminds me of him .. ( I'm going somewhere with this. Haha. Bear with me )

We were visiting and my youngest son freaked out. He said " OMG! WE HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDAY!!!" So I told him about how he's so much like papa in personality. And that I miss papa. Then the boys made a heart shape out of the rocks that were laying there. They put a heart on his marker. ... ( my kids were BOYS yall. Like to the core. Into everything. Fought all the time. Lol. Never sat still. For them to simply work together to do THAT was a miracle ahah)

As we left, my youngest son looked down and said MOM LOOK ! there beneath our feet was a heart shaped rock. As big as your entire hand. Made of ( Georgia) low grade Quartz . It was beautiful. I use it in my work to this day. Especially when I feel I need to feel loved .. Or do ancestry work.

I also used a crossroad behind my old home as a sacred space . I don't live there now but the energies there were very good and I enjoyed the place.

I use my incense and burnings remains to make my own black salt. As long as it wasn't a work that I don't want connected to anything else such as expelling .

Re: Locations for spells

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:43 am
by Becks
That's a lovely story about your Grandpa.