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Am I supposed to hear something?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 10:30 pm
by Firebird
In the last several days I have been experiencing something touching me on the top of the head at the same place in the room and in the garden a couple times. In this same time period a spot on my right forearm is ticking like someone touching me lightly or brushing my arm with a feather, the spot is small less the a square inch. I'll look at my arm to see if there is movement but then it stops or I'll brush my arm off because it's irritating, yet the sensation returns shortly.

Then in the same time period my earrings which have been in my head for years, I even sleep and shower with them (camp too) when suddenly they want to snag my scarf and hat and jacket. Once so bad I was like all tangled up and had to remove the earring to get un twisted, it was weird, then I almost walked away without it. Yesterday the left earring just flew out of my ear and across the room as I was walking in the back door. I was like wtf is going on here?

I feel like I may have missed a
I want to say this has happened before and when coming in that same door, and I think I posted about it but I'm not sure, feels kinda like deja vu. If any one remembers me talking about this or you know where the post is, I'd be most obliged. Or if you have any thoughts on the matter at all, I'm curious.
Thanks, FF

Re: Am I supposed to hear something?

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 1:43 am
by SnowCat
Who used to use things like that to get your attention, that has passed? H a very asked who it is and what they need?


Re: Am I supposed to hear something?

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 12:39 pm
by SpiritTalker
Maybe it's yourself saying to listen to some advice you'd received and discredited? The left is the receiving side, re: the left earring flying out as you passed through a door/portal between, coming into the home, so the topic of advice may be home related?

Re: Am I supposed to hear something?

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 12:21 am
by Firebird
@ SnowCat, I've been racking my brain and can't seem to recall anyone on the other side who would do that. Some one here on this plane, yes, but not passed. Seems you and I talked about that threshold before. I went looking but maybe I put it under a different topic.
@ SpiritTalker, after I re-read your response, I got a stomach ache...I believe that may be it. This is the year for some major change and one of them may be selling this house, just don't know, there is so much involved and so much to consider. And some of it involves my mom.
I think about the woman who passed in this house, and in that room very near the doorway. We weren't terribly close but she was a witch. I sometimes wonder if it is her.
I have had other trouble at that threshold, right upon pasing through the opening one year I had a tachycardia that ended me in the hosp. with an adenosine push. (Ugh terrible feeling)
The threshold has double doors yet the other half is rarely opened. I do not always open the other side when smudging the house, is there a possibility that something is lodged or stuck in the unopened door? Or is the spirit of the dead witch trying to talk...honestly I would have thought her to move on spiritually, she was so comfortable with the notion of being re-born into the arms of her mother.

Re: Am I supposed to hear something?

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 7:22 pm
by planewalker

Time going from one plane of existence to another doesn't always match. No standard time on the other side. Been there -done that.I'm only here because I'm supposed to be. I flat lined every machine I was hooked up to, even the E.E.G.
I was brain-dead ( Yes I've heard the jokes ) for two minutes and thirty-eight seconds.


Re: Am I supposed to hear something?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 4:07 pm
by Firebird
It dawned on me just now that this could have been my friend reaching out ... 34706.html trying to get my attention to call.
I like that these posts are dated, when I happened upon this post today and looked at the dates, I thought hummmm wasn't that about the same week my friend crossed over? He passed on the 26th, I first posted about this on the 21st. I wonder if the veil that was thinning for him sent messengers to say contact him! Contact him! That's why the earring, I would never hear his voice again.
Just pondering...