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PSYCHIC KIDS: Children of the Paranormal episodes

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:40 am
by Kassandra
To watch an episode, click here:
Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal

Note: If you don't see all (or any) parts of an episode, you probably have
to wait until the episode repeats. You could also buy the season dvd
at the end of the season.


Many of you may see yourselves in these childrens' experiences. Those of you with guardians (parents, grandparents, aunt or uncle, etc.) and friends who don't understand your psychic abilities, may find it useful to watch this show with them. Perhaps it may open the door to discussions that may help create bridges of understanding in your family. Tell them they could create an account here to discuss their questions with members of this message board.

But if it still isn't possible to discuss it with people you know at this time for whatever reason, perhaps you will just learn more about your own abilities through watching this show. And that's a good thing too.

Below are reviews I've written that I hope shed light on some of the phenomena presented in the episodes (the length of the review depends on how much time I had that day to type it, lol!). But feel free to post and share your experiences, questions, feelings about this show, or anything else here, or send me a private message. You could also search this message board for experiences and comments on related topics, as posted by members over the years: Search the EUTM Site


Episode Title: Crossing Over

Concepts presented in this episode:
Spirit guides
Extrasensory perception
Defining boundaries
Believing Eyes

Spirit guides
Hannah, 11, fears the spirit that is around her daily, whom she calls "Jordan." With Chip's help, she stops to communicate with Jordan, rather than avoid him. She discovers that Jordan is a "guardian spirit," whose goal is to protect her. And she believes, upon reflection, that he may have actually been a father to her in a past life. This gives her a great deal of relief. This is an example of discernment. Rather than assume all spirits around you are bad (or good), take the time to communicate with each one first, to discern its reason for being around you. Talk to it. Listen for the response. If it had bad intentions, you probably would have felt it before it even showed up, and you just handle it accordingly. But if it has good intentions, there may be more to the story that you might want to know about. Don't be fearful, and don't assume anything. Just take the time to find out the facts first.

Extrasensory perception
Savannah, 10, gets a ringing sensation and pressure in her ears when ghosts are nearby. That's her body's unique way of reacting to what we normally could not perceive with our regular sensory organs. How does your body react to spirits? You might feel a sensation in your stomach, or dizziness in your head, burning in your palms (like I do), etc. Your body will react in its own unique way. Do you remember in Lord of the Rings when Frodo's sword, Sting, turned blue whenever Orcs were nearby? Well, your body's reaction is like the sword. It is merely letting you know spirits are nearby. Conversely, your body may not react in any way at all. But if it does, don't fear the sensation you feel. Just because you sense them, doesn't mean they mean you harm. Just use your body's reaction as your extrasensory guidance system, because that's all it is.

"Just because you get creeped out, doesn't mean something bad is going to happen. It just means we're creeped out."
"And the way to lessen it, is by facing it."
--Chip and Edy

Frodo's sword, "Sting"

Defining boundaries
Shauniece, 10, is probably the most terrified of the 3 girls. The distraction of spirit presence at school affects her concentration, and ultimately her grades. Chip teaches her a phrase to say to define her boundaries with spirits when she senses their presence. Most spirits are just glad you could perceive their presence because no one else does, and they try to talk your ear off, giving you messages to tell their loved ones, etc. Again, this is where discernment and ascertaining what their intentions are comes in. But you have a life to live. You are not a 24hr message board for the spirit realm. There are times when you have to make your boundaries known, and state them, sometimes strongly, to the spirits. Depending on why they are around you, most of the time they will obey your wishes and respect your boundaries; but you must first set them, or else how will they know how you feel?

"The worst part about having this ...'gift,' is that nobody else can see what you're seeing. It makes me feel isolated."

