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What should I do to get rid of spirits that keep coming back

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 7:51 pm
by LookingForAnswers
For the past 3 days I've been encountering some strange noises. It first started out as a light Knocking sound as if something were in the walls. The next day, when I was home alone, I heard footsteps and voices in our basement. It sounded like people were going up and down the stairs and I could hear the faint voice of a woman. My dogs and cats were all upstairs with me, and we never let them down there anyway. I also heard a door creak open down there. I thought someone had broken into our house, and I was so terrified I almost called 911. I texted my mom and she came home. She checked all of the doors and windows and they were locked. No cars were in the driveway and no windows were smashed.

Right now, I'm kind of nervous. I can hear voices somewhere in the house and I can hear creaking and footsteps in my parent's room. The voices are like a low hum. They sound far off. Something about them is comforting, though. They sound...familiar, for some reason. We don't have any sage, what should I do?

This only happens when I'm home alone. I haven't been this afraid of an entity in about 6 months. I used to hear what sounded like scratching on my bed, and my bed would even shake. No cats were in my room, but even if they were, they couldn't move my bed because they're old and frail.

I never got (or get) any of this on camera because my phone runs out of charge right as something big happens. And the worst part is that my mom doesn't believe me! I feel unsafe in my own home. I've tried to tell them to go away, but they always come back worse. On a side note, I made a Ouija board out of cardboard a few months ago and used a penny as a planchet. I said goodbye when I was done and have stored both the penny and board separately. Could that be the cause?

Re: What should I do to get rid of spirits that keep coming

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 10:08 pm
by SpiritTalker
Let me just ask why you made the Ouija Board? Was there some specific purpose that hasn't been acknowledged? If so, attend to that. It seems that you may have opened a door ... If not in space & time, then at least within your own psychic perception. Grounding & shielding come immediately to mind to close off reception. Cover the board in salt to neutralize it & remove it from the house. Ask your spirit guide or guardian angel, or whatever you believe in to take charge.

Voices and random noises can't harm us but sure can rattle us. Batteries draining is common to the phenomena. What would you get on camera? You didn't mention sightings. Sometimes just telling the random voices to pipe down is enough.

Camphor can clear spirits from an area. Crushed up & dissolved in blessed water & sprinkled, or a small amount burned on a charcoal to make smoke. The charcoal is the kind from metaphysical shops, not BBQ kind. Open a window 1st. Camphor is in moth balls, but also comes in small, single blocks. Depends on what your store carries.

Disperse disturbing ghosts & spirits, prep a candle for intent & read aloud both Ps 144 and 145, according to William Oribello's Magic with the psalms.

Re: What should I do to get rid of spirits that keep coming

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 11:41 am
by LookingForAnswers
When I made it I didn't have any specific purpose in mind. I just kind of did it because a few people I know said they did it but nothing happened, so I decided to try it out myself. I did it over the summer. I don't ever get anything on camera, just random noise overtop of static or silence.

Re: What should I do to get rid of spirits that keep coming

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 1:13 pm
by SpiritTalker
Ok - got it; not photos but recordings something like Electronic Voice Phenomenon. Ghost hunters delight if a few words get recorded. Since you have shown an interest in spirit communication you might look at some YouTube channels like Steve Huff. IMO his approach is not all click bait. Remember to think before you act when exploring the spirit realm. You might do some blog reading by mediums since those are the folks who are familiar with spirit communication. Use discretion & avoid the sensation-seeking types if you honestly want to learn about the subject. Working strictly with your spirit guide is safer than random spirit-off-the-street contact. It helps to learn how to actually recognize separate, individual energy signatures by practicing with the auras of your friend's. You can learn that pretty quickly by practicing blind fold & sensing each other. It's just another psi-sense. Mainly i'd hope you regard the subject with respect but don't fear it. Dead or alive people have real feelings. Do some reading before playing around & work with a purpose. I have no fault to find with using a Ouija Board; that's how I'd started when I was 16 with friend's in the dorm & we were as dumb as bricks with no clue. Our guides stepped in. Learn to know yours.

Re: What should I do to get rid of spirits that keep coming

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 2:42 pm
by LookingForAnswers
I've watched Steve huff before! I quite enjoy his videos.