Believing Eyes
In Chapter 31 of her book "Ask Your Guides," metaphysical teacher Sonia Choquette describes the concept of "believing eyes." She emphasizes the positive impact talking to like-minded people (with the same abilities, or at least an interest in them) has on our self-esteem and personal growth. Chip leads the girls in openly displaying their abilities for the first time by doing a mediumship reading for Alida (whom I get is a member of the production crew, but I could be wrong). Now openly using abilities they once kept hidden from others, the girls gained confidence and a new appreciation for their abilities. In a post titled "Gifted but scared" around the middle of the thread I list several ways you could express the spirit encounters you're experiencing, including blogging, journaling, attending development circles, or doing readings for others. On some of these episodes psychic kids have even worked on missing person cases or paranormal investigations. So you don't have to suppress your abilities. Try to find "believing eyes" instead, or at least express them in some way.

"I feel amazed."
"It's like, a miracle."
--Hannah and Savannah, when they realized the
accuracy of their own mediumship readings for Alida


Episode Title: Family Secrets

"The intent of the seekers affects the results. So if you're scared, you might get fearful energy.
So try not to let your fear get the best of you."
--Chip Coffey and others

This episode is situated in an area which was a stop off site of America's "Underground Railroad," an elaborate system of escape routes African American slaves used to get to the northern United States or Canada. Prior to that, it was also a Revolutionary War encampment and munitions storage site. So understandably there's ghost activity frequently reported there by visitors. The team uses a device that's kind of an "electronic ouija board" to let the spirits speak (I gotta get me one of those!), and an interesting story unravels before them.

Three teenaged girls, Jordi, Peyton and Riley see ghosts regularly, and have since they were little kids. Jordi's mother reveals that she too has mediumship ability, yet didn't feel comfortable sharing it with the family (just where are the dads in these shows? anyway....). Peyton and Riley's mother, however, has no clue what to do. Meaning well, she had tried to help her eldest daughter Peyton suppress it, which ended up having a detrimental effect: Peyton was medicated, hospitalized in a psychiatric ward, then released and put on "observation" for several months. With her younger daughter Riley she vowed to take a different route to help her, and sought out the help of Chip Coffey and the staff of the Psychic Kids show.

"She feels like she's a lighthouse, and all these spirits are ships just coming at her."
--Peyton's mom

What is helpful is that Chip and the other experts on the show, including a professional paranormal investigator, work together to explain to the girls what they are experiencing, and how paranormal stuff works in general. It is a validating relief for the girls to openly discuss and use their abilities around other people. Additionally, a professional psychotherapist helps the mothers and daughters discuss their feelings to work through their differences. Dealing with psychic ability in families can be a divisive issue, as many of you know all too well.

"I turned over my child to you two, and in turn, you gave us a family back."
--Jordi's mom


Episode Title: Ghost School

Paranormal investigator and psychic medium Chris Fleming works with two boys to help them face their fears and come to terms with their ability to see spirits.

"How does that make you feel, that a ghost or a spirit is afraid, too?"
"It gives me a better understanding that ...they have feelings too, even though they've passed on, and stuff."
"They're, like, regular people just without a body."
--Chris Fleming (psychic medium), Colton and Bryson (psychic kids)

Both boys' fathers' disbelief brings Chris to tears as he remembers the pain his own father's disbelief caused within his family. Ironically enough, during filming of this episode Colton's father experiences "close-encounters" of his own, and we see yet another example of mediumship running in the family, unbeknownst to the family members themselves.

"He needs you to accept him for who he is. And by believing, you will give support to him."
--a tearful Chris Fleming to Colton's dad, Merrill


Psychic Kids episode: "Demon in the Mirror"

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:13 pm
by Kassandra
Episode Title: Demon in the Mirror

Concepts presented in this episode:
Moving beyond fear
Art therapy
Animal reading
Energy healing
Mirrors as portals

Moving beyond fear

When paranormal abilities are misunderstood, it causes fear all the way around. Alexandra, 17, is frightened by frequent visits, especially at night, from spirits who seem to want her to help them. Her mother wants her to resolve this fear before she turns 18 and leaves for college.

I would like to turn off my gift. 'Cause right now it's 'Open 24 hours for Business,' and I don't want that. I want to close the door and say, 'OK, don't bother me right now.' So I want control over it."

Tammy, 15, is terrified of mirrors. For several years before the filming of this episode, Tammy claimed to have been harassed by a spirit, which she called "The Demon Lady," that she claimed manifested itself in any mirror into which she looked. She claimed the spirit went so far as visibly scratching her. Though she felt she could discuss this with her sister, she felt her mother could not handle it, and it alienated the two of them.

"It's such as isolating experience...She lives in the fear, she totally lives in the fear." --Alexandra's mom
"And it's not like you can talk to other people about it. They act like you're crazy." --Tammy's mom

In this episode, both girls get a chance to use their sensitivity to energies in constructive, non-fear-based ways for the first time in their lives, which helped them gain confidence in controlling these abilities on their own.

Art therapy
Alexandra uses artwork to express the spirits she sees. This is especially effective if you have no one with whom you feel comfortable talking about your paranormal experiences. You don't need to explain what your pictures mean. People will just think they're your "artwork," and that's that. You, on the other hand, may find it deeply therapeutic to express yourself through art. You can be your own "art therapist."
As a little girl, psychic medium Rita Berkowitz drew the faces of the spirits she would see.
She now incorporates this practice into her psychic mediumship readings for others.

Animal Communication

Another way of utilizing sensitivity to energy is through working with animals. Alexandra always believed that she was sensitive to animals and could understand their feelings. To explore this further, she worked with a professional animal psychic, and used her abilities of clairvoyance ("clear seeing") and clairsentience to ascertain the facts about a dog's life. She could see and feel that the dog had an illness that affected his nervous system, and had been abused earlier in his life. The dog's owner confirmed the details of her observations.

Performing a psychic "read" on an animal is no different than reading a human. This is because one's past, present and sometimes future (as in a major illness, or death in a short timespan) are recorded in one's aura, and could therefore be read at any given moment by someone sensitive enough to perceive those energy patterns. Dogs and other animals, like humans, have auras and the same information is likewise "readable" in them.

"I can communicate with animals. They speak with 'pictures,' and like, emotions and stuff." --Alexandra

Energy healing

Sensitivity to energy in general enables one to sense spirit entities, but it also enables one to channel energy itself in order to effect positive changes. We're all manifestations of energy, which is variously called life force, prana, chi (also spelled qi, but still pronounced chi), ki, etc. And anyone can learn to channel this life force energy; for example Reiki practitioners manipulate it toward healing purposes, witches will use it toward spell work, etc.

Under the direction of a professional energy healer, Tammy used her clairsentience ("clear feeling") to describe back pain which plagued a volunteer "patient," pain of which Tammy was not previously aware. The healer then showed her how to channel healing energy through her hands toward the patient's back pain. This gave her satisfaction as she found a positive way to use her sensitivity to energy.

In the post Energy healing practice ideas, I describe some of the many opportunities that surround us to freely practice manipulating energy for healing; perhaps you could think of others. One could also take it a step further by formally learning energy healing through any number of teachers of this subject, and perhaps one day practice professionally as an energy healer. I would add that it appears our Earth Mother, and all our relations, could use as many energy healers as possible to help them heal. In my experience, when one projects healing energy, one somehow receives as much healing energy in return, if not more. You can palpably feel this during and after a healing session. Try it!

Mirrors as portals
Since ancient times mirrors have been used for scrying and other divination purposes. It's even said mirrors could be portals to other dimensions, and that spirits could occupy them at will, even "dwell" in them indefinitely. Tammy works with everyone to overcome her fear of "The Demon Lady" in the mirror by confronting this entity and finally overcoming her fear.


Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:04 am
by Sallydreams
I love this show. I learned alot about aura's watching it. I can pick up on aura's randomly... only when it's at the most importance for me to know that person's aura, it seems.

But on the show they were teaching what the aura colors mean, and even what kind of shapes around a person they mean and so forth.

Just an awesome, informative, show to watch.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:10 am
by Kassandra
Glad the show is informative for you, Sallydreams. You might consider buying Aura Energy: for Health, Healing and Balance by Joe H. Slate, Ph.D. The bulk of the book is how to use auric information to bring about balance where one's personal energy is imbalanced, and to use auric reading as a diagnostic tool to tap into one's latent potential. It has a lot of exercises in it to help you fine tune your ability to see auras, as well as, more importantly, actually interpret what you're seeing.


Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:18 am
by Sallydreams
I will have to look into that book.

I didn't even know what Auras WERE (as far as witnessing it for yourself) until I saw that episode and was like, 'HOLY CRAP!'

It was just amazing that these kids knew exactly what they were experiencing and knew how to interpret it (way better than me, anyway) and I just thought my eyes were doing something funky.

Psychic Kids episode: "Terror in the Night"

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:21 pm
by Kassandra
Episode Title: Terror in the Night

Concepts presented in this episode:
Precognitive Dreams
Automatic Writing

Precognitive Dreams

Since she was about 4 years old, Tori, 14, has had dreams of future events that come true, such as a neighbor's death, or the 9/11 terrorist attack in America. As is typical with people who have a pronounced capability with precognition, she feels terrified, helpless and riddled with guilt from an irrational belief that somehow she's responsible for these events occurring.

Toward the end of the thread that begins with the post "Gifted but scared -how do I deal with visions?" I suggest some orderly outlets for expressing general psychic impressions and precognitive visions. Rather than be menaced by your impressions of the future, express them somehow, and in the process work at separating yourself from them emotionally. Precognition is just something you do; you are not responsible for the content of your precognitive visions or dreams.

So if you experience precognition, try to express your visions in some way so they're not bottled up inside you causing you grief, then let them go. Meditation is a great way to help you gain control of your thoughts and emotions, and help you let the visions go. For several meditation ideas, see toward the end of the thread beginning with the post "Connecting with spirit guides."

Viewing Fragments of Time
It might help to think of the increments of time surrounding an event including its past, present, and future as little "fragments" that could be viewed holistically all at once, like a completed jigsaw puzzle (rather than set in a linear, start-to-finish "timeline," as we're accustomed to thinking of it), or viewed separately piece by piece, event by event, in a non-linear order.

Think of precognitive people as having the ability to "see" more of those fragments at one time, than the rest of us. But those fragments of activity would occur whether they were "seen" by anyone or not, so precognitive people do not "cause" them to happen just because they can see them.

Fragmenting different aspects of an event in time is like looking
at different parts of the same image in a fragmented mirror. This is the
basis of the artistic movement called "cubism" in early 20th century.
Picasso and his colleague Georges Braque were the creators of
this multi-faceted style of visual representation, which turned the
traditional art establishment upside down ...or rather, shattered it
to pieces.

Photo by Jason McDonald:
In the movie Minority Report the ethics of using precognition in crime fighting are explored. Should people
be arrested for "future crimes" they'll commit? And should precognitive people, "pre-cogs" as they're called
in this movie, be "used" like this, denied normal lifestyles for the sake of the "greater good"? As their
numbers now increase, what will be the role in society of young people with advanced psychic abilities,
those whom we now call "Psychic Kids?"

Automatic Writing
Though she always expressed herself by drawing or writing, Caitlyn, 17, works with Chip to actually use automatic writing to do a reading of the psychic impressions she perceives in a room. She drew a picture of the figure of an older woman she "saw" (clairvoyantly), and wrote words she"heard" (clairaudiently) the deceased woman say. Caitlyn was surprised and felt she wasn't doing the writing,though she was.

Since everyone is psychic, that is, we all have different levels of intuitive ability, anyone can train themselves to do automatic writing. It is merely another way to be a medium, one who mediates the communications between the spiritual and physical realms. In the thread starting with the post Automatic writing (well typing) EUTM members share their experiences with automatic writing. Be sure to read toward the end of the thread, where anewcrusader shares a cautionary tale about exercising discernment with the spirit energies/entities you encounter through automatic writing.

Automatic writing can be very much like using a ouija board, so work with your spirit guides to protect your space, ground and center yourself, and set very clear intentions in your mind before you begin. Always feel free to "uninvite" any energies you don't want around you.
